While inspired by Eudaimonia's recent typing by GulenCo™, this question is only incidentally related.

I am wondering what you all think about the accuracy of people's self-perception of their type. My policy has always been that I consider all my typings tentative until the typee agrees with me that they are the type I believe them to be and usually prefer to also have the agreement of at least one other typist I trust. One of my aunts (SLI) and one of my cousins (EII) are both super into Socionics as well, and I often try to get their input on my assessments because we're all sure of each other's types and have similar standards.

That's a bit of a tangent though.

I think it's important for the typee to agree with the typing because I assume most people are always holding back some information about themselves, and if they seem to seriously disagree with some aspect of my typing of them (without reason as far as I can discern), I attribute it to withheld information that I don't know about. Either that, or dishonesty somewhere in their answers to my questions. I don't hold this against people by the way. I think people are naturally dishonest and secretive about some things. I'm not making any kind of moral judgement about this. I just think it's important to keep in mind when typing people, especially if they passionately disagree with your typing of them. It may of course be other reasons too. They might have a misunderstanding around some element, or not like the image the have in their minds of the type you think they are, but I think in many cases the problem lies in the quality of information transferred from typee to typist. It may not be the typee's fault in any way either. They might just not know how to articulate their internal workings effectively, and get frustrated when they feel they can't communicate something they know to be true about themselves.

What do y'all think though? How much emphasis do you place on the typee's self-perceptions? Why do you or don't you care?

P.S. Just to reiterate, this isn't about you @Eudaimonia. Your thread just inspired me to write about something else I'd been thinking about lol