What is the most important thing when evaluating a person? What are the most fundamental qualities in it? The answer to this question depends on the purpose of the assessment. The experience of personnel consulting and the analysis of psychological theories of personality shows that in order to select personnel for organizations, it is necessary to firmly know the four parameters of a person as a person:

- temperament,
- installation on the type of activity,
- system of internal values ​​and
- informal role in the group.

The concept of " temperament " generalizes the emotional and dynamic qualities of a person. In total, the methodology of socialization distinguishes the following four temperaments in descending order of energy: linear-assertive, flexible-reversible, receptive-adaptive and balanced-stable.

The problem of leadership is based on temperaments. It is unlikely that you will ever become a leader if nature has deprived you of energy. To be a successful leader, you need to be an extrovert. Linear-assertive types best cope with the role of a formal leader, and flexible-revolving - an informal one.

There are no organizations that would consist of leaders alone. A leader is worth nothing without the performers he leads. The best performers come from people with introverted temperaments. Balanced-stable personalities are the most suitable formal executors, and receptive-adaptive ones are suitable for the role of informal, that is, situational executors.

The installation
does not say anything about the vigor of a person , but indicates the most effective sphere for the application of his efforts. There are four large areas in society, fundamentally different in their specifics, namely: technical and economic, socio-political, humanitarian and scientific research spheres.

A person of a technical warehouse will be ineffective in the psychology of management and vice versa. If a technocrat seeks to manage administrative levers, then a person born in the humanities, no matter what education he has, will take care of the moral and psychological climate in his organization.

In the same way, a scientist versed in fundamental theory is ill-suited to serve demanding clients. It is wiser to separate these opposing attitudes in accordance with their specialization. Let the researcher be engaged in strategic planning and development of economic models, and the socially oriented worker perform the work related to interpersonal communication.

After the division of labor, the personologist is interested in the value system by which the worker lives. It indicates the type of corporate culture in which a person feels in the organization "their own". In socionics, such sets of communicative norms — written and, most importantly, unwritten rules — are called quadras.

The first quadra builds its value system around the central stimulus "promising ideas". The second quadra is consolidated by the "power" stimulus. It is clear that the will to power (its ideologists are the philosophers A. Schopenhauer and F. Nietzsche) is a much more powerful motive than innovation. Therefore, the first quadra will always be replaced by the second quadra if their values ​​intersect. The stage of "childhood" of the organization will be replaced by the stage of "youth".

The third quadra is based on the incentive of monetary profit. This value system reflects the psychology of the free market. However, over time, it gives way to the fourth quadra, which focuses on "human relations." The clash of these value systems gradually leads to a decrease in the influence of the monetary factor and an increase in the role of traditions and corporate culture. The completion of this process indicates the onset of the stage of "maturity" in the development of the organization.

The fourth parameter for assessing a person concerns his informal role in the group - the most important indicator that indicates the main line of behavior in informal communication.

There are four such roles in accordance with the principle of balance in socionic personology:

- a goal-setter, or a strategic innovator,
- a developer, or a system closer,
- an implementer, or a practitioner-implementer, and, finally,
a solidarizer, or a rallying communicator.

The goal-setter, together with the developer, takes over the first stage of the project - from understanding the strategic goal and putting forward the main idea to shaping it into a structurally completed development or action plan. The second stage of the project is implemented by the developer together with the implementer and consists in the first attempt to implement the plan in practice.

The third stage covers the transformation of a single precedent into everyday practice and falls on the shoulders of the implementer, acting in conjunction with the solidarizer. The solidarizer as the main feedback goes to the goal-setter, and as a result of their interaction, the goals are corrected or the idea of ​​a new project is born. This is the fourth and final step of the entire cycle.

All the considered parameters taken together make up the personal profile of the employee. The more a person is used in accordance with his profile, the higher the return from him for the entire organization.

Source: https://socioniks.net/article/?id=171