Based on Gvlenko's profiles and my observations

proactive and good with large groups

They typically cook well or are very interested in the culinary arts.
They willingly accept the role of organizer of birthday parties for friends and colleagues or any other celebration.
They typically have a good memory for details from their environment. For example, they can arrange a beautiful bouquet of flowers just from seeing a florist do it a couple of times.
They can work and audience and can have good comic timing.
With pleasure they take upon themselves the hustle of booking hotels, tours, etc. for the family or the group they belong to when the holiday season is coming. They are very efficient coordinating everything, they easily communicate with the right people and select the best means of transportation, etc. Just tell them you were thinking of getting away and next day they’ll probably have an itinerary ready.
They love to travel (alone or in groups) and do it as much as they can. In their travels they meet people and socialize very easily.
They might get fan girl or fanboy mindsets when they are adults well into their 30s; they might fall for K-POP, for example, and buy all the merchandise and follow dramas or series religiously.
They are talkative in the sense that they seem to talk to an audience and at times it's as if they are giving the ‘audience’ a step-by-step explanation of what they're doing in real time: speaking this way seems natural to them.
When you try to picture this person's attitude or manner of communication when they are in a group of people, imagine a hotel manager dealing with the people under them or the main chef in a kitchen organizing the other cooks. The soul of the place. They can be imposing in that sense, but they're wicked charismatic and friendly.

soft, pliable, unhurried (when they talk Si especially)

They are generally very talkative in the introverted, soft-voiced way.
Unlike ESE-C, they communicate better one on one. They can approach a stranger with an inquiry and talk to them for a full hour, but they hold no sway over a large group of people.
They are generally very curious about many topics and talk about them extensively (health, culture, history, etc.), and this I think is type related and very noticeable: in a very languid way.
Curious as they are, there's a tendency to drag the conversation to Si topics: food and how to prepare it, wine and how to make it, everyday life and how they go about it. Not in the off-hand way other types might talk about them but very detailed and in a slow drone, as if they were very solemn topics. The sight of a farmer's stall selling olive oil next to the country road while on the car might spring a 40-minute anecdote of the last time they bought olive oil, how they got it, the conversation they had with the some other farmer selling it, how they tested it, where they stored it in the house, etc. etc.).
Even when they are speaking about something else, they tend to be very detailed and concrete about it, for example, when they describe the features of their new phone in that tranquil manner, as if they had no time to lose. Some types might get impatient with the “unnecessary information”.
They are very gentle and might get abused verbally in the lighter sense of the expression as others come to realize that they don't usually retaliate.
They have 2 or 3 very real pastimes, so they know how to enjoy themselves.
They are friendly and receptive.