I’ve never used dating apps (too shy), so I’m not quite sure what the profile descriptions tend to say, but I can imagine this would appeal to me:

”Need a guy to talk to for hours about anything and everything. Maybe someone who can cook or is willing to teach me how to cook. We could cook together. We could also hike. But just an interesting and receptive conversation partner.”

I’d jump on that Though maybe that’s actually what I would write, aside from wanting someone who can cook—though I do appreciate someone who will cook for me sometimes, so I don’t always have to be the one cooking.

I wouldn’t be too concerned with finding my dual. I’m not dating around atm as I’m in a relationship, but if I were dating, I would just want a guy who I can connect with emotionally, logically, and who isn’t too wild. And I’d like him to be protective, haha.