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Thread: The disintegration of the American empire

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    End's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why tradcaths want a form of government God himself said was bad and shouldn't be desired I'll never understand.

    Re. the bolded, you might like Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher (PDF, EPUB). Anyway, this seems to be essentially right, but I would say that the powers-that-be have little interest in ruling or impressing any kind of ideology or vision for their country or the world except to the extent it makes them money.
    I'll look into those links. However, I must disagree with you on that last point. The PTB would have a very great interest in imposing a religious/ideological vision upon their subjects if they were really smart. Remember, the flow of information/action in this sphere is Religion>Culture>Politics. Your faith determines your culture and your culture will determine political policy. That is, what policies you'll accept vs. ones that'll cause you to rise up in revolution.

    For example, "Get Woke go Broke" is merely a cope from this perspective. Money is but a means to acquiring/making a meaningful expression of power and if you have enough of it little else matters as you're just that gosh darn powerful. I've mentioned it elsewhere but the concept of "Generational Wealth" is very much in play here. At a certain point, you don't even need to give a flying fuck about "making" money in the sense most of us understand the concept. If you had 10 trillion dollars banked up somehow "making more money" wouldn't mean a damn thing to you if you were an otherwise rational being (as you could literally buy the "right" to print more money and give it to yourself first somehow and thus "make" all the money you could ever want regardless of "market forces" and the like). Indeed, if "losing" 1-2 trillion meant you finally got rid of that old enemy who otherwise would gain a massive advantage over you if they got to keep existing for another 10 years you'd spend it and eliminate them because it was worth the immediate loss in money to ensure the bigger loss of power you may have faced was never even risked.

    I thank you for this one. I've a better understanding of quasi-identical relations now. We both "get it" but the reasons are radically different and our perspectives should cause some form of hostility, but I just can't get hostile. For some reason I understand where you're coming from and I really do get that perspective. I disagree with it harshly but I can't fault you for it and thus I cannot work myself into any form of rage over this misunderstanding.

    I will just say that Mammon is a lesser being in that hierarchy. Money for money's sake no matter who you fuck over pleases the Great Enemy, but sacrifices to Moloch please him even more. C.S. Lewis had a great quote regarding how a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. For that tyrant does what he/she does not just/only to make a buck, but in the honest and sincere belief that they are doing "The Right Thing" as it were.

    They've stopped caring about money long ago. It may have been about that for a time, but that time has long since past. They're in the moral business now. They've got more than enough money to stop caring about creating more at this point. Mammon has given way to Moloch...

  2. #2
    FreelancePoliceman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I'll look into those links. However, I must disagree with you on that last point. The PTB would have a very great interest in imposing a religious/ideological vision upon their subjects if they were really smart.
    Maybe that's true, but that "if" is carrying the weight of the world on its shoulders. Having known a few Ivy Leaguers, I'm not impressed with the quality of our upper classes.

    For example, "Get Woke go Broke" is merely a cope from this perspective. Money is but a means to acquiring/making a meaningful expression of power and if you have enough of it little else matters as you're just that gosh darn powerful. I've mentioned it elsewhere but the concept of "Generational Wealth" is very much in play here. At a certain point, you don't even need to give a flying fuck about "making" money in the sense most of us understand the concept. If you had 10 trillion dollars banked up somehow "making more money" wouldn't mean a damn thing to you if you were an otherwise rational being (as you could literally buy the "right" to print more money and give it to yourself first somehow and thus "make" all the money you could ever want regardless of "market forces" and the like). Indeed, if "losing" 1-2 trillion meant you finally got rid of that old enemy who otherwise would gain a massive advantage over you if they got to keep existing for another 10 years you'd spend it and eliminate them because it was worth the immediate loss in money to ensure the bigger loss of power you may have faced was never even risked.
    OK, but such people don't act rationally, wouldn't you agree? The rational response to owning a few million dollars is to stop worrying about making more money, but that's not what you see happening. The problem is that, being animals, we have animal desires, and unless the human in us masters them, the animal masters us, and the human becomes a slave. Simply understanding where our own desires originate is essentially tantamount to liberation, and the reverse is true as well: to continue to feed your greed, you must blind yourself.

    I thank you for this one. I've a better understanding of quasi-identical relations now. We both "get it" but the reasons are radically different and our perspectives should cause some form of hostility, but I just can't get hostile. For some reason I understand where you're coming from and I really do get that perspective. I disagree with it harshly but I can't fault you for it and thus I cannot work myself into any form of rage over this misunderstanding.
    Sometimes I get that feeling when talking to ILIs, except that hostility and rage don't seem to be as common for me, lol.

    I will just say that Mammon is a lesser being in that hierarchy. Money for money's sake no matter who you fuck over pleases the Great Enemy, but sacrifices to Moloch please him even more. C.S. Lewis had a great quote regarding how a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. For that tyrant does what he/she does not just/only to make a buck, but in the honest and sincere belief that they are doing "The Right Thing" as it were.
    What is Moloch? Ideology?

    They've stopped caring about money long ago. It may have been about that for a time, but that time has long since past. They're in the moral business now. They've got more than enough money to stop caring about creating more at this point. Mammon has given way to Moloch...
    How do you see this happening? I don't see this at all.

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