Just watched throughout the explanation on video instead, yet I found it to be a rather intriguing that I got an impression that the host of that video was some kind of an LIE-Ni that happens to troll everyone around the explanation that I've discerned thoroughly according to the step-by-step, hence made me to repeat some scenes all over again without using that re-wind "feature" that has been made on that video.

The explanation was great, probably perfect but noticed that there were some questions that might appear to be somewhat stubborn:

Would you say that the past communicates with the future by re-occurring the similar patterns according to the existed information instead of being a tad delayed according to the causal perspective of future? Hence if so, then how do you think the time works to produce the effect of time relativity to be measured specifically without uncertainty from amassing those particles that being carried by the lights to invent the concept of time machine?

I also read the link that were to be given, which is about the-notorious-delayed-choice-quantum-eraser and I might conclude some things:

- The perspective of observation might end up being imaginable despite being done realistically

- Misinformation is caused due to the similar patterns that being re-occurred towards the same patterns to be algorithmically portrayed into the differentiation of information. In fact, there has to be some causes between two different "ways", which are "process" and "result" from the wave-a-like particles to make the nonsense of environment albeit it's not even a wave, since electron is the wave itself, not necessarily having a different mechanism as to how it works.

- Electron doesn't make a "decision" at all, neither does it have a direction, they simply direct it without having an intention to know how it goes. And it doesn't matter whether it makes choices or not at this point, since it's just a particle or an elementary function of universe to measure the quantity of materials rather than being a device to invent the time machine. Albeit, despite I think time machine can also be invented, it's not in a way of this while the definition of time itself is flawed and therefore people, including those researchers, aren't as advanced or thorough enough to re-invent the concept of time, let alone building a time machine as well.