Quote Originally Posted by Stray Cat View Post
I'm the child of married conflictors who've been together 41 years and married 36 years on October 5th. Do yourself a favor and do not marry your conflictor under aby circumstances, even if you're both well. Both my parents are Christians but each absolutely lights up when speaking with someone they are NOT married to. I love my folks but they argue by their very nature and nothing one says, calms the other down. I can't speak for conflictor friendships but, ime, the marriages sucks absolute ass.

An interesting thing about duality is the nonverbal communication. The fact simple glance is read relatively well by the other. In socionics, they call it "rest". To me, socionics is like driving a car. There are fundamentals but, while driving, improvisation can be key.
I also have conflictor parents, and you are absolutely right. Neither of them seems particularly unhealthy from the outside, but slowly together they've deteriorated.