Echo, asking someone if they are there for you is the basic interaction in all relationships. It's not a Victim/Aggressor thing. It is a normal for everyone to do this when in a relationship. Because, if they aren't there for you, why are you in this relationship?
It is only when support is unbalanced and only goes one way that the relationship becomes unhealthy.
Ideally, you will have your partner's back when they are feeling unsure of things. That's a given. But when one person is constantly pulling away and is never going towards you, then that is not an equal partnership.
A lot of relationships operate like this. They often involve Dismissive-Avoidant and Anxious partners, but there could be other reasons for the imbalance. In any case, just because you have two unhealthy people whose particular flaws match and enable each to get validation for their unhealthiness, does not mean that this is a good relationship.
My ex-wife was a Dismissive-Avoidant. When I married her, I was willing to stick with her for the rest of my life, but the more a Dismissive-Avoidant likes you, the more they will pull away. They still like and need you, but they aren't there for you.
I could say a lot more about this, but thinking about the years that I wasted in that relationship makes me insanely angry, so instead, let me leave you with this simple thought: I need someone who is able and willing to reciprocate both my feelings and my actions.
I suppressed my needs for many years, just like my father did in his marriage, but I'm not going to do that again.
And let me give you a weather forecast. A guy will put up with a lot from his wife, especially if they have been married for many years, but if there ever comes a break and the guy has a chance to stop, look around, see where he's been and what his future looks like, he can and very likely will leave a relationship where he is not appreciated.
I did, and it was one of the best things I ever did for myself.