
I mean you could just be an IJ with a ‘realist’ type of view of the world..LSI have a vulnerable side and I could see them developing a ‘moderate’ world view, due to feeling a sort of pessimism. ‘That’s just the way the world is..’. Liberal LSIs I know probably feel bad when they fail to live by their values..other more radical LSIs might feel bad that they can’t do more to help. IJs are quite cold seeming in a general way. I’m def not an expert however. As for ILIs I know an annoying ambitious politically moderate male ILI..and a highly educated compassionate lefty female one..the description I least relate to was the EJ one- I was almost offended by the description lol.

I always just knew my type, whether that’s a good or bad thing. I’m not young so that could be partly why, my personality has settled.