Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
This is great advice, thanks Adam Although it's not possible for me to stop living with mum because rent is too expensive for both of us. Might take me a few years until I can get a job that pays enough to support her while I get my own place.

It sounds a bit dramatic coming from an sx-first but as another sx-first I can relate very much. Loneliness drives me nuts and although I don't think relationships are the solution to all my problems, I do feel more energetic and "purpose" in life when I am with someone.

I guess I'll try to be more honest with SEI from now on. I think I am accepting enough, but I am afraid of not being accepted so I end up putting an act without realizing...

By the way, she talked to me again and now we're gonna meet again next weekend lol. By sheer number of smiley and lovey emojis I guess she isn't upset after all. All's well that ends well.
@The Banana King, my advice was tailored for you (ILE). You really need your own place, and the sooner you can get it, the better for everyone.

I’m glad she came back. To be honest, I thought there was a good possibility of that.

Also, I’d take it slow if I were you, but not glacially slow. Some women hide the “crazy” pretty well and it can take some time to see it, but everything happens at a certain pace, and if you delay too long, you will miss your flight.

Maybe the best thing to come out of this so far is that you realize that you have to be yourself. A true Dual NEEDS you to be yourself, because your being anyone else only makes you worse.

Good luck!