Yeah after reviewing instincts once again, I'm gonna switch to sp/so. Not sp second though.

Certain descriptions that make sense for me. I'll try to find them again, on mobile so page refreshes everytime I go to another tab making copy pasting annoying:

"SO-doms will not necessarily want to spend time in groups rather than one-to-one interactions. If anything, Socials will be more particular about who they spend time with and in what contexts whether it be group or duo. Socials can end up curating specific people that they care about the most."

"Sexual-blinds are often not as in-tune with what turns them on energetically. They can have strong passions and interests, but the level of whole-self immersion in someone/something is less. The SX-blind stackings are perfectly capable of having enjoyable sex, but this area might be less of a 'sacred' place for them. Some SX-blinds will not want to have sex unless they’re in 'love' (or feel a social bond), and others are comfortable satisfying their sexual urges as simply a bodily function that’s enjoyable (especially SP/SO)"

"SX-blinds will attempt to 'merge' with people using Social strategies, being more interested in meeting a person where they’re at. There is a stronger sense of reciprocity in the connection, vs. the Sexual connection being somewhat objectifying the other for an energy fix. They will also lack the psychological androgyny of SX-doms in the sense of having a boundary up that blocks their 'opening' or 'penetrating.' The idea of tossing Social rules aside and allowing yourself to yield to another can feel like 'too much.' SX-blinds can feel strongly about another sexually or romantically, but they are not identified with completely losing themselves as a slave to attraction. SX-blinds might focus their attraction strategy on their dominant instinct instead, with SP/SO often assuming that the 'body' being fit or thin is the key to attraction, and SO/SP assuming that their social display/affiliations/successes/friendliness is the key to attraction."

And this is most definitely not me:
"The connections made by the sexual instinct do not involve bonding or reciprocity. This is not to say that they can’t feel love, but the instinctual drive itself is more concerned with connecting chemically as if getting a drug fix, and maintaining that locked-in high. They can make friendship bonds or other types of relationships with people, but they are often less 'close' than it seems. Once the energy of attraction wears off, they might forget to maintain that bond as they search for a new energy fix. They also have less of a 'screening process' for the people they interact with. SO has a sense of 'good and bad people' built in, or an innate sense of knowing who has the same moral values or psychological understanding of the world. These similarities will bond them together. SO-blinds often ignore this, and the people in their life are less of a 'big deal' or of something that needs to be focused on."

Source being