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Thread: Dr. Anthony Fauci

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    Default Dr. Anthony Fauci

    Start at 0:40

    Last edited by Averroes; 08-03-2021 at 02:09 AM.

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    I wondered if was ILE when I saw clips of him being clever about the gain of function research questions, leaving a tangle of what a definition means or doesn't, while also simultaneously acting like the person asking the questions is just hopelessly wrong (the complex science definitions are beyond them). I mean this is what all the clever people do to get out of things but he has a particular relish about it.

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    He's rather noncommittal when it comes to making actual policy recommendations. Careful about the facts but tends to water things down and ends up sending mixed messages. Known for his incredible work ethic - would basically work 24/7 at least near the beginning of the pandemic.

  4. #4
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    ILI just like my MOM
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I feel all alone with this ti impression, now I deeply fear being wrong even though I wasn't invested in it

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    Fauci seems really ILI to me. ILIs want to be the smartest guy in the room, and if they are found to be wrong, they'll try to reframe the problem that they solved, or the question that they answered, so it will appear that they weren't wrong; you just asked the wrong question.
    This just reflects a strong need to be right, which SEEs appreciate and need.

    I work with an ILI who is a lot like this. I like him, but he's better at giving advice than at actually producing completely wrung-out designs. He's also really fucking smart and he works fast, but not carefully, and will immediately attack his critics. He tends to dive really deeply into a very limited part of the problem and wants to solve that part optimally, but can miss something really important right next to the part he optimized. It would be like designing the perfect race car wheel: Lightest, strongest, with the lowest rotational moment of inertia, but the bearings fall out when you turn a corner.

    I also work with an ILE, who is much more of a hands-on experimenter, although he's equally difficult to get along with, one-on-one. When you criticize his work, he just shrugs and moves on. He's got lots of options. Ne vs Ni.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post

    He's rather noncommittal when it comes to making actual policy recommendations. Careful about the facts but tends to water things down and ends up sending mixed messages. Known for his incredible work ethic - would basically work 24/7 at least near the beginning of the pandemic.
    ''would basically work 24/7 at least near the beginning of the pandemic.'' this would not really be indicative of any socion-type as merely working hard during a crisis is something expected of individuals in positions similar to his, you may say this is unlikely to manifest as weak Se or suggestive Se, but then again commitment to such work is more a facet of Rational types as opposed to being related to Delta Logical types specifically. I would see LII as a more prudent option, clearly Se devaluing.

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    The Morning Star EUDAEMONIUM's Avatar
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    His face pisses me off. Smug asshole.
    The Barnum or Forer effect is the tendency for people to judge that general, universally valid statements about personality are actually specific descriptions of their own personalities. A "universally valid" statement is one that is true of everyone—or, more likely, nearly everyone. It is not known why people tend to make such misjudgments, but the effect has been experimentally reproduced.

    The psychologist Paul Meehl named this fallacy "the P.T. Barnum effect" because Barnum built his circus and dime museum on the principle of having something for everyone. It is also called "the Forer effect" after its discoverer, the psychologist Bertram R. Forer, who modestly dubbed it "the fallacy of personal validation".

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    V.I.s Alpha, maybe ILI. But seems more LII and Se-devaluing to me; he's pretty inductive in his thinking, LII are supposed to be inductive. I hate his work really. People who can disern better than average think it's time for his ass to go.

    EDIT: LII-Ti or LSI-Ti. He V.I.s like both. Didn't Ronald Reagan choose him? Wasn't Ronald Reagan an EIE-Fe? If so and if Fauci was LSI-Ti, he was his dual and that may have been why Reagan chose him. Anyway, Fauci seems emotivist according to Talanov's descriptions of emotivists.

    I don't see Gamma, he seems the anti-thesis of Gamma really; Ron Paul is a Gamma and Ron Paul really can't stand listening to him. I don't see him as Delta either, because so many Betas trusted him for so long.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 02-05-2022 at 12:40 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    My wife hates him and his stutter.

    Anyway, he seems logical and intuitive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by peteronfireee2 View Post
    The clip u shared; seemed Te-valuing.

    He also has a way with words.
    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post

    He's rather noncommittal when it comes to making actual policy recommendations. Careful about the facts but tends to water things down and ends up sending mixed messages. Known for his incredible work ethic - would basically work 24/7 at least near the beginning of the pandemic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I work with an ILI who is a lot like this. I like him, but he's better at giving advice than at actually producing completely wrung-out designs. He's also really fucking smart and he works fast, but not carefully, and will immediately attack his critics. He tends to dive really deeply into a very limited part of the problem and wants to solve that part optimally, but can miss something really important right next to the part he optimized. It would be like designing the perfect race car wheel: Lightest, strongest, with the lowest rotational moment of inertia, but the bearings fall out when you turn a corner.
    While it's quite an accurate description of ILI behaviors, I want to talk about the motivations behind it:

    ILIs are tacticians in Reinin dichotomy, which means result/goals can always change at any time. What's important to us is how we do it. For example am I gaining a better insight when I'm doing this? If doing it does not help me achieve a better understanding/insights into the field/process, finishing the project for the result's sake would be a waste of time/life.

    From Ni point of view, if you can really, truly understand a part of something, you instantly reach a deeper understanding of the entire situation, because each part is also its sum. Once you have a deeper understanding of the entire thing, you will inevitably change your plan/goal because you know how to achieve more with less effort. But I admit the downside of this is a lot of unfinished projects. I think maturity will help adjust this.

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    My first impression of Dr. Fauci is SLI. They usually have a much lower tolerance of people's ignorance/lack of knowledge than ILI (ILI at least would respect people's Se decisiveness, while SLI is Se ignoring). ILI would be much more careful in Se power dynamics, searching for the best timing for when to yield and when to push (think Colin Powell), while SLI can be sometimes overconfident in their Se attacks (again Se ignoring)

    Thinking of Gulenko's romance style, Dr. Fauci strikes me as the "teacher" type (SLI/LSE's style) rather than ILI's "comic victim" type (Colin Powell fits that style)

    I don't like to type people based on heated debate. Still looking for more vids to determine his type. Here's one conversation with a more relaxed atmosphere:
    Last edited by Vis; 02-05-2022 at 09:26 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    Didn't Ronald Reagan choose him? Wasn't Ronald Reagan an EIE-Fe?
    I found Reagan to be too positivist to be EIE. Somewhere I saw he was typed as ESFP/SEE, and so far I don't have any evidence against that typing (but I also haven't studied him much so can't give a definite typing). If he is SEE, he would have no problem being with ILI or SLI (dual or mirage)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vis View Post
    ^Obama keeps nodding like a bobblehead whenever Fauci speaks...

    Anyways, I think Fauci is LSE. He has no problem with confrontation as indicated by the videos with Rand Paul, but he doesn't seem to enjoy or relish in it at all -- he looks very visibly annoyed over having to assert himself, but he seems to do so naturally. This seems more in line with Se demonstrative than ignoring. Se ignoring would be reluctant to make 'Se attacks' unless they're really pushed to by their external environment. Clearly, it doesn't take much pushing for Fauci to react.

    Obama is commonly typed IEI and I'm wondering if he keeps nodding during Fauci's Te-tangents to hide the fact that he doesn't actually understand him?

    I honestly prefer watching the debates with Sen. Rand Paul to type him over this. The heated debate felt more natural, even though it's necessary to take the context more into account. This feels more like a Q&A rather than a conversation, with Obama asking a question, Fauci answering, and then Obama moving onto another topic related to COVID.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jroc View Post
    ^Obama keeps nodding like a bobblehead whenever Fauci speaks...

    Anyways, I think Fauci is LSE. He has no problem with confrontation as indicated by the videos with Rand Paul, but he doesn't seem to enjoy or relish in it at all -- he looks very visibly annoyed over having to assert himself, but he seems to do so naturally. This seems more in line with Se demonstrative than ignoring. Se ignoring would be reluctant to make 'Se attacks' unless they're really pushed to by their external environment. Clearly, it doesn't take much pushing for Fauci to react.

    Obama is commonly typed IEI and I'm wondering if he keeps nodding during Fauci's Te-tangents to hide the fact that he doesn't actually understand him?

    I honestly prefer watching the debates with Sen. Rand Paul to type him over this. The heated debate felt more natural, even though it's necessary to take the context more into account. This feels more like a Q&A rather than a conversation, with Obama asking a question, Fauci answering, and then Obama moving onto another topic related to COVID.
    I haven't studied him enough to give a definite typing. I feel LSEs tend to be more quirky with their demonstrative Se (especially in more relaxed conversations), while Fauci's Se seems to be more "consistent", going in one direction, nothing surprising or offhanded. SLI's Se ignoring would prefer short-term Se strike with maximum force and then run away so they don't have to deal with it anymore (also related to their impatient Ni as role function)

    I think Obama is SEI (IEI cannot be that appropriate all the time, nor would they be liked by almost everyone). SEI and SLI would have the same general goals, with different approaches. They are kind of working together in this vid, one taking care of the ethical front, and the other on the logical end.
    Last edited by Vis; 02-05-2022 at 10:55 PM.

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