Feel free to post any of your SLE conversations here.

Also I welcome any illuminations about SLE's thinking from any SLEs or IEI or anyone.

SLE son is moving to an apartment to the middle of a very large metroplis in th4e east. He does not need to b e in teh same town.state as his current job, which he has found is done more efficeiently onlin e anyway, so he can live where he wants, and picked this. He was goign to give himself the month to move but things came up and he is doing it all by himself, in the last week, on one trip. He said he would rent a uhaul, and maybe tow his car behind it (which he described as a little scary - though he used some. He likes his car and doesn't want anything to happen to it.

IEE-Ne Mom: "Okay, now I am very worried about your moving."

SLE-Ti son: "Well stop it."