I'm not usually the one to ask for personal advice, and relationship (issue) advice but this happened to me today for the first time.

My Dad is an Fi valuer of some sort (prolly Gamma NT, based on the amount of Te he has), and I am pretty sure I'm not. We were eating curry in the yard and we have a deck outside our house and several tables where we sometimes eat outside in the good weather. I like my personal space, and a lot of it because I don't like people getting too close and intimate with me and because it's more comfortable that way. I have no problem sitting near him or talking to him but there was me and him in the yard and four other seats. I was out with my curry, and he came out with his. There didn't look to be a lot of space on the table, or beside me and he asked me to move up to let him sit down (keep in mind, there were four other spaced out seats and two tables spread out) and I said unwittingly (not out of malice) that I didn't want him to sit beside me.

The next second out nowhere, he started cussing me out and calling me the b-word saying all these things about me, about how I'm not X because basically I wouldn't let him get close to me, and then he was like "this is what I get for trying to be close to DEAD". I tried to explain and apologize, but he was having none of it, so after his "rant", he just sat and ignored me, so we sat in silence for half an hour. At the end of my meal, I apologised and told him I like my personal space and thanked him for making me the curry. I went down to my room, and he has ignored me since.

So how can I handle this situation and **try** to explain to him that I value personal space, and it is nothing personal against him? It seems like he took it the wrong way, and I didn't mean it that way. Any advice?