For IEI specifically I think it can be important to hang around certain types to boost confidence and assertiveness. Realistically you sometimes can't just have these types in your life though- but for me it's helped. Try to find them if you can.

These include types IEIs tend to have a psychological advantage over, or it's compatible.

Other IEIs. (tbh this one probably helped the most and helped tremendously, especially when they are in a better position in life and take a liking to you. I look up to an older male IEI mentor who is in his 70s)

LIIs (beneficiary- they follow us around and can boost our confidence and help ease our depression - if you let them. Don't be afraid to be yourself around an LII- because they like Fe a lot.)

ILEs & SLEs (Mirage might be better than dual until the IEI is healthy enough. Duality will work the more IEI is truly confident and not neurotic.)

SEEs (Semi-dual... semi-dual relationships have a lot of natural affection which is helpful for IEIs. SEEs have been sweet and nice on me when I've needed it the most. Sometimes all you need is a little love, and Semi-dual relationships are quite often the most mutually loving.)

IEEs (Even though they are Deltas- the EP temperament can be compatible. They can give good advice if you learn how to just ignore them when they copy-paste Psychology Today articles too often. IEEs are often empathetic and sensitive to you even if understanding is limited.)

LSIs: Hanging around our activity partners tend to make IEIs a lot tougher, and the LSIs a lot sweeter and more big-hearted. It is usually a positive thing.

"Just get a real job and stop being a pussy" - I know it sounds harsh but I was able to become a manager at my old job because I pretended to be an EII-Ne to a LSE-Si boss. Use your IEI manipulative powers for your own advantage. The world runs on manipulation, so just get over it. If people get mad at you for being 'manipulative' let them- because nobody ever got where they were without being "Manipulative" to some degree or another. Think of Te as something that allows a person to be adaptive enough to be successful.

What helped me is also realizing I don't have to be responsible for other people's feelings. IEIs can get in the role of 'emotional tampon' too much- being lookalike to SEI. People think we care because we are often shy, sensitive, and have gone through a lot of darkness ourselves. It's pretty important to build up boundaries for this reason.