N does in fact screws up your S.... I've crashed cars 6 times in 5 years... (and I've to say i'm quite a careful driver...) get 2hs late to work every day... can't read my own handwriting nor walk 10 steps without bumping into something... I fall off climbing ladders at work... I forget when i'm hungry (sounds fun but it's true).. and when I finally noticed and I'm eating my drink never misses my clothes, can't afford to survive 5 minutes without losing my lighter and my cigarrettes everywhere and I get lost on my 1dorm apartament... and my wife gets lost looking for me thereafter too (we identicals)...
yeah.. N CAN be a serious life limiting asset... And I have 0 pride for that..

Screwed human brain should work ok with all functions... we should develop brain-modding to enable SMP on N-S... I'll pay in gold for a decent pair of hands.