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Thread: Vholzak says Hello

  1. #1

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    Cool Vholzak says Hello

    hello forum members

    I'm pretty fluent in the MBTI version of the Jung cognitive functions and I'd like to learn more about the Socionics version of the Jung version. In MBTI I'm primarily Ne+Ti (ENTP) and so far looks like I might also be Ne+Ti in Socionics (ILE).

    From what I've gathered so far...

    MBTI bases functions on the FOCUS of the information Sensing and iNtuition functions and decision Thinking and Feeling functions as either introverted/internal/self perspective or extroverted/external/others perspective.

    Socionics bases functions on the INFLUENCE of the information Sensing and iNtuition functions and decision Thinking and Feeling functions as either introverted/self influenced or extroverted/external influencing out.

    So in some cases functions in MBTI and Socionics are basically the same like with NE about intuition about external objects and connections... while in other functions like with Fi and Fe are opposites where in Socionics Fi takes in the values of others while in MBTI it's Fe that takes in the values of others.

    I'd like to learn more about the Socionics functions and different models and explore how those work.

  2. #2
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    Hey Vholzak, welcome. Forget everything you've learned with MBTI, that's the weak sauce. This is the strong sauce, this is the spicy curry, this is Socionics.

  3. #3
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LemurianLo View Post
    Hey Vholzak, welcome. Forget everything you've learned with MBTI, that's the weak sauce. This is the strong sauce, this is the spicy curry, this is Socionics.
    Wow, this sounds really explosive and deadly, like a fusion propeller gadget comb rocked My team rocket hideout.*
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