Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-14-2021 at 08:05 PM.
I associate all but the anime avatars with asshole NTs and maybe some STs. Anime has gotten pretty popular with Gen Z, from what I understand, so it would be more likely more people, regardless of type, would be open to using an anime avatar.
fwiw, I use an anime avatar for my Steam profile (Kurapika from HxH).
edit: Lurkers and creepers could be NFs too. Then again, I've met some NF edgelords, as well.
So maybe it's not type-related after all.
You and @woofwoofl are artists at painting entire pictures of people from, like, 3 words. “SEI soft girl” — I shouldn’t know what this means but I know exactly what it means, lol. “having Reddit views” "bisexual girls who spend too much time on Discord/Twitter” “wannabe type 8 lone wolf badasses” lmao. Amazing.
Trolls = Soc-first/second, 6w7/E7 head-fix
Edgelords = Betas and ILEs
Creepers = Intuitives
Neckbeards = Alpha NTs, Ti-LSIs and xLIs
Lurkers = Sp-first/second
Anime Avatars = introverted/harmonizing subtype
Last edited by Averroes; 06-30-2021 at 07:24 PM.
Hmm maybe I should change my profile picture to an anime character. The only anime I’m familiar with is Sailor Moon though
Stalker brand weird is definitely Ni.
Edgelords beta.
Trolls - depends, mb ILE's
animu interest seems ILI
Neckbeards.. I have no idea - overinflated sense of self + social awkwardness = sounds like impossible combo when I hear it
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 06-30-2021 at 07:52 PM.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
Trolls just want to have fun (direct link to .pdf file)
Buckels, E.E., Trapnell, P.D. and Paulhus, D.L., 2014. Trolls just want to have fun. Personality and individual Differences, 67, pp.97-102.
In two online studies (total N= 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment, and troll identity, pointing to a common construct underlying the measures. Both studies revealed similar patterns of relations between trolling and the Dark Tetrad of personality: trolling correlated positively with sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism, using both enjoyment ratings and identity scores. Of all personality measures, sadism showed the most robust associations with trolling and, importantly, the relationship was specific to trolling behavior. Enjoyment of other online activities, such as chatting and debating, was unrelated to sadism. Thus cyber-trolling appears to be an Internet manifestation of everyday sadism.A multivariate analysis on the Dark Tetrad revealed a significant effect of activity preference: Wilks’k= 0.97,F(20, 1646.00) = 1.65,p= .03. Inspection of the pattern depicted in Fig. 1confirmed that,as expected, the Dark Tetrad scores were highest among those who selected trolling as the most enjoyable activity. Planned orthogonal contrasts indicated that the effect was significant for all DarkTetrad measures: direct sadism,t(500) = 3.03,p= .003,d= .27,vicarious sadism,t(500) = 2.91,p= .004,d= .26, psychopathy,t(500) = 3.09,p= .002,d= .28, narcissism,t(500) = 2.64,p= .009,d= .24, and Machiavellianism,t(500) = 2.78,p= .006,d= .25. A second multivariate analysis on the Big Five scores indicated that, as expected, participants who chose trolling as their favorite activity were higher on extraversion,t(413) = 2.02,p= .04,d= .20, and lower on agreeableness,t(413) =2.04,p= .04,d= .20, than others, but did not differ on conscientiousness, neuroticism, or openness,p’s > .21.
Haha, being a prey in the tamed dot of happenings on this speck of pale dust in the cosmic gloom shows rattling cheerleaders giving swoop engines to the frenzied jolt of the cocoon.
I like riding My flying mountaintop over the deep blue where I can spy on everyone...
unstoppable destruction
Raptor enjoys playing with Bunny in unicorn queries of destiny and fluid perceptions raging from crystal to canvas expositions with fanfare and grace in ageless wonderlands by zephyrs of gaseous hand to hand beasts of the sea roaring into dawn and flashes of magicka resurrecting copycat tumblers of security hall of fame blessing rollercoaster tropicana caves with gales and fine tuning for rampant millennia asking for myth making and time machines by beloved stars and a Jedi Consular
The Tao of Bunny by RaptorWizard
Maybe Ni egos or Ni valuing egos would do as well.
Those characters seem to spring up associative qualities that they represent (RPG'ish admiration of powerful qualities or even becoming one). Why would Ne's want that beyond meta?
Anyway, anime might be much more and diverse than that sort of cliché.
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
Trolls: STs
Gadflys: NFs/NTs
Edgelords: NFs/SFs
Lurkers: Any
Creepers: Any, NF/SF more common maybe
Neckbeards: NTs
Anime Avatars: idk ... NF/NT? some SF too though.
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
Cool thread
Going thru literal hell isn't always this giant scheme or diabolical plot that's obvious and cliche.
But it's more of a covert, informational warfare.
It's the silent space in between the notes. The transition b/t stages.
It's the underlying resentment that burns deeply underneath the smiles.
Little head, big body
It starts with small compromises. Little by little.
Gently pushing the line further and further along.
There's more than what meets the eye
These events are symbolic of what's happening on a grander scale; demonic forces and principalities working behind the scenes to embolden/act as fuel to what's happening in the natural.
These demonic forces want to control via manipulation, intimidation, and fear.
They want to subdue and silence the opposition.
There are nations trying to negotiate but they aren't seeing the elephant in the room; you can't negotiate with an authority that's illegitimate and not playing by the rules.
Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-06-2022 at 02:05 PM.
What does rat mean
In case u have trouble reading between the lines
the purpose of this thread was to,
**EDIT**:--expose the current trolls / edgelords / lurkers / creepers / neckbeards etc in this forum.
--experiment + learn as much as possible about different online personalities and how they operate
--extrapolate / use this knowledge to potentially educate and better online communities
better moderation thread, forum sanity, block/ignoring, rapport + gaslighting patterns/observations updated
Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-15-2021 at 04:50 AM.
what even is this thread and why are people still posting in it.
“Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.”
— James Russell Lowell猫が生き甲斐
I honestly don't feel comfortable on being posted like this without my consent. Then again you can make up your own mind about the stuff you wanna talk about. I posted the video on chatbox previously and many agreed on Beta NF prior to posting it on the forum. And it was my idea to delete it after waking up anyways.
Also, nice way of doxxing yourself by saying you live in Michigan, that's a musical I have known for years. But if the ambient is like this, being accused of gaslighting (just for a simple meme: "Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss", that's meant to parody "Live Laugh Love") and being some sort of fixation of some paranoid delusion... Then I don't know what to make out of it.
Also, calling people rats on a forum as some sort of witch hunt is not going to better your case, you know?
Also, being new to a socionics forum doesn't exclude having a previous knowledge about it. You know you can do independent research about topics, right? And participating in forums for the first time is not the first gateway to knowing about topics. Also, I previously mentioned to you I was in another typology place because I thought you were another person... I think, by common sense, should had indicated why I know about socionics "as a veteran".
But let me put something clear right here:
I have absolutely no interest in you, nor do I waste my time doing something as pathetic as gangstalking which I had been a victim of personally. I just want to discuss about socionics here with likeminded people.
If you genuinely watch my video, you know what I'm open to discuss about things on DMs or even here if you genuinely feel bothered about this, but this just looks like outright schizo call out.
This will be the last time I will address you and everything that has to do with you. Please leave me alone.
Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Bvd?Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/the-qams-diaries/the-qams-diaries
sorry I'm late to the party what's going on? are we purging people from the forum or not?
I think you forgot @Medusa
I like how this thread went from “what types are most likely to be x thing?” To “hearing other people instead of sticking to your own perspective is psychopathy”.
Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Bvd?Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/the-qams-diaries/the-qams-diaries
[Rapport] --> [Bait and Switch] --> [Trigger] --> [Reaction] --> [Gaslight] --> Repeat Cycle
Here's an example of part of the gaslighting formula (trigger ---> reaction ---> gaslight) being applied:
1) here's the supposedly "triggering" post:
Paranoid Personality Disorder is more about having unjustified beliefs that people are literally trying to harm you. My relative who has paranoid personality disorder frequently calls the cops because she believes her neighbors are spying on her. She believes this no matter where she lives. She stopped showing up to Christmas because she was worried that someone outside the family was breaking in her house to tamper with the presents she was planning to give people as a way to punish our family. She has called the cops so many times that they all know her by name and address. PPD is closer related to paranoid schizophrenia, the difference being that people with PPD don’t experience symptoms of hallucinations and their delusions are a lot more down to earth. I also have relatives who have schizophrenia. I believe there is more overlap between the two. PPD is also classified as a cluster a disorder along with schizotypical personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder.
2) next, here's my fake triggered "reaction":
3) and then, as predicted, this was the opportune time to use the "gaslighting statement":
@pandemic candy I was responding to someone’s question about the overlap between narcissism and PPD. I wasn’t diagnosing you with anything.
I will avoid participating in threads created about you going forward.
Here, notice a couple things:
1) takes the narc supply and "runs away" to frame the opposition as "crazy"; a classic move that's often used
2) it doesn't matter if my reaction was fake or not ... any type of reaction can be potentially used as supply. This is Key. Keep this in mind.
3) the "I will avoid participating with threads" thing is an excuse to use silent treatment as "punishment" Again watch out for this
most people will not know what just happened (besides feeling "off") bc this kinda thing happens at lightning speed. especially when dealing w psychopaths
but it's like clockwork.
u will see the same general cycle happen over and over
Remember your reaction (narc supply) is energy to them.
Last edited by peteronfireee2; 08-13-2021 at 04:42 AM.
Forum Sanity Guideline
Before people post things, u have to keep a couple things in mind....
1) who is my audience
2) what kind of response is expected
like don't expect to dramatically turn any views around. it's just not realistic.
do u really think people are going to respond:
Lol no. there's going to be a limit on the type of response u get so keep that in mind."Hey, that's a valid point! u really changed my mind about that!"
The Double Standard
"certain members" meeting certain demographics posting *controversial* things on this forum... is asking for a deadly disaster. expect to get ganged up on / ridiculed / diagnosed as mentally ill / bait and switched / threatened etc etc (if not directly, indirectly) more frequently than members of *classically protected* demographics
Lastly, *if possible* please refrain from *intense* sex-specific topics, site moderation suggestions, religious and political debates (these tend to be the most triggering IMO)
The point is, be careful, don't set urself up for a disaster.
Or at least keep the expectations low
Follow these guidelines. Your mental health will thank you
Blocking / Ignoring Guideline
Fighting back against harassment for self-defense is expected.
Blocking / Ignoring should be implemented if the problem doesn't correct itself.
1) Here are some Red Flags of Deception to Look Out for
Watch for:
--coordinated street theater, talks of "mental illness," (1, 2 )
--indirect conversations / innuendo / comments that are intentionally vague / cowardnonymous / snake-like,
--harmless trolling that gradually (or suddenly) crosses over to harassment
--new/strange accounts (if < 100 posts + harassment, consider blocking right away) appearing out of nowhere and conspiring together, creepily talking about u like they've known u for years (most likely a past friend, coworker, or online member being two-faced and manipulative)
--being disrespected several times. they will cycle b/t being respectful and disrespectful (and 99% chance it will most likely keep continuing)
--it's also possible some users are running around impersonating older inactive members
Also consider blocking if u see the following techniques frequently used against u:
Other techniques
Love-Bombing; used in the rapport building stage. often used to put u into a *trance* or suggestible state, dragging / misleading you into the deep-end before doing the bait-and-switch. trust and connection also lowers your guard, opening u to vulnerabilities (or attacks)
Gaslighting; manipulating the other by questioning their sanity or reality. delusional reframing (especially when they're aware of ur demographic/situation),
Projection; ex: being hateful towards someone but blaming that person for being hateful
Ad hominem; focus is on attacking the person rather than the points / argument (1)
Leveling; taking something u did and making it out to something just as horrible as what they are doing
Smear Campaign; taking something small and *urgently* blowing it up into some negative narrative about u, like sharks smelling blood. may involve a "group discussion" involving some kind of mental illness (1 ,2 )
Word salad; incoherent points scattered throughout a large paragraph of words. May or may not be infested with cognitive bias and inconsistencies. (1)
Block / Ignoring Time Periods
--First time consider ignoring for a short period
--Second time consider ignoring for an extended period
--Third time consider ignoring forever
R. E . S . P. E . C . T
today, genuine friendships / relationships hardly exist,
if the respect isn't there, these things are especially meaningless.
u either respect someone or u don't.
it should be a process to get into your circle. the problem these days is that people,
in actuality,--give away their power and trust too freely and easily
--disrespect people that shouldn't be disrespected
--have twisted the concept of equality into this heresy, destroying any concept of power/respect
people will test how much they will be able to disrespect u and get away with it.
this isn't anything new in this forum
enforce ur boundaries if people constantly disrespect u.
power / respect is foundational; without it, everything else falls apart.
elevate ur perspective and factor this truth into your expectations.
you'll save years of heartache.
if you have a genuine question (and aren't rude about it), I'll comment.
if you make a comment on something inaccurate or wrong, I'll comment if I think it'll be helpful for future reference.
if u make a comment that's just plain dumb (or a waste of time / trolling), i'll probably not respond
Last edited by peteronfireee2; 02-06-2022 at 04:50 PM.
is it possible to block a thread.
I command thee, my loyal servants, to take heed to yourselves, that your hearts be not deceived by @Socionics Is Not A Cult, for there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders.
And it was good.