(Last night I listened to a prophet say - I forgot which one, as I listened to several - that this summer, after what begins on the 4th, with exposures of great evils and fraud, we will see these politians FIGHTING and fighting and fighting, as they accuse and accuse and engage in LOTS of whistle blowing. They will fight and accuse becase that is what evil does, and we will be seeing a snapshot of what hell is like, because that is all the damned do for all of eternity - they fight and attack one another. Forever.

God says these evil ones will be done forever as far as political leadership; they will never return, and that He will put in thier place others who are worthy of the positions.

He is telling us about America but He will be doing such things the world over. I am listening to American prophets, but I am sure he is telling things specific to other nations to prophets of other countries, because He does not act without telling His prophets first what He will be doing.)