What's the main difference between those two types? I feel like it should be a big 'duh' and obvious but tbh I'm stumped. Want to figure out if somebody I know is ESI or IEI and it's confusing to me because I can see both lol. I mean you could say IEIs are more naive and fantasy-based and ESIs are more worldly and "adult" or something really vague like that- but this person is really both of those things. Also I can't figure out if the type of people they are into are arrogant douche-y SLEs or arrogant douche-y LIEs.
I do know this person is more willing to explore things in the 'real world' than me- and like, they enjoy "just doing things" more than I do , which to me points as 'sensor' definitely- but they could just be an IEI that isn't quite as sensor deprived as I am but idk. lol.