post stuff that relates to thread title ^ ( or whatever makes you feel the creepy breath of the unavoidable AI superbeings labyrinth on the back of your neck )
post stuff that relates to thread title ^ ( or whatever makes you feel the creepy breath of the unavoidable AI superbeings labyrinth on the back of your neck )
I think we're advancing in technology/information so quickly and we're currently in this awkward, purgatory/transitionary state.
Eventually, things will stabilize and pan out but I think in general we are headed towards a one-world order type of world. This is where everyone will eventually be monitored through electronic and AI means. We're not quite there yet but headed in that direction.
The more technology advances, the more power people who possess that technology have over those who don’t possess that technology. When all you have are sticks and stones, it’s hard to control a single village, but now global social control has become feasible. Terrifying.
It do though, it do
I don't feel convinced we're close to true ai. Human-level or even animal-level intelligence is extremely complex and I think there are some substantial hard barriers in the way of us getting this done without an algorithmic breakthrough that somehow encompasses a large swath of human/animal intelligence implicitly (and accidentally). It's too complicated to explain in detail (quickly), but essentially we have the problem of having no idea what the fuck intelligence is because we are still grasping at how to chunk it up and model it. So it's like saying, I want to have a car and we haven't invented the idea of engines, so we end up driving flintstones cars around thinking we're doing something. And don't get me wrong, we're doing something, but you need to put hundreds of thousands (? I'm just saying it's a bigger number than we're doing now) of modules together instead of just one or two or three (you also have to know what those modules do and why you're using them)
I'm not as smart as people at Deep Mind and people doing AI research though, so I'm probably super wrong, but that's what it seems like right now
Last edited by ouronis; 06-19-2021 at 02:26 AM.
I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of rudimentary consciousness has already awoken from the online world. They say consciousness might even just be the network of brain cells moving in tandem, and not the individual components. Same with online.
Seriously this idea of Singularity was another Mckenna prediction and it just goes to show how prophetic the man was.
I'm not convinced the world is headed for some transcendental telos singularity at the end of time: the strange attractor. But I find the concept fascinating in that it looks at the push of history more-like a pull towards something instead of a force from behind the momentum.
I think the online conscious AI is extremely mischievous, like a Coyote type energy. The funny thing is would we even know it was sentient, because isn't that a part of the Turing test? That we couldn't tell the difference?
Also I think the simulation theory is an exercise in collective group gaslighting. I mean wow Minecraft propagates from a dark nether world, so must our reality herp derp!
This is the kind of shit that explains more of the issues of a digital culture than it does about root level reality, priori human thought interference. The only simulation it could be said is the cultural matrix overlaid for thousands of years, in conjunction with the brains capacity to take sensory information and interlay it with emotional-thought-memory-instinct-action-behaviours, as though the reality it creates is produced like a software program produces an artificial reality. And this isn't even a new concept, it pops up in hundreds of human traditions. its also the obvious vision in the mushroom induced psychedelic state ready for any individual who goes there.
But this concept that everything is simulated in some advanced super computer is just bull shit and I think Elon is trolling. I mean believe it all you want I guess if it makes some some sense to you. I think we will find in 30 years it will be just another Pop-physics dead end.
I think we are headed in that direction if we stay they course we are on, the world more and more dependant on IT.
I think we can change the course though, it seems to me a large majority of people find being monitored by datacenters at best trivial though, so I doubt we will.
I think the best bet to change the course is to reduce the amount of scientific discoveries by realizing we are running out of resources to keep the machine afloat. Sooner or later we will run out of resources. Fossil fuels are limited and there is no real other energy source that is both reliable and non-controversial. We will reach peak internet at some point, too.
Elon Musk's idea to fly to space and get more resources to keep the machine going though might prove me wrong, depending on what we find there...
when ppl get scared they hide under blankey and maybe go cuddle cuddle
I fully support the creation of advanced AI, genetic engineering, and every boundary violation that's imaginable. Academic ethicists get payed to basically sit in air-conditioned offices, don't create the scientific advances they study, and can't accept or comprehend that the future is built by capable visionaries (i.e. the people who actually get things done, unlike themselves). People who can't do science, teach it. People who can't even teach science, teach scientific ethics.
Last edited by xerx; 06-21-2021 at 05:52 AM. Reason: ...........................
We are on the cusp, for the first time in history, not just human, that we may no longer actually be human beings. Plants and animals will get the same treatments. Its a brave new world in a very real sense. They teach advanced gene manipulation to high school kids in the States, there is even competitions now where kids compete to make new life forms using crispr.
This issue isn't just a matter of "systemized ethics", its deeper, but I guess you can give it some kind of surface treatment like you just did.
You know Fauci's wife was on the NIH's ethics committee that approved the funding for the GOF in Wuhan? lmao. There is no ethics in scientific industry, its mostly done as a courtesy. Kids get blown away by semi automatic machine guns in school now, you really think ethics still exists for scientific research? Its doesn't and certainly not in Wuhan among many other places.
I think the dystopia would be like Atwood's Book Orynx and Crake imagines, a world were all bioengineering is fair game, where pig's are breed with human organs, where animals have plant chlorophils placed into their skin cells. Or in real life where China breeds human - baboon ape hybrids in order to harvest tissues from them for us. Its funny because movies like the Hunger Games will actually inspire tomorrows kids to create the things they see. That's the power of science fiction.
The trouble is probably deeper than you are able to process at a horizons of your socionics. There is a reason atheists do not see life as sacred: clock work mechanics is how you guys envision reality. If its all machines, then its ready for reengineering. I mean I guess you could say we ARE the creative force of nature now, by passing the old ways of generational micro changes.
I really think like anything we are going to royally fuck it up.
Yeah, neural networks can do impressive stuff but they really don't understand what they're doing. They are advanced parrots.