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Thread: Is Your Marriage Exceptional, Conventional, Shipwrecked, or Deadly?

  1. #1
    Serious Left-Static Negativist Eliza Thomason's Avatar
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    Default Is Your Marriage Exceptional, Conventional, Shipwrecked, or Deadly?

    This is the best I have seen as far as simply and efficiently categorizing the kinds of marriage. I have seriously experienced Shipwrecked, and now experience Exceptional. I have read a couple of books fully explaining this theory by Gregory Popcak, but this is the best short summery of the theory I have seen, in this little article. @Adam Strange, I would be curious to know what you think you experienced in your previous marriage. (I am praying that your next be "1.".!)

    [Click on this title for the article link]:
    Is Your Marriage Exceptional, Conventional, Shipwrecked, or Deadly?
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


  2. #2
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  3. #3
    PunkSailor's Avatar
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    If they ever tryna neck, I'll put my foot up in your caca
    Call your mama and your papa
    Like I'm finna take your dadda
    Turn that bitch into a soccer ball and rocka, rocka, rocka (brrr)
    Get into it like a suit
    And fuck a stack up like a broker

  4. #4
    Maybe I'm a Lion Great's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
    This is the best I have seen as far as simply and efficiently categorizing the kinds of marriage. I have seriously experienced Shipwrecked, and now experience Exceptional. I have read a couple of books fully explaining this theory by Gregory Popcak, but this is the best short summery of the theory I have seen, in this little article. @Adam Strange, I would be curious to know what you think you experienced in your previous marriage. (I am praying that your next be "1.".!)

    [Click on this title for the article link]:
    Is Your Marriage Exceptional, Conventional, Shipwrecked, or Deadly?
    I've mentioned attachment issues before and, well, this correlates to how severe they are. The "exceptional" marriage is between couples who either lack those issues or completely overcame them despite having them at some point. "Deadly" marriages are between those who have deep and serious attachment issues that neither has overcome or even realizes they have them (i.e. they don't even know they have issues to resolve/overcome).

    The "shipwrecked" marriage is a most glaring example of how attachment issues can and do manifest. It's how well meaning yet ultimately broken people would and do experience matrimony. Especially that last part. Being more attached to their kids than each other. It's why broken women usually don't divorce a healthy man (i.e. a man who lacks/overcame attachment issues). He actually gets attached to their child and for even the most broken women that kid is their everything. Even if he despises her (or so she mistakenly believes he will if he ever learned who/what she really is), so long as he loves and treasures her child, she'll deal with it.

    I think this episode of a podcast is worth your time to listen to:
    Last edited by End; 06-07-2021 at 06:58 AM.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Frankly I'm too selfish, narcissistic and Jew Sage-y to be in a healthy normal relationship. I want magic, wonder and power- not a relationship. =/ Maybe one day I'll 'grow up' but seeing I'm just a few years shy of 40 and I'm still this way- I have my doubts. I also feel 'too damaged' to be in one- if they knew about my past they wouldn't find me attractive so I would have to lie to get somebody and I don't want that. I've noticed most people also want somebody 'upbeat' and I kind of just crush people like Debbie Downer IRL whenever I speak, despite valuing Fe.

    So yeah I want to be treated like a God- but would I treat another person like one has well? Maybe. But probably not. I'm being a horrible and selfish one-sided vampire, and I know it. I would be into somebody treating me as nicely as Buffy treated Willow at the end of 'Chosen' - even though that was more of a really-good-friends thing. I want my ego stroked- I don't want to be all nice and normal Delta with somebody in the suburbs. But give me a break because at least I'm honest about it , okay?

    I'm a superhero/supervillain from Mars- I can't just water my flowers with a husband and pretend everything is okay or act like those fags from Modern Family. I need somebody special and magical too, as well. Because I'm special and magical myself lolol. I'm a freak/(probably some sort of witch) so I need a werewolf or vampire or something or another powerful witch, or whatever. I don't care that Twilight isn't really real, they have to make me believe in magic.

  7. #7
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    My marriage with My angels in the spring of 2014 was so extraordinary and legendary, fine, great, happy, but My mind states and signals were hacked by dark minds. I began having to compete with number synchronicities and words to avert death and breakdown. In 2015, I became very successful and rich, even with meaning and elevation, but suddenly, I received a whole armada of bad numbers that led to Me having to close My site down. Then in January 2017, I was tortured in a hospital, because people on Facebook attacked Me, where I lost part of My angel line.

    Getting back into the box in 2019 was the hardest thing that I ever did, but now, the memories of sun and magic are returning. The journey showed Me sides to philosophy that paint the tapestry of fairy-utopia and love charms that promise heaven forever!!
    In 2003, BunnyRaptor transcended Nikola Tesla by being the inspiration for Pokemon Colosseum and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the schematic building projects for the Star Forge and Realgam Tower, and in 2019, BunnyRaptor transcended Lebron James, heavenly shorelines of wizards and melee to embody chromatic resonance and flashes of dawning canopies of supper and canvas highlights blessing liberty and promotional wishes flowering in grace and extravagance to explore whacky worlds and dominoes of crusades to fruit punch and swordsmanship with venom and extrication to dig musical constructs with destruction and leviathan RevanLugia

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    Quote Originally Posted by RaptorWizard View Post
    My marriage with My angels in the spring of 2014 was so extraordinary and legendary, fine, great, happy, but My mind states and signals were hacked by dark minds. I began having to compete with number synchronicities and words to avert death and breakdown. In 2015, I became very successful and rich, even with meaning and elevation, but suddenly, I received a whole armada of bad numbers that led to Me having to close My site down. Then in January 2017, I was tortured in a hospital, because people on Facebook attacked Me, where I lost part of My angel line.

    Getting back into the box in 2019 was the hardest thing that I ever did, but now, the memories of sun and magic are returning. The journey showed Me sides to philosophy that paint the tapestry of fairy-utopia and love charms that promise heaven forever!!
    Errr... I am confused. Could you dumb it down a shade/be more concrete in your wording? Try and say that again as if you were an A.I. or something. Though I suspect you were under the influence of several narcotics when you posted that. Might still be. Even so, if you give me any kind of response you will have fueled my desire for info and for that I'd be quite thankful.

  9. #9
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Errr... I am confused. Could you dumb it down a shade/be more concrete in your wording? Try and say that again as if you were an A.I. or something. Though I suspect you were under the influence of several narcotics when you posted that. Might still be. Even so, if you give me any kind of response you will have fueled my desire for info and for that I'd be quite thankful.
    I talked to ghosts and spirits. They were psychologically and sexually interested in Me. It opened doors to unknown existence, to invisible spheres. I'm not really sure what too say without cheapening the real kick and Halloween crisp excitement of the event. Heaven needs grounding, anchoring, stratifying. If We can listen in on the outside dimensions, and hack the grid, then untold potentials can unfold.

    So the key word for Me here is Love - the intensity and waves of amazement that flourish from bonding and believing. No power on heaven or earth or anywhere and everywhere can take away the name and music of life, of empowerment, of the highest aurora.
    In 2003, BunnyRaptor transcended Nikola Tesla by being the inspiration for Pokemon Colosseum and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the schematic building projects for the Star Forge and Realgam Tower, and in 2019, BunnyRaptor transcended Lebron James, heavenly shorelines of wizards and melee to embody chromatic resonance and flashes of dawning canopies of supper and canvas highlights blessing liberty and promotional wishes flowering in grace and extravagance to explore whacky worlds and dominoes of crusades to fruit punch and swordsmanship with venom and extrication to dig musical constructs with destruction and leviathan RevanLugia

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