So far in 2021, there have been 232 mass shootings in the US. Are we cool with a number this high? Let’s discuss.
So far in 2021, there have been 232 mass shootings in the US. Are we cool with a number this high? Let’s discuss.
IMO “better access to mental healthcare” isn’t going to work. Many mass shooters do have access to mental healthcare but don’t seek it out.
One possibility is that drugs are causing it. I hope not—I love both drugs and guns, especially together.
Does the US have a higher rate of mass shootings than other countries? I’m under the impression that we do, but I haven’t looked at the data and don’t want to make any assumptions.
Seems like there is a correlation between gun ownership and gun deaths:
Attachment 16855
Attachment 16856
Funny that Hawaii is such an outlier.
Canada has about 35 guns per 100 people. The US has 121 guns per 100 people. I do think you might be onto something about Americans being frustrated and being driven nuts when reality doesn’t meet our expectations. Perhaps the availability of guns gives people more opportunities to act on those frustrations.
Edit - small arms survey from 2017:
Last edited by Poptart; 05-27-2021 at 07:03 PM.
1) to stop propaganda of aggressive and egocentric behavior in mass medias and education. then people will behave softer to others
2) there can be ways to select potentially aggressive people since childhood and mb by genes. they need special upbringing methods and occupations with higher behavior control as army
For starters- going to school needs to be optional and not 'the law.' That's why I don't like Kamala Harris and I ain't gonna fall for her SJW politics because at the end of the day she's on the same side of the assholes who locked me up because I believed in my own freedom over state abuse. "But she's not a Republicunt!" isn't good enough.
We need to in general stop trying to force people to be something we are comfortable with and let nature take it's course more. People want to learn about things naturally and organically- you don't need a system to do that. You think you do- but you don't! haha. People can be more of their unique selves without so much force.
People don't behave well in groups period - so stop trying to get people in groups so much- because they naturally ain't gonna behave that well regardless of your ideals and it brings out their worst traits. Then there's always some evil asshole who is the worst of them all thinking they can be the savior that manages all this yucky-feeling-people mess- but they end up being the nastiest ones of us all. We have this horrible fear that if we leave people alone- they will just turn into creepy serial killers or we're afraid of their own monster selves. That can possibly happen true - but just halting everything & taking away people's freedoms because we're scared of this outcome doesn't seem very wise to me.
People probably thought I would shoot up the school before. I fit a lot of the traits. I'm white, I was bullied constantly, I'm loner-ish, I'm introverted- I can get easily pissy at things. Yet I never had the real desire to hurt people like this- because I frankly just don't have it in me regardless. I'm too much of a pussy cat. (even though this kitty has claws mrreeow) The truth is though a lot of 'bad' is just interwoven in people's DNA and isn't 'the system's fault or anybody's fault - and we need to pay attention to that, too.
Governments should still stop murderers, sexual abusers- truly evil people to 'protect society' - but more often than not it wants to create boogeyman and false demons to fight to feel the most righteous. This naturally makes people hate the system and want to blow it up. Or the person is just mentally unstable regardless of that. Other countries for example aren't so morally self-righteous like this- they don't add the 'sailor says' message to episodes of Sailor Moon and stuff because it's so corny and lame & is actually really evil and cruel under the guise of 'but I'm being moral!'
But what about minority kids and people more likely to fall through the cracks based on their skin color or sexual orientation or their weird limp or whatever? I would argue it's much more compassionate to not have a system with cracks in it in the first place then pretend to care about these things under an umbrella of PC ness. The only way for a system designed on managing people to NOT have cracks in it - is to completely let go of control & abolish the system in one magical fell swoop (since cracks are inevitable) - which of course is too ideal and anti-Te & won't happen- but it would actually work if people just do it.
Besides people always cry for 'equality'- yet if you always pay attention to people's differences, you can't really have both at the same time. "I say I want equality but then I want to go to this GLBT support group built by IEEs and talk about how gay I am for sixteen hours straight."
Systems should still exist of course - but more logical systems that serve humanity as a whole.
As for as the gun solution goes- if there was a way to magically decrease guns on all aiscles it would work but in reality it would just be more of a bullshit thing and double standard where it would apply to the average joe but not somebody with authority. Which would make the world even more of a horrible police state than it is now. The reasoning is always "but authority people still need guns to protect us from the real bad guys or external Alien threats!" But if they are the only ones allowed to have guns now- who is really the bad guys? It is way too naive to think anybody who goes after a badge or authority holds themselves to a higher standard than some loner male psycho loser that's mad at the world. ((It can happen like that- but let's be real- how often does it really?)) Both are quite mad at the world- one is just a lot better at covering it up.
Get in the way of IEI/SLE duality.
If you gave people the option of not being vaccinated for polio, you'd have a hell of a lot of polio.
If you gave people the option of not going to school if they didn't want to, you'd have people who can't read or do simple math or don't know anything about the world or its history. Now, these people might have an awesome natural set of skills, like Tiger Woods or a Kardashian, and they might find the niche to take advantage of these skills (I can hit a ball across a field into a little hole in the ground. Give me a million dollars.) But most people would end up without marketable skills and then would find ways to parasitically live off of others.
In looking at a real-world example of your paradise where no one has to go to school if they don't want to, look at the situation of woman in Afghanistan.
The reason a woman with no marketable skills might have to marry her husband's brother if her breadwinner husband dies is because marrying the brother is better than the other alternatives available to her.
Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-29-2021 at 06:12 PM.
I don't care, I don't want more order, no volume of bloodshed will change my mind.
@Grendel, I know that no amount of bloodshed will change your mind, but how about having guns in the hands of the angry, stupid, and entitled?
USA is deeply fucked up. I will never move there and am seriously considering renouncing my citizenship, lol. It's only had negative effects for me tbh.
@Grendel move to Syria then.
It's not good, but I have no idea what you do. Clearly there is a problem of too much psychological pressure being put on people, so I think you have to lessen that at the same time you are giving education to kids on intrapersonal skills. I think that's all pretty much bottom-up and takes discoordinated actions by many different groups though. One such group is here
As far as one big, sweeping top-down action, maybe mandating a "psychological cirriculum" as kids grow up so they know how to handle their thoughts and fears without giving up, but I feel like that will turn into a stilted (think DARE), brainwashy mess filled with good intentions but executed by those without.
US is a problem in itself and poverty is the bottom line
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
The solution is more in reducing the amount of guns in circulation, than it is in gun control (you already have gun laws, especially on automatic weapons, which have very strict laws and shootings still happen with them - simply because they are in circulation) .
I don't think most American gun owners are going to renounce ownership of their guns if done by government force, one solution might be to invest public money in having centers where people can exchange their guns for money, since most people need money (and that solution would also include making sure the guns are recylced and not sold onto the black market, which would prevent the continuation of the cycle of guns in circulation).
Also, as for the mental health thing, yes unstable people are more likely to pick up a gun and shoot others - but that is only possible if such arms are at their disposal. You have mentally unstable people everywhere in the world, and only America has this shooting problem (well technically there are countries like Colombia where gun deaths per 100 inhabitant outnumber those in the US, but I haven't studied the situation there). So let us say America has one of the worst death by shooting rates in the world. I don't think mental health is to blame here. You reduce the amount of firearms in circulation dramatically and I'm certain the amount of mass shootings and gun deaths will decrease dramatically.
We already accept drunk driving deaths as an unavoidable fact of life, and these happen to more people than mass shootings. The alleged freedom to drink alcohol is bought with the freedom of car accident victims; and, without also banning alcohol (or cars), it would be hypocritical to ban guns. Even the children of alcoholics would likely grow up to be healthier under prohibition and, quite frankly, would be freer under some Islamic dictatorship that bans alcohol.
One quick-fix to gun violence is to install mass surveillance systems. Lots of schools have already started doing this by installing security cameras everywhere. Predictably, this has extended to monitoring kids' email and phone usage for signs of mental health issues; and, these young people, most of whom will reach voting age, are being trained to live under constant physical and psychological surveillance. This is just one example of how one freedom can displace other freedoms.
Is there any way to stop the creeping culture of surveillance? I hope so, but probably not ---- anxious middle-class parents aren't going to send their kids to a kill-zone because they watched a George Carlin Facebook video.
Last edited by xerx; 06-04-2021 at 04:28 AM. Reason: +added
Shoot them before they shoot you, just like Texas right now lol.
A public report was released today about increase in gun violence and the conclusion points fingers to the way people interact with one another as the reason for the increase meaning attitudes and communication with one another has changed in our communities
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
The big elephants in the room are mental illness, suicidality (esp. due to depression and loneliness), and bullying in schools. American culture has major problems that may lead to violence, and it's important to realize that gun regulation will only remain a fig-leaf over these deeper social issues.
Should the United States implement more stringent gun control anyway? My country does, and we're doing fine. Maybe it's because I'm not American and don't understand their mindset, but I don't see the problem with having to jump through extra hoops to buy a gun, especially mandatory screenings that check for histories of violence and mental illness. I also don't see the problem with needing to jump through hoops to purchase certain classes of firearms (like semi-automatic rifles). Regulations are of a wholly different order than outright bans, and it's important not to conflate the two. I'm not totally familiar with the American Left's position on gun control, but banning guns outright hopefully isn't on the menu, as doing so would be inconsistent with, say, the lack of prohibition on dangerous substances like alcohol.
If the concern is over the confiscation of guns as a prelude to martial law, consider the fact that you need cars, heavy machinery (like bulldozers), and medical supplies to fight a rebellion, and that access to these is still available once you've passed certain preconditions. Quite frankly, if you're too stupid to navigate the regulatory bureaucracy required to become a gun, car, heavy machinery, and medical supply chain owner, you're too stupid to win a rebellion anyway.