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  1. #121
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    The MGTOW people are obviously not right in their heads, they're not "normal" and neither are people who get into them.
    I agree they're not 'right in the heads', but who is? "Normal" really isn't a standard of health to me.

    And people are individuals, let's not forget that. We all make our own choices. Some males go their own way and just live out sad mediocre lives. Some males go their own way and might even be happy & successful even tho society tells ppl you have to have this heteronormative union to be truly fulfilled. Some males go their own way- and then come back around again to a woman. Like I said, they're not 'going their own way' as much as waiting their own turn. And of course, some males go their own way so they can become creepy serial killers of women that the authorities hunt down. I think you're painting a group of people by too broad of a brush stroke (like I have done in the past with women- sorry I'm being kind of hypocritical but it doesn't make me wrong.)

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Perhaps they're more "Red Pill" than MGTOW, but there's some overlap.

    High divorce rate is probably the result of women being more socially and financially independent. I'd say that's a better alternative than staying in marriages due to being dependent.

    I would say that women are slightly more monogamous than men on average. Women, for better or worse, tend to become more dependent on "love", as far as the feelings are concerned. While it's true that some women might become tempted when someone "better" comes along and they may be able to "move on" quicker than men on average, however I would think that there's not much difference in gender. It would be about what kind of morality the person possesses. It would be ridiculous to assume that women have no morals at all in that regard.
    The fact that modern women are financially independent does make divorce a viable option for them ---- that's obvious. But, the fact that more people are divorcing in the first place is a separate observation, which likely has a complex set of causes (our culture of instant gratification being one of them).

    How can't men meet women's standards, when the women in Japan earn significantly less than men? (women earn about 65% of men's salary on average).

    If these men are earning significantly more but would rather run off to porn and anime, then what exactly can we expect of these men?

    "Sophisticated porn" is only possible by ignoring the standards and rights of women, which are pretty low in Japan. The fact that so many women do porn in Japan is due to women earning so much less and having much less career opportunities. It's the result of financial exploitation of women.
    I'm not a Japan expert, but I understand that Japanese tradition puts on an emphasis on husbands to be high-earning salary-men, and that this is what Japanese women expect. With the ongoing economic crisis, and the rise of precarious employment, these expectations aren't being fulfilled.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-01-2021 at 04:52 AM.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I agree with this part. The old social contract was torn apart during the 1960's, and it has been under perpetual renegotiation since then, with neither side willing to budge. Social opinions that are intermixed with personal feelings, like anything related to religion, or abortion, or feminism, are subjective and impossible to prove in any satisfying, scientific way, meaning that they can never be convincingly conveyed to the other side. With both sides so deeply entrenched, it becomes a race to shout the loudest, and to gain control over television, the education system, and social media.
    And who/what side has undeniably done so in the eyes of anyone being honest about it? This is, BTW, why I hate most so called "conservatives" who claim to share my worldview in some form or another. Really? Conservative? Could you soyfaced cucks even manage to conserve such things as the reality of there only being two genders in an objective sense? How about 2+2=4? Oh right, that's racist and "Eurocentric" or some other such bullshit.

    I can go on and on. Give me an example of "progress" in regards to progressivism and I'll tell you how it's instead an utter failure of my side to oppose it in any meaningful way. Victories by intentional default. Traitors get the bullet over avowed enemies. Sadly, my side is rife with traitors whereas yours is not...

    Well, for now anyway. I don't think you're a full on ardent death cultist. You'd likely balk at the prospect of killing me in cold blood I think and the feeling is actually mutual.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    You'd likely balk at the prospect of killing me in cold blood I think and the feeling is actually mutual.
    Thanks, I appreciate the polite sentiment. (:

  5. #125
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    When it comes to divorce I believe that can arise from unspoken expectations, which leave one person in the dark while the other seeds resentment. A loss of respect for themselves and also for their partner comes from living this lie. To make clear what you want is to risk vulnerability but without putting yourself "out there" there is little potential for your underlying problem to be considered, let alone solved.

    Are these unfulfilled expectations (of men) being voiced on an individual level? Until you voice them you can only make assumptions about what a person is willing to do, to change.

    Acknowledging the part tradition plays into some of these expectations, in individual homes, seems important.

    It would also make sense to be realistic about your income and its potential sources and to be willing to make compromises for each other. Your stress is shared, and it is important in a union that you take ownership of reducing it. There will always be elements that are beyond your control, so being able to communicate and adapt is important to a successful marriage.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    "Going their own way" -> primarily focused on freeing themselves from desire for female attention.

    Honestly, if this is what MGTOW boils down to in the end, and if these people genuinely want to go their own way, then more power to them. OTOH, at the other extreme of the manosphere, the most insipid thing about Red Pill / PUA people is the way they contort their personalities for female attention. Letting other people have that much power over you is vile and disgusting.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-01-2021 at 06:55 AM.

  7. #127

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    I agree they're not 'right in the heads', but who is? "Normal" really isn't a standard of health to me.

    And people are individuals, let's not forget that. We all make our own choices. Some males go their own way and just live out sad mediocre lives. Some males go their own way and might even be happy & successful even tho society tells ppl you have to have this heteronormative union to be truly fulfilled. Some males go their own way- and then come back around again to a woman. Like I said, they're not 'going their own way' as much as waiting their own turn. And of course, some males go their own way so they can become creepy serial killers of women that the authorities hunt down. I think you're painting a group of people by too broad of a brush stroke (like I have done in the past with women- sorry I'm being kind of hypocritical but it doesn't make me wrong.)
    I'm not against that, but let's not pretend that MGTOW is anything of that sort. They're basically dangerous terrorists or it's a dangerous ideology that fuels hatred and cause real-life harm and violence. I'd say they're a disgrace to the vast majority of men that don't actually think like that.

    Let's not be naive and pretend that these Red Pillers are just a bunch of sad but harmless dudes who have little luck with love. Actually the problem seems to be that they're incapable of loving and have thoughts that are rooted in extreme self-interest. Anyway, they're clearly dangerous and are willing to radicalize themselves to the point of mass murdering people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    The fact that modern women are financially independent does make divorce a viable option for them ---- that's obvious. But, the fact that more people are divorcing in the first place is a separate observation, which likely has a complex set of causes (our culture of instant gratification being one of them).
    I'm not exactly a traditionalist, so I can't say that I care much either way. If it start causing social problems due to things like broken families and children growing up being messed up, then maybe there'd be a cause for concern. I'm not exactly sure why they're divorcing. I'd be highly skeptical of the Red Pillers/MGTOW's theory that it has to do with rampant "hypergamy" of the female mindset. I wouldn't exactly take their claims at a face value, because they are purposefully spreading a bunch of dubious BS and FUD.

    But it seems that at least in the US, the divorce rate is actually decreasing:

    The United States divorce rate is dropping, thanks to millennials

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Isn't "MGTOW" different than "incel" tho? Like "Going their own way" -> primarily focused on freeing themselves from desire for female attention. In a vacuum, that sounds harmless. If you're opposed to that then the alternative is that all men should stay clamoring for female attention all the time, lol.

    Like I could be factually wrong here, I don't keep up with what all the mgtows are advocating politically. Like if they were all pro-life or anti-contraceptives that'd be a really bad sign. But if all they are is a bucket of dejected dumped men squawking and jerking each other off, they shouldn't be equated with a terrorist cell.

    There is nothing wrong with celibacy. We need to stop one-upping celibate men on how to up their own desirability, and start teaching them how to be happy in their aloneness. Some people are better off chaste.
    We need Celibacy Positivity.
    I was with you until you said "some people are better off chaste" ...I don't think anybody would disagree with that lol, but who exactly are you talking about and why?
    The idea of embracing celibacy positivity is horrifying but maybe that's exactly why it's not a cultural thing even though it should be! U right

  11. #131
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    There's nothing wrong with being celibate in regards to most people, but I hope to abandon that practice with one person.

  12. #132
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    They're basically dangerous terrorists or it's a dangerous ideology that fuels hatred and cause real-life harm and violence.
    I don't feel like I'm being naive, I just don't think there's enough evidence that is the case or it's directly related to the incel-y crap. And if you do genuinely hate something- staying far away from it is really just wise to me. So even if they do hate women and are handling it by staying away from them- what is the harm in that? Would you rather make them interact with women so they could then unleash their rage and hurt one of them? Forcing them to interact with women when they don't like them doesn't seem wise.

    I agree that generally speaking women are better than men. Nicer, more compassionate, easier to get along with, more social , less violent- all that crap. But if their heart has been burnt before or they did meet a lot of cruel narcissistic bitchy women (cuz let's be honest- they do exist) and they just wanna go their own way with that- what is really the harm??

    Anyway with the way everything is so high surveilence these days- nobody can really 'go their own way' in a campy/narc way anyway. The Illuminati pretty much watches everything we do under the guise or genuine intention of protecting us. You seem to be under the impression tho that the entire movement will just make a bunch of Ted Bundys - do you have any hard evidence of that?

    This is part of the reason why I loathe forced community participation with just about anything. ((like forced public schooling etc.)) No offense but I think you are the one that is actually being naive. I know Te thinking types often disagree with me, because they are a lot better with moving external institutions without taking them so personally. But if people aren't getting along- the best thing is probably to not make them meet up. Te/Ti logic be damned.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    There's nothing wrong with being celibate in regards to most people, but I hope to abandon that practice with one person.
    Well MGTOW is broader than that. It just goes against official wife + husband coalition under any legislation based on different starting points.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I don't feel like I'm being naive, I just don't think there's enough evidence that is the case or it's directly related to the incel-y crap. And if you do genuinely hate something- staying far away from it is really just wise to me. So even if they do hate women and are handling it by staying away from them- what is the harm in that? Would you rather make them interact with women so they could then unleash their rage and hurt one of them? Forcing them to interact with women when they don't like them doesn't seem wise.

    I agree that generally speaking women are better than men. Nicer, more compassionate, easier to get along with, more social , less violent- all that crap. But if their heart has been burnt before or they did meet a lot of cruel narcissistic bitchy women (cuz let's be honest- they do exist) and they just wanna go their own way with that- what is really the harm??

    Anyway with the way everything is so high surveilence these days- nobody can really 'go their own way' in a campy/narc way anyway. The Illuminati pretty much watches everything we do under the guise or genuine intention of protecting us. You seem to be under the impression tho that the entire movement will just make a bunch of Ted Bundys - do you have any hard evidence of that?
    The movement is literally under a watch by an international counter-terrorist organization:

    Another prominent group is that of Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW). MGTOW intend to have as little contact with women as possible and postulate an independent, seemingly self-sufficient lifestyle. They openly disdain women, and normalize it through online harassment.
    Male supremacism and the Hanau terrorist attack: between online misogyny and far-right violence

    Southern Poverty Law Center puts MGTOW under a hate group:

    On the borders of the hateful incel community, a community advocating for male separatism has also emerged: calling themselves MGTOW, Men Going Their Own Way, these men decided to withdraw themselves from the toxicity of women increasingly, eventually “going monk” by abstaining from sex altogether. Decried by Roosh as “passive and meek,” they also deem women inferior and harmful and think they get in the way of male achievement.

    A shooter literally killed 9 people over the MGTOW ideology:

    The terrorist has been described as a 43 year-old man motivated by an eclectic mix of anti-immigrant beliefs, eugenics, conspiracy theories, and misogynist ideology. There are some indications that ‘Tobias R.’ was a voluntary celibate (as opposed to an involuntary celibate, or ‘incel’) and part of a fringe community called ‘Men Going Their Own Way,’ or MGTOW, which expresses vehemently anti-feminist and misogynist viewpoints.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why not? They’re pretty similar: both are sexual emancipation movements based on the belief that the other sex is responsible for their oppression.
    According to this logic, civil rights movements are pretty similar to white supremacism: both are racial emancipation movements based on the belief that the other party is responsible for their oppression.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrInternet42069 View Post
    Why does MGTOW make women seethe so much? I don't agree with MGTOW but it's kinda funny how much it occupies people's minds. Let these men go their own way if they want, time will reveal how that works out.
    Why is it only a women's issue? Pretty sure most women don't care about MGTOW.

    Dating isn’t for everyone. You can choose to make more efforts to attract women if you want to, but you’re not obligated to. When men fall into this category and ask women what they think of it, I’m not sure what they’re expecting from us. I mean, none of us wanted to date these guys, so how upset do they expect us to be? What are we missing here, exactly?

    If a guy joins MGTOW for this reason, I wouldn’t notice, but I support their autonomy to do so. I wish them well in life.

    Since the banning of certain incel subreddits, MGTOW has a few incel hangers-on in their sub. Don’t ask women what they think of incels. We feel the same way about them as the rest of the world, and probably most MGTOW devotees.
    What Do Women Think of MGTOW?

    Maybe because if they keep spreading hate, harassing and killing people, then that's a cause for concern.

    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    According to this logic, civil rights movements are pretty similar to white supremacism: both are racial emancipation movements based on the belief that the other party is responsible for their oppression.
    Yeah and authoritarians and democrats are just people asserting their own individual rights in their own respect, and hence cancel each other out.

    It's just bad logic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post


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    i'm bored and i guess i can understand the impulse to troll heated topics. i just want to poke it with a stick, so i started thinking.

    does the kind of mentality that inclines one toward MGTOW mean that a man is automatically like,, unworthy of female companionship anyway? what kind of mentality is needed?
    seems like you guys are either attempting to pinpoint this or assuming everybody knows anyway. so i'm brainstorming characteristics necessary for MGTOW and i open this for discussion:

    - tendency to give up when frustrated
    - either/or thinking
    - high internet exposure
    - blaming others for problems

    i know more sympathetic things could be added to this

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Isn't "MGTOW" different than "incel" tho? Like "Going their own way" -> primarily focused on freeing themselves from desire for female attention. In a vacuum, that sounds harmless. If you're opposed to that then the alternative is that all men should stay clamoring for female attention all the time, lol.
    MGTOW and incels are the same thing in different form. MGTOW would be perfectly ok if it was GTOW as you said "Going their own way" -> primarily focused on freeing themselves".

    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    There is nothing wrong with celibacy. We need to stop one-upping celibate men on how to up their own desirability, and start teaching them how to be happy in their aloneness. Some people are better off chaste.
    We need Celibacy Positivity.
    I agree that there is nothing wrong with celibacy. Both men and women can choose celibate life styles. However, when either of them choose this because of their own insecurties and hatred thinking they are supreme, other party is evil, it doesn't seem like they are going on their way. They seem like uniting against rather than uniting towards, they seem to point fingers and focusing on where their finger is pointing.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    According to this logic, civil rights movements are pretty similar to white supremacism: both are racial emancipation movements based on the belief that the other party is responsible for their oppression.
    Sure. What’s your point?

    A group’s claim to be oppressed might be right. Even so, their logic and strategy can look pretty similar to their opponents. Furthermore, despite the validity of this claim, their response to it can be equally or more wrong. The Nation of Islam is an example of a black supremacist group whose beliefs and strategies are clearly misguided; the fact that black people have historically been oppressed in the States doesn’t justify them, and their tribalistic outlook resembles that of white supremacists. In fact, that tribalistic mindset is a large part of why they’re wrong. That mindset is one that’s shared by feminists and MGTOWs.

  22. #142
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    i only know about MGTOW kinda thirdhand from what other people have to say about them. if you have experience with them in the trenches, will you raise your hand?
    a group of people that has traction in terms of publicity and influence but is embarrassing to align with. isnt that kind of romantic?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Sure. What’s your point?

    A group’s claim to be oppressed might be right. Even so, their logic and strategy can look pretty similar to their opponents. Furthermore, despite the validity of this claim, their response to it can be equally or more wrong. The Nation of Islam is an example of a black supremacist group whose beliefs and strategies are clearly misguided; the fact that black people have historically been oppressed in the States doesn’t justify them, and their tribalistic outlook resembles that of white supremacists. In fact, that tribalistic mindset is a large part of why they’re wrong. That mindset is one that’s shared by feminists and MGTOWs.
    So how would you oppose Nation of Islam, then?

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Sure. What’s your point?

    A group’s claim to be oppressed might be right. Even so, their logic and strategy can look pretty similar to their opponents. Furthermore, despite the validity of this claim, their response to it can be equally or more wrong.
    Bolded parts are my point. To elaborate further both civil rights movements and feminism based on getting equal rights. While MGTOW and white supremacy based on their own belief of supremacy and hatred of the other party.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The Nation of Islam is an example of a black supremacist group whose beliefs and strategies are clearly misguided; the fact that black people have historically been oppressed in the States doesn’t justify them, and their tribalistic outlook resembles that of white supremacists. In fact, that tribalistic mindset is a large part of why they’re wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    That mindset is one that’s shared by feminists and MGTOWs.
    Foundation of feminism isn't based on hatred while MGTOW's is. There are always people who would intrepret and use any kind of ideology, philosophy or belief according to their liking though.

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    is the foundation of mgtow explained somewhere? like a mission statement?

  26. #146


    Mgtow sounds like a tantrum

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    Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
    Foundation of feminism isn't based on hatred while MGTOW's is. There are always people who would intrepret and use any kind of ideology, philosophy or belief according to their liking though.
    Isn’t it? I always hear that it isn’t, but whenever I see a self-described “feminist” speaking, the talking points they raise always do seem to be misandristic. And I find it difficult to imagine what a non-misandristic feminism would look like: what would it fight for? Equality with men or even privilege compared to men has already been achieved virtually everywhere in Western countries, except occasional fringe cases. Remaining demands feminists make tend to seem like privileges, since these are things inaccessible to the majority of men (for instance, equal female representation of CEOs, yet never equal female representation of e.g. sanitation workers).

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    is the foundation of mgtow explained somewhere? like a mission statement?
    The name seems simple enough to me — “men going their own way —“namely, not with women.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    So how would you oppose Nation of Islam, then?
    What do you mean by “oppose?” The only two ways I see of trying to “oppose” any social movement are to try to promote conversation, or to grab a rifle. Both approaches have their disadvantages, I suppose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Isn’t it? I always hear that it isn’t, but whenever I see a self-described “feminist” speaking, the talking points they raise always do seem to be misandristic. And I find it difficult to imagine what a non-misandristic feminism would look like: what would it fight for? Equality with men or even privilege compared to men has already been achieved virtually everywhere in Western countries, except occasional fringe cases. Remaining demands feminists make tend to seem like privileges, since these are things inaccessible to the majority of men (for instance, equal female representation of CEOs, yet never equal female representation of e.g. sanitation workers).
    If things were so equal, then why even bother with countering feminism? Even if they were misandrists, it shouldn't matter because things are so equal anyway and so they should be of no matter of consequence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    The name seems simple enough to me — “men going their own way —“namely, not with women.
    It's so weird to me that people are arguing about what mgtow stands for when it doesn't even seen to be an explicit thing to be speaking about in a common language. If it was simple enough, would there be a thread? Is everybody talking about the same thing? Is there something to point to, so that we can be on the same page?

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    The only logical conclusion is that the enemy sex is operating completely from a desire for power over you. Obviously

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    If things were so equal, then why even bother with countering feminism? Even if they were misandrists, it shouldn't matter because things are so equal anyway and so they should be of no matter of consequence.
    You could ask the same question about the men's rights movement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    You could ask the same question about the men's rights movement.
    Exactly omg

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Isn’t it? I always hear that it isn’t, but whenever I see a self-described “feminist” speaking, the talking points they raise always do seem to be misandristic. And I find it difficult to imagine what a non-misandristic feminism would look like: what would it fight for? Equality with men or even privilege compared to men has already been achieved virtually everywhere in Western countries, except occasional fringe cases. Remaining demands feminists make tend to seem like privileges, since these are things inaccessible to the majority of men (for instance, equal female representation of CEOs, yet never equal female representation of e.g. sanitation workers).

    Sounds like you learned about feminism from Reddit and 4chan

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    I'm not exactly a traditionalist, so I can't say that I care much either way. If it start causing social problems due to things like broken families and children growing up being messed up, then maybe there'd be a cause for concern. I'm not exactly sure why they're divorcing. I'd be highly skeptical of the Red Pillers/MGTOW's theory that it has to do with rampant "hypergamy" of the female mindset. I wouldn't exactly take their claims at a face value, because they are purposefully spreading a bunch of dubious BS and FUD.
    Oh, I'm not a traditionalist either, and I would fight to the metaphorical death to preserve people's freedom to divorce, as I would for most forms of self-expression. But, there are apparently large segments of society who feel alienated by modern attitudes towards love and sex, who still cling to monogamy, and for whom the sexual revolution hasn't worked in their favour. This merits discussion.

    Mind you, not all MGTOW fit this profile, and some are the exact opposite: there are lots of MGTOW who do seek sex without commitment. The movement is hard to classify, but the main connecting thread, if there is one, is the notion that society is designed around the needs of women. And even here, there are some MGTOW whose only claimed goal is to lead a solitary life, and are either indifferent to or reject that argument.
    Last edited by xerx; 06-02-2021 at 12:28 AM. Reason: +added

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Sounds like you learned about feminism from Reddit and 4chan
    I was thinking more of certain people I know IRL. But feel free to enlighten me re. contemporary feminist thought or whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Isn’t it? I always hear that it isn’t, but whenever I see a self-described “feminist” speaking, the talking points they raise always do seem to be misandristic.And I find it difficult to imagine what a non-misandristic feminism would look like: what would it fight for?
    It would fight for getting equal rights. Feminism has a bad rap, so some women don't want to identify themselves as such. I don't know who are these people you are referring to. Misandristic women exists but that is not feminism.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Equality with men or even privilege compared to men has already been achieved virtually everywhere in Western countries, except occasional fringe cases.
    Women started to get their rights just a few century ago. Although rights are given, equality doesn't seem to be established. Same goes for black people etc.

    Just to note that, this doesn't mean that most women feel this inequality on a daily basis, but I am sure most women had some moments if they are not living in a bubble or if they didn't have little extrospection/introspection.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Remaining demands feminists make tend to seem like privileges, since these are things inaccessible to the majority of men (for instance, equal female representation of CEOs, yet never equal female representation of e.g. sanitation workers).
    It is true that they want women to have privileged positions and not vice versa. I think that is a rational approach that every oppressed party applies, not only feminists. Because if women apply they can get those kind of works, so inequality of representation of that area of job is based on preference. Women don't feel discriminated such as men don't feel discriminated because there are more female nurses out there. Discrimination can be observed better and applied more, when position has more and more priviliges, this stands true for every oppresed party, not only women, due to reflection of past. Besides, people on position of power changes the progress of things, hence, again it is more valid for any discriminated party to focus on these areas so that everything wouldn't be dominated by one party alone.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Why not? They’re pretty similar: both are sexual emancipation movements based on the belief that the other sex is responsible for their oppression.
    I’m gonna pull my Fi demo card and say that I support feminism because I believe equality of the sexes is good. Thanks to feminism, I can get an education, vote, get a job, access birth control, etc. Thanks to feminism we have a woman as Vice President and a woman running the House of Representatives. The MGTOW and incel communities have accomplished nothing other than inspiring a mass shooting and the creation of forums full of self-pitying/angry/hateful men.

    I’m regretting this comment already but yolo.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    I’m gonna pull my Fi demo card and say that I support feminism because I believe equality of the sexes is good. Thanks to feminism, I can get an education, vote, get a job, access birth control, etc. Thanks to feminism we have a woman as Vice President and a woman running the House of Representatives. The MGTOW and incel communities have accomplished nothing other than inspiring a mass shooting and the creation of forums full of self-pitying/angry/hateful men.

    I’m regretting this comment already but yolo.
    Yeah, that's pretty much it.

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