How does unvalued enhanced IEs change one's psyche?
How does it change behavior?
Give descriptions or show videos to illustrate the effect.
How does unvalued enhanced IEs change one's psyche?
How does it change behavior?
Give descriptions or show videos to illustrate the effect.
My Te demonstrative is pretty gifted. I prefer my Ti creative. It's patient, assists my base & helps me be my best self
When I get defensive, Te activates & my compassion for others turns to sh*t. I get pragmatic, focus purely on its logic & become some sort of fascist dictatorial bull. Even if I were successful using my Te, it be no way to be content.
Not sure if that's the reply you were looking for
The circumstances.
My jobs generally involve the human element. Other SLEs choose careers or circumstances which favor their Te demonstrative. It's careers (or environments) involving sports & finances which nurture or accept their Te.
I'm self aware but a bastard cause careers with the human element frown on a"harsh" Te. People question your social intelligence, ask you to apologize & call you a villain
My guess is environments which continually ask any SLE to walk on egg shells are begging for a harsh Te outburst. That's my theory.
We're social creatures. It's up to each of us to navigate this world effectively according to our strengths and weaknesses
My SEE sister seems to have enhanced Ne. it seems like she can come up inventive ideas but without any sort of structure so those just stay there. It should serve her better but I suppose she still shakes up things in a good way...
(seems like she has all the capacity to handle math and stuff but she just hates to think about it.)
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 05-09-2021 at 05:44 AM.
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Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare
Such can be said about strong nonvalued regions of all types.
Also there can be _people_ which have some of _skills_ developed in a region in more degree than common for their type, including in nonvalued regions.