The Wizard of Orre (Pokemon Colosseum and Gale of Darkness fan fiction):

Michael battled to the very top of Mount Battle, after braving the gauntlet of 100 super charged trainers to reach an extremely rare and exalted station only reached previously by Wes and Ho-Oh. Upon completing this task, Michael met up with Wes, who had previously expanded his mind and awareness to entail the full spectrum of human to divine power and might by studying with the Wizard Infin. Wes was now an apprentice wizard who had surpassed his master, and upon being euphoric and splendor clad in seeing his younger version Michael reach the top, it was just fated that they would exchange conversations and wisdom - but first, they had an unexpected guest...

"JOVI!", screamed Wes in a startled note upon seeing Michael's younger sister emerge out of the Abra teleporter. "Teleporting flies on the wings of power puff girls, with Professor Bill flickering My eyes to the festival of trance fireflies. I frolic in your mountaintop snow to fire Tolkien tattle tale! Everyone knows big brother cheated by snatching My Soul into the dove of valor and exquisite apple cider. My - you engorge that fallen Father Crow's gold dust of the sweet sun dance you gave Infin. Knock knock jokes are always frivolous and juicy, but My heart resides with Ho-Oh. Michael, you are my unstoppable, timeless, eternal hero for swooping over Lugia unleashed at citadark pinnacle, but Jovi is not putting jingle bell insects in the family tree. You are brother ubermensch, not Jovi's husband. Jovi sees you as the freezer brained lunatic of unbelievable dreams and wild ambition, but not extricated from the physical by a deluge of the dreamer. Jovi sees Love and luster inviting Father crow to oceans of jewelry. Jovi pulls your dollhouse strings, big brother. Let's Wish for joy that we each see to shine sparkles of random Rainbows for If to Will!", said Jovi.

"You are very curious and explosive, Jovi, but we must be patient and humble in the face of such evolved might and force from the legend that is Wes. He is me as I should be, my copy, my silver cord to chronologies and exploits that shatter and break the globe. If anyone is so magnificent, spellbinding, and oracular as the Infin Father Crow Rainbow Master himself, it's Wes.", said Michael.
"Jovi had a fortune cookie with Sabrina at the ruins of alph imagination nexus, and was shocked and floating in whirlpool ocarina upon stuffed Bunny blessings when kicked in the butt to shower with elves and reason with Infin as the cards prophesied your lordship and creator to give God a watch. Jovi hates big numbers, they poke and writhe, but big brother can handle any amulet coin to the casino charms of lush mint condition Meganium. Jovi tells Meganium to waltz and infatuate Infin fluff channels. Jovi sees the blackbelt Sabrina as a bookcase cubone, making Kobe distant in the barbie wizard lore. I'm a Hair garden, befriend dragons and serpents with gust and harbors to narnia.", said Jovi.

The world is deep, exotic, fantastic, and original, Michael, but a true champion walks the path not to the end, or to destiny, or to exaltation and invincibility, but rather, takes in all of the wonderland experience on a storybook quest, one for meaning, one for Love, and one for infinity. As Infin says, "The Rainbow bridge continues as the story goes on forever."", said Wes.
"What!? Wait! I always lusted for victory, for prime time, to rush and conquer like a destroyer of fates, and yet never once looked to the contest more so than to the coronation!", said Michael.
"You become a vessel of all psychic potential and limitless joy and wealth when you can let go of the final result, and flow with the imaginative possibilities of what the highest meaning of your luck is, and one day, you will stratify yourself to the highest light Michael, like I, Wes have, but once you're there, you can never stand still - life always moves forward. Let the definition of your virtue be what you did "after" final victory.", said Wes.

"Jovi agrees with Wes, big brother. I press buttons and roar with delight over the stargazing and precious effects of George Lucas Psyduck at rendering and ballooning dreams bubbles to shapes and enormities that Jovi finds his big fat psyduck bill building. When playing house with Sabrina, Jovi always looked over the roadway for a speedy string of gum ball machine ribbons and night-core round robins. Jovi sees languages in those gnostic sciences. Jovi petals and roams like a free Wartortle in the aquarium. Jovi thinks that she's a prettier mermaid than umbrella pale misty pen pal.", said Jovi.

"I often feel like I'm eluding my whole life mission and goal, Wes, like a monster of pure black is detonating the entire hanger of liberty and independence, Wes, like there's no escaping that Final Annihilator Nascour. But you took him head on Wes, and sent him packing, with his wiry snake electrocuted visage!", said Michael.
"Nascour is a haunting from the most chaotic and rampaging sectors of the oblivion unknown, Michael, but the secret is that your entire life is a saga, one where the hero is chosen, me and you, Michael, one and the same person. I'm here to show you the most uber maximized threads of fate for you, Michael, that you may one day see the hole of devouring split off at full frequency to shatter earth, and make the mind the most prized ceiling.", said Wes.
"I know my destiny is at hand, Wes, just as you seized everything in an unrelenting roulette of brilliant strategy after masterpiece classic of Pokemon entertainment and frenzied salvation, but I feel so small, so powerless, so insignificant. How can a mere 10 year old kid like me save the world"?, asked Michael.

"Jovi lives in a small world too, Michael, because Jovi trespasses into every world with Bunny and Sabrina lighting the blueprint to make box empire, where even small acts of courage and inspired chivalry make renown and ladders of promise in fairytopia propose to the fate weaver. Jovi sees big as your Love, that the halo of snapshot utopia offers squiggly mentoring and items of chance to inscribe Jovi's jumbo packed adventures in flair and hilarious mobility with Bunny to dress up the dragon gale heist. Jovi wants to be famous Michael, believe Jovi.", said Jovi.
"Do you mean Jovi that you become immortalized by trying to be unique, original, creative, by showing an inventive spark that presents your individuality in the next ultimatum of planning?", asked Michael.

"You can receive rewards and prestige on the extragalactic to macroversal and beyond plane Michael by willing your Soul to capture those most superficially distant alternatives, but with programming your wish into the Bunny directory, and putting all of Your Heart into the Will of the Force, and tying Your most dear and treasured hopes to Bunny, then if you remain honest and good hearted, then your truest desires just will spring into overpowered and gargantuan proportions, Michael! It's just like Jovi says, when your heart grows, so does your Power.", said Wes.

"These possibilities and implications to consider are so vast and intense. I feel like as I get bigger, my world gets bigger too.", said Michael.
"And you should never doubt how big the world is, or at least theoretically could become. We all saw Bayern Munich Michael, Me, Jovi and you, where the most farfetched and seemingly unreasonable of score-lines can inexplicably escalate to the dream castle of seismic upheaval.", said Wes.
"Jovi ate a big fat birthday cake and depleted Mountain Dew headquarters when Muller put a big fat straw in the sun and said I could party with him on cloud 9! Jovi thinks Muller is a leprechaun and a happy dancer. Jovi ran on tables with Muller like a hobbit Yoda at pizza hut JarJar panda express, kicking and swirling in yogurt gummy bears!", said Jovi.

"You should listen closely and intently to the sprite like and eager Jovi, Michael. Her energy and pixie like attitude is how every wise wizard and ascended master should aspire to be.", said Wes.
"Yes, clearly, of course, my sister is a firebrand engine of random meanings, I see Wes. We should strive to be like Jovi in all things!", said Michael.
"Don't cry, big brother. Jovi values every emotion and florescent leak in the airy bizarre of Yugi's Millennium Puzzle. Jovi's spirit sees into you Michael, and she knows big brother will transcend Wes and Jovi! Michael is loyal and strong. Jovi feels big brother's actions and freelance rogue bards and Politoeds give Jovi a worm in the tongue of his most beautiful and trigonometric Kingdom Hearts. Jovi princess relinquishes the magic carpet and Alice in Wonderland altitudes of marksman mania to climb Michael's scooter Youtuber!", said Jovi.

"Do you mean I'm - the Chosen One!? I'm erupting on this fabled height, Wes and Jovi! The two of you paint every bridge to the next frontier! I'll do my best, even if it means that I have to stand strong against a raging Tyranitar!", said Michael.
"You are Tyranitar as your most beloved nature, Michael! You followed the path of stardom and benevolence for all Pokemon and mankind. I was the opening beacon to illuminating the way to liberation and justice for Orre, but you completely overthrew and crashed above the gale force hurricane, Michael! If anyone will carry on the legacy, from Infin to me, then it's you, Michael! You taught me charity and embrace for everyone, from little innocent cheerful Jovi, to big, gigantic, determined Wes! Children have a vitalized fountain of virtue and magic.", said Wes.

"Prototype 001 Lugia was your Tyranitar heart diamond too, Wes. It shows your fortitude and shiny purity as a child, Michael, back when you were 8. You were a bubbly thinker of fragrance and a wishful will. You played with Jovi in matrimony and engagement, decorating for Her flighty escapes to paradise isles. Jovi will honor and remember all of your imparting, Michael.", said Wes.

"Yes, big brother, Jovi remembers! Jovi was visiting Father Crow relishing every tongue and enchantment of the peacock consciousness. Jovi loved finding out more about unicorn shadowfax and triumphant chrysamere. It greeted Jovi's dawn treader with alphabet soup and treebeard yonder with the veil to lothlorien playing a healing mist for Jovi to play hide and seek! Jovi remembers Michael conquered fear and enigmas that puzzled and confused Jovi in impossible winding roads. But Michael caught the thomas the tank engine fork to the top stadium. Michael told Pikachu volt tackle and rise to surprising extra dinosaur rage to flood Jovi's crystal lake harbor.", said Jovi.

"Childhood never dies nor loses frequency and influence on your supernatural link, Michael. You should become as a child, like Jovi, searching, reflecting, travelling to other worlds of the mind, having an enthusiasm that lights up the highest studio, encountering paradoxes and lovely perspective shifts with an eye on the endless dimensions, Michael.", said Wes.
"I know it's possible Wes to recover our hidden angelhood in our inner mysticism as what we were as children, Wes, and that the whole goal and dream of the 001 project was to harness that all emblazoning core of spiritual mastery. And then again Wes, you would know even better than I do, that impossible is nothing.", said Michael.

"Infin was the herald to that caliber, Michael. He imprisoned immense echoes and undertows to his psychology. Infin showed me to prime at the highest point, intensify, sharpen, peak, revamp, and explode with complete and absolute omega fracturing the pale blue dot of earth to the most impressive stadium of the evolving.", said Wes.

"Evolution may very well be the whole meaning of Pokemon, Michael, to express, experience, manifest, and live out all levels of the divine intellect of Infin. Infin is a field of all knowledge and Love, and if we can dig far enough into our own minds, then we, as pieces of Infin can come to access the knowledge of all things.", said Michael.
"Jovi accessorized Pikachu in novel toys and party hats. Jovi giggled about Bunny's faces highlighting the mirror puddle hopping and world warping Pikachu would swim into on the hanger of clothes and witch broom sticks to ride as ships.", said Jovi.
"But what if evolution is evil? What if there's a better and less painful way to personify nature than evolution?", asked Michael.

"Well yes, of course evolution, and the much of the natural order as a whole for that part is evil, Michael. What an astonishing insight! You should never just passively accept the current state of things. You must command your destiny, engineer your empire. Bunny will eclipse and overcome every obstacle one day, and then, we will be able to forever enjoy the majestic blizzard of clever "What-If" questions.", said Wes.

"Like what if Infin could reveal to us how he became Ho-Oh? Is the journey to surpass the millennia and the most supreme engine of rebirth on every possible world and beyond something that we can forever whirl into the paradigm generator? Did I live 1000 times as Tyranitar before I became Lugia? The precise and exact answer to these fascinating and rare phenomena are an embarking and arrow for the Aeons", said Wes.