How can man become God?

God has lived thousands upon innumerable counts of lives, and has seen the centuries to dates outside of comprehension roll on by, so if we travel through the lowest jungle, then the glint of studio like stardom to rattle and bang out the birth of worlds, physical and mental would be a promise of godhood. Man is ever the creating individual, the point of no-return, the arrow of time. And time would be another key for God, the nature of time, as time has made him perfect. Many say that time is a river, taking many paths, changing speed, spiraling and whirling endlessly in places, even going backwards, but overall, following 1 general flow into the future at the most basic, primal level of physicality in 3/4 dimensions. But what if time could also be a thousand suns, showing the invincible and all chronologies crossed destinies that we're flashing forward into, stages to win at on the road, gateways of the spectacular? That God lives through every shining moment, and even in perfection, can always get wiser shows that part of who we are is not only what we could've done or become but, more importantly, what we actually did do and become, what we proved. If we were God, we would be spitting out products after items of delicate craftsmanship and subtlety, to put more shiny effects into the gizmos and gadgets of the game. We would also have a wish making engine activated, minus wishes that hurt the liberty of others, or winning the Pokemon Macroversal Tournament simply by wishing to do so rather than grabbing the trophy in perfect performance. Also, when you're God, you have to accept the possibility that there could be other Gods in other existences that we have to work our ways towards. In a sense, even all of our own minds are separate worlds. Perhaps 1 of the bigger goals in the cosmic riddle could be to hack into God's mind, to fly off with his all special and prized imagination, making that utopia golden. Maybe another thing that God is is a storybook, housing all of the characters and archetypes of a legendary and heroic classic saga.