Star Wars: The Chosen One - Anakin Tribute

Pokemon the Movie 2000 The Power of One, Star Wars Episode I Phantom Menace

The whole initiation of a Chosen 1 to defeat time and be apocalyptic, emerging from the esoteric and farfetched cloud to summon courage and bravery for major accomplishments and navigate the evil toybox seems grabbing of a huge milestone stampeding on the currents of chaos in an unleashed factory.

The Jedi speak of the Chosen 1 as the 1 who will bring balance to the Force. The Sith speak of the Chosen 1 as having perfect power and perfect destiny. Somehow, the threads of fate and Wish must all combine in perfect harmony to spell out the flavor of morality in the compass cardinal.

Personally, I go for the Chosen 1 as Thomas Muller, because 7-1 and 8-2 is so revamped and massive that no jet or tailspin can even slightly descend into that gravity well and harness the full clockwork arcanum video game mansion.

Maybe, from a more speculative perspective, the Chosen 1 is pure hearted, battle tested, curious, masterful, ambitious, calculating, strong, flowing, crashing, engineering, just throwing up his sword and lightsaber to the maelstrom of all intellect and ingenuity for the full throttle leviathan of emblems and totems in the wind of beauty and scenic poise of flowering jewels and planetarium sized faith.

In Pokemon the Movie 2000 The Power of One, Ash is the Chosen 1, flying into the sky with dominoes of the continuum burning bridges and securing victory for the jaws of defeat. Lugia is so angelic and blissful that that wave of force, that coffin of surprise, the recollection of fissuring finality light a fire under any adversary.