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Thread: Socionics and Your Approach to Creativity

  1. #1
    AWellArmedCat's Avatar
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    Default Socionics and Your Approach to Creativity

    This is something I've been curious about for a long time. Are there any interesting correlations/trends to be observed between type and your approach to art/creativity? I'm not talking about how creative you are. I'm talking about how you are creative. In what manner do you or other types that you've observed go about being creative and how do you think that relates to the information elements or respective quadra?

    I'll start things off with my own observations. I enjoy being creative in a lot of different ways, but drawing is the main one. I think I would describe my approach as attempting to understand the real world imaginatively. I have a fairly cartoonish art style and I love drawing fantasy subject matter, but I think Ti really comes out strong in my art. Of course it's satisfying to finish pieces, but that's not a huge motivator for me. What I get satisfaction from primarily is from understanding what things look like in my art style. I'll draw pages and pages of faces just trying to really, deeply understand *why* the lines go where they go. It's not enough to simply get lucky and end up with a nice drawing. What I want is really to build up my ability to understand space and volume in my head because I feel that I am naturally very bad at that sort of thing. I'm very much focused on a certain result, but the result that I'm after is comprehension of what it is I'm drawing. Not realistic comprehension though, but comprehension via my own style. I'm not interested in artistic realism at all. What I draw doesn't need to match the real world, but needs to be internally consistent. I'm constantly endeavoring to build my stylized understanding of things, and I derive a large portion of my enjoyment for drawing from simply leveling up my understanding of how the people, creatures, and things in my head are actually assembled and how they take up space. Even more than this though I enjoy passing on my understanding to other people. Recently a friend with no previous interest in art just out of the blue asked me to teach him how to draw people and it made me so freaking happy. I couldn't wait to share so I crammed a whole tutorial into a single easy-to-understand page for him while I had some downtime at work. It was so fun.

    TL;DR I interpret my approach to art as being largely Ti-driven. Do you agree with my assessment? How about you? What approach to creativity/art do you take? (totally doesn't have to be drawing - you could talk about how you like to manage your backyard if you want, that's plenty creative!) Does anyone else find that their Hidden Agenda is highly involved in creation like I feel mine is?
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  2. #2
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    The bounce and rumble of creative projects and blossoms really invade the Leonardo da Vinci sky of how when you've touched the sky, forever there will your mind dwell, and forever there you will long to return.
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    the most of useful is done in 1-2 functions regions. including new useful

  4. #4
    MidnightWilderness's Avatar
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    I'd say that as an Fe user, I wish to use my creativity to inflict moods and create meaningful art for people. Usually I imagine something based off of things I've seen or read and mold it into something new, and a story begins to take place in my head that I slowly add onto. The details will always be rough and fuzzy in my head, so it's easier to write everything down and then fill in the details later. Like a rough draft or outline, or notes. When I run out of steam, I have to simply re-immerse myself with art and experiences to imagine other things. Usually I get pictures in my head only when listening to music. Consuming art and having experiences to me is like adding wood to a pile, and creativity is having a spark of an idea in your mind, starting a huge fire, and feeding it with more oxygen of following the creative idea. When it starts to burn low, add another log and everything goes back.

    Life experiences and artistic influences and different intelligences in the brain (or functions if you will) combine to create works of art.

  5. #5
    ouronis's Avatar
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    My creativity is just seeing what spaces exist in a structure(really good at this) and what will fill them (3/5 stars at this).

    When I used to compose or when I write, I would always need to do something flippant or random to get things started and then the ideas would flood in and it would be a matter of remembering everything long enough to get it on the page

    I think the coolest thing about my type of creativity is that I can just sit there and watch a perfectly form-fitted idea emerge like a bubble from the wall of my skull without my direct input

  6. #6
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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  7. #7
    The Banana King's Avatar
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    Mostly applied creativity. Creative problem solving, generating ideas for gamedev projects I want to work on, money-making ideas, etc. I also daydream quite a bit but I wouldn't consider it creative work because generally the themes aren't outlandish. My fantasies often involve explaining concepts and arguing with imaginary friends so I can develop those concepts better hahah but I do sometimes have cringy fantasies about being teleported into a magic realm and being a wizard and shit but it's mostly just free entertainment for when I'm trying to sleep or waiting in line lol

    Now that you mention it, there may be a connection between creativity and Hidden Agenda. A lot of my creative work involves humour/joking/trolling which is basically Fe (fishing for emotional responses). It comes really effortlessly so I don't consider it creative work, just my normal flow of thoughts (I can come up with a quip for just about anything that happens in my life lol).
    Indeed I have met other ILE and SLE which are quite similar being excessively humourous.

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