When a person uses your demonstrative function, are you affected? What goes through your mind?
For me, when another uses Te I used to join in. Afterward, I realized how bitter I sounded. Utilizing my creative is better for me. What say you?
When a person uses your demonstrative function, are you affected? What goes through your mind?
For me, when another uses Te I used to join in. Afterward, I realized how bitter I sounded. Utilizing my creative is better for me. What say you?
Depends. I can find it kinda sweet if I personally know them well enough, but I can also get really annoyed and call them out on their bullshit if they are using Fi and pretending that they are more righteous or moral about things because of it- that irritates me. As some of you already know, pretending that you are holier than thou or better than others because you talk in professional business Te/Fi speak instead of ghetto Fe/Ti speak is probably one of my pet peeves.
Mine would be Fi and I guess it's fine...? I can engage with someone talking about their personal morality and feelings about things, but it's just kinda boring. I share my own moral feelings quite readily when people ask for them, but I tend to assume people probably won't listen unless they go out of their way to prompt them from me. I'd much rather stick with my own moral system than bother with other people's since usually it feels like they severely lack any sort of Ti consistency or Ni depth and have no Fe tact with which to propagate their system into the world in any meaningful way. Like when I talk with people who value Fi and have it in a strong position it feels like they just have a bunch of random opinions about things which are unrelated to each other. It's hard for me to see their underlying principles because I'm looking for some Ti framework behind everything and there generally isn't one, or else it's rather clumsy if it does exist. Besides all that, the opinions of people who value Fi are usually plenty obvious so why bother discussing them? They'll most likely not care or get annoyed when I point out their logical inconsistencies or lack of perspective, and I risk souring the mood by expressing different opinions from them. When Fi is used on me I'll acknowledge it so they know I'm listening to them, but I tend to avoid building on those topics in a conversation. I just let them express, validate (even if I disagree), then change the subject
I love watching xLIs use Fi. They have the most random moral hang ups.
A bunch of lovely weirdos.<333
Each reply here is appreciated. The experiences shared were cool & pretty much answered my question.
Demonstrative is easy to use. After using Te & doing it awesomely, I ask myself "Why the f*ck did I really do that?". Its as if it meant nothing. Helping people is one thing but I def don't value my demonstrative for its own sake.
Yo Poptart, that’s how I feel about xSIs with Ni. Most random moments of clairvoyance.
Someone who uses business in the most ordinary settings? I'd say it is like "What matters to them".
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
Joinif you dare https://matrix.to/#/#The16Types:matrix.org
When IEI say things like “everything in its time” I can see the event unfolding but I am somewhat of a realist in that I say “sure! However I have to do this now” so I value Te. Don’t think on it! Do on it!
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions: