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Thread: Do deltas have a harder time typing themselves?

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    Default Do deltas have a harder time typing themselves?

    Maybe this is just weird confirmation bias on my part, but it seems like deltas have an especially hard time typing themselves. I also feel like many of them refrain from typing others. Not all deltas are like this—it’s just a trend I’ve noticed.

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    It’s just something I’ve noticed. It could be a coincidence, though. Or maybe it has something to do with Fi blocked with Ne, idk.

    I can see how rational types would be quicker to make a conclusion about a person’s type. Whether or not they’re more accurate is up for debate lol.

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    Ne value should make some easier to understand yourself.

    The trait which may make most problem is F type. As it's mainly logical process to understand a type, to link known facts and the theory. Perception of T types is lesser distorted by emotional preferences what types to have (for good IR with someone, for example).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Ne value should make some easier to understand yourself.

    The trait which may make most problem is F type. As it's mainly logical process to understand a type, to link known facts and the theory. Perception of T types is lesser distorted by emotional preferences what types to have (for good IR with someone, for example).
    Socionics theory is not that complicated though. I’ve never had difficulty linking the facts to the theory, and I’m a sensing ethical type. Also, logical types are not immune to self delusion. I’ve seen plenty of SLIs mistype as LIIs, LIEs mistype as ILEs, and LSEs mistype as SLEs.

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    I don't think so. The types that have harder time according theory are beta nf.

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    I find the socionics descriptions a bit overwhelming to read. But it only took a few glances (if even that) to know I was IEI. I’m e9 and can have a hard time describing my thoughts and feelings. So much of them are based on instinct, impressions and memories. To read a description of them in language far more detailed than I could come up with myself, felt like I was reading a novel about a character based on myself. I just knew it was me.

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    Ips tend to be the worst because they're usually focusing on what others are doing rather than on what they themselves are doing, and although they tend to be critical of everyone in general, they often see criticisms of themselves as nothing more than personal attacks that require immediate parries or escapes. Ejs are somewhat better because they tend to listen to the other's point of view a little more while they're fighting to prove the other wrong. Eps focus more on what's out there rather than what's inside but they do tend to be objective on the rare occasions when they do focus on what they're doing (or often "not doing"). Ijs are usually quite good a knowing themselves but many do not like what they see; obliviousness can have it's advantages.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    I think NF types, Beta perhaps more so than Delta, would have the most trouble typing themselves. I don't believe Delta STs would have a harder time with self typing than most other types on average.

    In terms of refraining from typing others, that is true for me at least. There are very few people that I will solidly say is this type or that unless they're just a straight up caricature of a type or that I know them very well, as I can struggle to understand the people well enough to feel confident in saying they're this type or that. It usually takes a while for me to get to that point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ips tend to be the worst because they're usually focusing on what others are doing rather than on what they themselves are doing, and although they tend to be critical of everyone in general, they often see criticisms of themselves as nothing more than personal attacks that require immediate parries or escapes.
    As an Ip type (SEI), I feel personally attacked by this quote lol. Other temperaments are just as sensitive to perceived criticism!! /jk

  10. #10
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    I think it doesnt really matter how fast you type yourself, cause what's the purpose of getting typed early if it's a mistype afterall (that's what usually happens)

    you have your whole life to type yourself, your type will remain with you. it's a matter of quality

    It's better not to decide a type than to fixate on something illusory and base one's life on it
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    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    As an Ip type (SEI), I feel personally attacked by this quote lol. Other temperaments are just as sensitive to perceived criticism!! /jk
    Well, I tend to think a lot why they arrived to that conclusion usually remaining quite unaffected. Right perspective can be quite hard to get sometimes. Like I'm flexible with schedule by not bothering others but some (eg Ni types) might see my time responses inadequate somehow. Like aiming for analysis trying to get into the layers of meanings before associations and actions or something.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    As an Ip type (SEI), I feel personally attacked by this quote lol. Other temperaments are just as sensitive to perceived criticism!! /jk
    I wasn't referring to sensitivity because all types can be rather thin-skinned depending on their background. I was referring to Ips being more dismissive and non-accepting of personal criticism; they seem to have difficulty being objective about themselves with negative feedback generating more anger or hurt than actual analysis.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    I was referring to Ips being more dismissive and non-accepting of personal criticism; they seem to have difficulty being objective about themselves with negative feedback generating more anger or hurt than actual analysis.
    Sounds like sensitivity to criticism to me. Anyway, I was jking.

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    Giving time to research a topic is not something you ought to worry about. The topic is super vague, and quite likely, pseudoscientific BS. It's not hard to create an interpretation off something this magnitude, and when everyone agrees on BS, the BS is real.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ips tend to be the worst because they're usually focusing on what others are doing rather than on what they themselves are doing, and although they tend to be critical of everyone in general, they often see criticisms of themselves as nothing more than personal attacks that require immediate parries or escapes. Ejs are somewhat better because they tend to listen to the other's point of view a little more while they're fighting to prove the other wrong. Eps focus more on what's out there rather than what's inside but they do tend to be objective on the rare occasions when they do focus on what they're doing (or often "not doing"). Ijs are usually quite good a knowing themselves but many do not like what they see; obliviousness can have it's advantages.

    a.k.a. I/O

    I would say that IJs/EPs gain their objectivity about themselves by feeding off the judgement of others (not direct judgement of their character but people’s opinions about others?)

    IPs/EJs know that judgement can’t really be objective and therefore can’t be easily trusted. I like to ask for opinions from a variety of people. Also, when giving feedback or negative comments (I think we give advice more than criticism) IPs/EJs will be much more neutral and ‘objective’. Whereas as IJs/EPs can sometimes mix in cruel personal judgements with their observations. Sometimes you do get an actual attack, intended to hurt (some sort of defence mechanism). Often their observations do contain truth (and aren’t an attack) but they can be muddied or not in-depth. Like an essay that doesn’t consider enough arguments or have a clear argument running throughout. (My essays at uni were TERRIBLE so I’m not one to talk lol ) (Edit: I don’t really know any LII so can’t comment on them).

    No one wants to be judged but we do all need to be judged a little bit. This is why EP/IP and EJ/IJ can go well together.

    They gain perspective from each other. IJ/EP can benefit from being seen through the more subjective, personalised lense of EJ/IP eyes and IP/EP can benefit from being seen from the wider world ‘general’ perspective of an EP/IJ. (I suppose their eyes are a bit more objective than mine in that sense). I do like to get opinions from IPs and EJs however..

    I also think I do gain a more objective view of my personality at certain times. Sometimes I sit and reflect on the past, or I will write in a journal every now and again. Over time, I do develop a perspective of how I am perceived by others. I think that my personality can change over the years, depending on the circumstances I’m in, and then maybe change back to an earlier personality. IJs/EPs personality seems to change more by the day. Like they don’t have one fixed personality. I think maybe IP/EJs have a more forgiving, wider understanding of their personality, we can zoom in and out of ourselves, where as IJ/EP get a bit stuck on their self-observations and don’t seem to be able to see the whole picture of themselves, seeing only one part of the picture at a time. Maybe sometimes they do see the full picture. Let’s discount mental health problems which can make anyone fixate on aspects of their personality.

    If someone can expand/improve/criticise these thoughts...I’m being brave and will try to listen lol

    edit: by using the word 'cruel' i don't want to imply all ijs/eps are cruel or anything, but have perceived/interpreted this as the case on occasions, cruel words/thoughts at least
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 04-23-2021 at 09:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bethany View Post
    I would say that IJs/EPs gain their objectivity about themselves by feeding off the judgement of others (not direct judgement of their character but people’s opinions about others?)....
    Ijs and Eps are more objective simply because their input processing operates separately and distinctly from their output processing (rationalization) whereas Ej and Ip data input and output processes are tied together in a feedback loop. Ejs and Ips cannot be objective in an information processing sense; many Ejs/Ips may think they are but objectivity is usually only present temporarily when they're under intense stress, and even then they may not listen to what those moments may have revealed to them. One should also keep in mind that this Ij/Ep-objectivity carries with it a number of weaknesses that Ips and Ejs don't have. This, by the way, is a big departure from accepted Socionics theory.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ijs and Eps are more objective simply because their input processing operates separately and distinctly from their output processing (rationalization) whereas Ej and Ip data input and output processes are tied together in a feedback loop. Ejs and Ips cannot be objective in an information processing sense; many Ejs/Ips may think they are but objectivity is usually only present temporarily when they're under intense stress, and even then they may not listen to what those moments may have revealed to them. One should also keep in mind that this Ij/Ep-objectivity carries with it a number of weaknesses that Ips and Ejs don't have. This, by the way, is a big departure from accepted Socionics theory.

    a.k.a. I/O
    @Rebelondeck, can you say more about this?

    I'm an Ej and was married to an Ip (SLI) and I'd agree that there were a lot of objective problems which were not addressed. On the other hand, I've more recently been dating Ij's (an LSI and an ESI) and in comparison to the Ip, these women are extremely literal and direct. They seem to see exactly what is actually real and very little of what I would call the undercurrent of things.

    I have been explaining to myself their inability to see what I think of as an intuitive overlay on events as low Ni, but SLI and ESI and LSI all have 2D Ni, so that can't really be the explanation.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-15-2021 at 01:03 PM.

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    Delta quadra consists of STs and NFs.

    STs are not psychologically inclined people by nature, so they won't be as confident as other types about the mental wanderings regarding their own type. In typology they're not faring into their natural environment.

    NFs are psychologically oriented but they are not the most confident and tend to need reassurance. Reassurance which they won't:
    -get from their duals or activity partners, since delta STs are not oriented to such a subject;
    -accept from all the others, since due to their own strong intuition and feeling they'll recognize the psychological limitations of their reasonings and/or they won't like the way those other types communicate and express their opinions.

    Their beta counterparts tend to have an easier experience in typology since Ni is convergent by nature, while the beta STs also have the bonus of usually having high confidence due to their assertiveness, so they'll more readily express their opinions on a subject which isn't exactly in their area of expertise.

    Delta NFs have the gift of seeing the complexity of psychological typology but the curse of being irresolute. They will more easily jump to conclusions on subjects they don't see as precisely.
    Delta STs don't see the psychological complexities but are conscious about their own limits and think the possible interpretations of their type are too many to just bet on the most likely, due to the divergent nature of their own Ne.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Rebelondeck, can you say more about this?

    I'm an Ej and was married to an Ip (SLI) and I'd agree that there were a lot of objective problems which were not addressed. On the other hand, I've more recently been dating Ij's (an LSI and an ESI) and in comparison to the Ip, these women are extremely literal and direct. They seem to see exactly what is actually real and very little of what I would call the undercurrent of things.

    I have been explaining to myself their inability to see what I think of as an intuitive overlay on events as low Ni, but SLI and ESI and LSI all have 2D Ni, so that can't really be the explanation.
    Ejs/Ips tend to easily follow the rationalization of others and modify there own rationalization accordingly; they seem to be able to walk in the shoes of someone else, so to speak. Most will welcome group-think opportunities. Where they are intransigent is in what they know which colours every bit of new information that they acquire; they are what they know and others are not going to change their gospel. SLIs and LIEs will definitely acquire different information from the same scenario and will never agree on the facts even though they will easily follow the other's logic. Arguments will always centre around perceptions and what is real or important, which is very subjective; and both parties will usually to go into tunnel-vision mode, where they won't agree on what specific aspects should be entertained.

    Eps/Ijs don't attempt to walk in the shoes of another; their rationalization processes are set in concrete. Most will tune out in group-think activities. Where they are flexible is in acquiring information, which is usually not tainted by their own knowledge; they're usually never convinced that what they know is gospel. They tend to pull information onto a clean sheet and analyse it afresh. The problem with this approach is that it takes longer, mistakes can be repeated and while things are being pondered, they can become blind to anything else popping up.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    Ejs/Ips tend to easily follow the rationalization of others and modify there own rationalization accordingly; they seem to be able to walk in the shoes of someone else, so to speak. Most will welcome group-think opportunities. Where they are intransigent is in what they know which colours every bit of new information that they acquire; they are what they know and others are not going to change their gospel. SLIs and LIEs will definitely acquire different information from the same scenario and will never agree on the facts even though they will easily follow the other's logic. Arguments will always centre around perceptions and what is real or important, which is very subjective; and both parties will usually to go into tunnel-vision mode, where they won't agree on what specific aspects should be entertained.

    Eps/Ijs don't attempt to walk in the shoes of another; their rationalization processes are set in concrete. Most will tune out in group-think activities. Where they are flexible is in acquiring information, which is usually not tainted by their own knowledge; they're usually never convinced that what they know is gospel. They tend to pull information onto a clean sheet and analyse it afresh. The problem with this approach is that it takes longer, mistakes can be repeated and while things are being pondered, they can become blind to anything else popping up.

    a.k.a. I/O
    I agree, and one way to boil this down would be to say that Je users prefer to verbalize their thoughts to think, they can think and speak at the same time and the thinking process is out in the open. They like to talk things out with others and realize things as they are spoken.
    Ji users go into their heads and disengage from conversation to think, the thinking process and communication process aren't intertwined.
    The open loop / closed loop analogy is good although probably goes over the heads of people who aren't familiar at all with control theory.

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    @Rebelondeck super interesting comments, thanks..!

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    This was a dumb question everyone pls ignore

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    Back in the day I used to mistype as ILE but it was from lack of understanding for the IMEs than anything else(probably with a mix of 9 issues in there).

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