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Thread: Si-Ne vs Ni-Se, Ti-Fe vs Fi-Te, an interpretation from an abstract/invoved perspective

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    CR400AF's Avatar
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    Default Si-Ne vs Ni-Se, Ti-Fe vs Fi-Te, an interpretation from an abstract/invoved perspective

    Recently I come up with an understanding of the dyads of IEs when I am debating with some MBTIers in a Chinese community. Based on the debates and several old articles and posts, I formed the understanding and then I found out that it seems to be clear to interprate the dyads through the elemental dichotomies. Feel free to challange my perspectives.

    Key: abstract/involved. Abstract information often means essential aspects. For one thing, the abstract essense is unique while the involvement has many possibilities.


    Irrational dyads
    Si: Field, Dynamic, External, Involved
    Ne: Object, Static, Internal, Abstract
    Ni: Field, Dynamic, Internal, Abstract
    Se: Object, Static, External, Involved

    At first, each dyad (eg. Si-Ne) offers all aspects of irrational information.

    Then the difference lies in the abstract side. For the Si-Ne dyad, the essense lies in static objects. So there's only one essense for each object but a number of different processes(dynamic) to link (field) the objects are possible. -> Judicious

    For the Ni-Se dyad, the essense lies in dynamic fields. So while there are many different static objects, there's only one essential process to link them. So no matter how many objects are there, there's no need to be judicious. -> Decisive

    Rational dyads
    Ti: Field, Static, External, Abstract
    Fe: Object, Dynamic, Internal, Involved
    Fi: Field, Static, Internal, Involved
    Te: Object, Dynamic, External, Abstract

    At first, the dichotomies show why Ti-Fe is a dyad while Fi-Te is another. Also, from the perspective of dichotomies, rational elements are rational because they give internal information involved meanings, and they sees abstract essenses from external information. This reveals a process of judgements.

    Then the difference again lies in what is regarded as the essence. For the Ti-Fe dyad, the only, unique essense lies in static fields. Thus, there could be many different perspectives while the essential thing is the consistency of the relationships. The involvement lies in dynamic processes thus emotions and atmospheres are preferred. ->Merry, Subjectivist

    For the Fi-Te dyad, the unique essense lies in object dynamics. As a result, while a lot of methods exist, there is a unique one - the optimal one, the "most correct" one. On the other hand, the involvement lies in static fields thus personal relationships and moral judgements are preferred. -> Serious, Objectivist

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    opposing to abstract is concrete
    the most link with Jung types is N and S

    > Field, Dynamic, External, Involved

    an introvertion may be associated with links between objectvs. the other is baseless
    also it's nonsense to use "external" term for introverted function


    instead of games in baseless hypotheses, it's better to use the theory which has a better sense. such you'll do lesser mistakes in practice

    For strange fantasies and anything about types traits what is not Socionics - Augustinavichiute and Jung ideas - exists section viewpoints

  3. #3
    Alomoes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    opposing to abstract is concrete
    the most link with Jung types is N and S

    > Field, Dynamic, External, Involved

    an introvertion may be associated with links between objectvs. the other is baseless
    also it's nonsense to use "external" term for introverted function


    instead of games in baseless hypotheses, it's better to use the theory which has a better sense. such you'll do lesser mistakes in practice

    For strange fantasies and anything about types traits what is not Socionics - Augustinavichiute and Jung ideas - exists section viewpoints
    Alright, I'll help you destroy this guy's formula. What do you want me to do, oh so superior one?

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    You are correct, nice work. This is already present in the standard methodology though. For additional thought, consider that Ti types think linearly, and Ni types think non-linearly according to what I read.

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