It's always cool to hear about INFps & their true take on things. For this thread, I'd an IEI/INFps take on extraverted intuition. I'm particularly interested in what you all dig about extraverted intuition.
It's always cool to hear about INFps & their true take on things. For this thread, I'd an IEI/INFps take on extraverted intuition. I'm particularly interested in what you all dig about extraverted intuition.
Ne is for stinkers.
Every time I use it I take a shower afterwards.
I would rather focus on that one idea that I think is the best and take it as far as possible instead of trying to generate as many ideas as possible.
I'm good at predicting what's most likely to happen and I hate it when people tell me "yes but that could happen too". I know it could happen too, if I don't voice it it's because I think that the likeliness of it happening isn't significant enough.
I like proviking people. Do you know that Tiktok sound that says "I don't want peace! I want problems, always!"? Well that's me in a nutshell basically. I usually have a purpose when I do it but I also sometimes just provoke people for the fun of it when I am friends with them.
Paradoxically I am very calm, passive and observing most of the time.
I think the ignoring function is what makes the base function so strong when independent of the suggestive function. If Ni gets stuck and can not turn to Se for a way out then it has to rely on Ne to reorient and keep it going.
If all intuitive types are spiders and their intuitive domain is their web, then you have an interesting analogy. Let us say Ni spiders traverse the radii of the web, so they are inclined to follow straight lines from the extremities of the web to its center to get around. If they want to follow a different line, or they follow their current line to completion, they would rather go back to the center and spin around to align with the new line they want to follow rather than just simply step to the side like Ne spiders do. Let us say the Ne spiders traverse the rings of the web, so they are inclined to follow the circumference of each ring to explore the intuitive realm. If they want to follow a different ring, or they follow the ring to completion, they turn and then sidestep to the other ring and then resume the weird Ne crabwalk stuff there. (edit: you could say it's like a depth vs breadth kind of thing)
Each spider wants to do its own thing and not what the other spider is doing because it accumulates an understanding of the other spider's path by following its own. When an Ni spider is doing its ins and outs from the center it sees all the rings it passes through and considers those rings extraneous, or knows it will eventually be able to account for the entirety of the rings by going back to the center to shift direction enough times. When Ne spiders sidestep to another ring they get the implication of there being a core convergence to the web, but deems it unnecessary for them and knows they will eventually get to the center anyways once they explore all the outer rings. It may be helpful to imagine the spiders have pens stapled to their spider butts and their web is actually part of a coloring book. They want to completely fill in the web by dragging the pen over the paper along their respective paths, and if they manage to completely fill in the web they would attain a complete understanding of intuitive information.
When the spiders encounter obstacles along their paths that they can not overcome naturally, they will turn to other spiders (probably duals) or other methods for help. Preferably, their dual spiders would come along and clear the way, but if not, they may have to do something like begrudgingly use the ignoring function to get around it. The ignoring function can be fun in moderation, but prolonged exposure becomes irritating because it knocks you off your path.
I used this spider and web analogy because it is an isomorphic model to use for every function relationship. My Ti likes it.
Here is an actual Ne user:
what a weirdo, huh?
Last edited by Djinn; 04-08-2021 at 05:53 AM.
These are insightful. Theory is cool but experiences shared here lend more credibility.
I don't mind using Ne in casual situations (where it's not imposed on me) and as long as it's still subordinated to Ni. Randomness or creativity in humor is never truly random for me. (contrast with for example, ILE humor that is often random just for the sake of being random)
Otherwise, I would benefit from being more open to Ne possibilities.
It's useful to destress.
An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.
Speaking as having been a purveyor of Ne-perspectives to IEIs, they don't seem to mind expansive views so long as they don't have to do anything with the information - like process it. IEIs are defensive types who go to great lengths to justify their own actions or beliefs, even to themselves; they seem to prefer simplified data with narrow perspectives from which they can pick and choose, and use as corroboration. Any information that may rain on their parade or bring their beliefs into question is usually dismissed outright, and Ne-perspectives tend to bring too many complications for them.
a.k.a. I/O
I remember when I learnt about socionics/after mbti. I’d always been a little bit jealous/surprised that IEI didn’t have ni, in mbti, and then when they did in socionics, I was like ha! Yes. (But sometimes I think I want to go back to mbti so that will be interesting lol). Also, just to add, when I realised EIE was the more ‘creative’ one in socionics, over IEI..that was also an eye-opener. Though not that surprising lol
I don’t know if it’s ‘ne’, it might be lack of ‘te’ but I find that sometimes I try to listen to too many people/ follow advice too readily which I’m given. And end up in a mess, wishing I’d listened to my own instincts a bit more. My life’s been a bit sheltered though, in some ways, so I think I have been extra trusting at times and quite naive.
Well assertiveness is something that iei is meant to learn from sle so, I think it's more like Te-Polr and weak Se. You should work on caring less what other people think about you so you can have courage to do what you think is appropriate. That's one of the main iei's issues
Ne is possibilities but it's also what possibly could go wrong, which brings about stress (then again stress brings about action- which might also explain IEI being 'too lazy') - so ignoring/being indifferent to Ne is kinda like, you'd rather solve one problem at a time then always live your life around for what "possibly" could go wrong. My ILE friend does all these little like 'what if' things in his life, the way he structures it. I think they are good ideas really, it makes sense to me in a way - but it also seems kinda neurotic and paranoid as well?
I actually find I pay attention to Ne more if the Se reality makes me think of it's importance, I can see how taking extra precaution is a good idea although for me it depends more on the Se moment. I don't just narcissistically pull it out of the void the way Ne-egos/Ne valuers do lol.
Most IEIs are usually very anchored into what they know and accept as truths; however, the anchoring processes that allow many of them to navigate smoothly under near chaotic conditions prevents them from accepting conflicting data. Their cherry-picking of information and difficulties with understanding or accepting another's point of view is an indication of their strength, which seems to pivot around not entertaining ambiguity. Many Ne-types tend to point out the ambiguity.
a.k.a. I/O
I'd actually say this sounds like your TI hidden agenda & the desire to understand. Like Attackhelicopter said, SLE's version on TI tends to adequately alleviate IEI of certain doubts
I tend to agree. Ne is my role. I give Ne more credibility if I can apply it to the real world directly.