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Thread: A Rather Enlightening Article

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    Default A Rather Enlightening Article

    Here it is:

    The dude puts it all rather succinctly and in a way I'd agree with. If any liberals disagree with his analysis I'd like to hear how and why.

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    Sure. The article fails to notice how the political right is part of the picture. It's an immediate clue that the author isn't interested in truth bc they're not interested in the whole picture. I know it's hard to overcome one's political biases but the first step is pulling one's head out of that sand.

    Here's just one example:

    Right wing partisans like to whine about potential interference in the last election on the part of the left but they don't call out their own side's antics. It's as though just maybe they're paying lip service to ideals of democracy while really they only care if their own side has the power, never mind the other half of the country that feels differently.

    Someone who truly cared about preserving democracy would be upset if it was undermined even by their own side.

    I agree that the American ppl are just cattle to be herded by those in power. But I have no illusions that you will find our "masters" on both sides of the political spectrum.

    Ahem: late edit, also when it comes to these huge corporations they tend to be all over the planet.... is there really any escape?
    Last edited by marooned; 04-06-2021 at 03:26 AM.

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    there are ways to get at this that seem more truthful and less about my party good, your party bad; or even elites evil, common ppl good.

    Eta: aaaaaah and it ends in a shower of gratitude and flattery. I am trying to brush off the cringe of that

    but basically i do agree w giridharadas that the defense that we have is indeed democracy, it's through political say we can regulate all these corporations and tell them, no you are not allowed to control our lives, you are not our new lords and ladies... and we are letting the only power we have dissipate before our eyes. these bipartisan squabbles do nothing to help us keep it. we are just kicking dirt back and forth at each other and it's landing on the fire we need to stay alive.

    if our political system is failing us, bought out, unproductive and not serving us, manipulates even our votes... at this point in time i just think it's divide and conquer for another power, one under which we can't even vote at all. i can't see this being better for any of us.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-06-2021 at 04:39 AM.

  4. #4
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    I disagree with it in the sense as I've known a few heartless authority figures that were quite draconian and also right-wing - that wanted the same type of Borg-like control over others that I think you think is mostly a liberal/left thing. I mean it's making some good points but discoloring the picture by saying 'oh those damn libruls'

    People are also unique & individuals. Our political beliefs are more complex/nuanced than the way it's portrayed. I'm actually very much pro-school choice - part of why Kamala Harris rubs me the wrong way- as she's all about 'you have to go to school!' all Umbridge-y ...& I feel the opposite: People (especially kids) should have their own freedom and choice to go to school or not and Big Brother isn't going to be able to solve every problem and we need more personal freedoms, but I still consider myself left-wing/liberal and not really right-wing because of it. I also agree with the left generally that the sexual movement was/is good, repression isn't healthy or desired. I don't agree with the traditional straight small town mindset that sex should just be this horrible hateful secret that people do just do to make children that they're inevitably ashamed of...without ever enjoying it and always thinking it's some 'evil sin.'

    I guess it is kind of confusing/weird because like they say in America, professional liberals rarely want to liberate anybody of anything- and conservatives aren't doing much conserving.

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    I've stopped caring about American politics because it's so mind-numbingly stupid, and I couldn't even finish skimming the article.

    When I did care, I encountered this lady, who has a theory that liberals are leaving religion because of its association with the Republican party, which has done everything in its power to appropriate Christianity. The proportion of religious folks used to be more evenly distributed between the parties, as were pro-choice and pro-life positions on abortion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerxe View Post
    I've stopped caring about American politics because it's so mind-numbingly stupid, and I couldn't even finish skimming the article.

    When I did care, I encountered this lady, who has a theory that liberals are leaving religion because of its association with the Republican party, which has done everything in its power to appropriate Christianity. The proportion of religious folks used to be more evenly distributed between the parties, as were pro-choice and pro-life positions on abortion.
    The reason people are leaving religion (Christianity in particular) is because, by and large, it's becoming (hell, has in many cases has become) yet another "lifestyle brand" that one subscribes to. It's a thing you go to on whatever day because it makes you "cool" or "part of the crowd". A diet you follow because it's supposed to make you healthy. A philosophy you adhere to because it makes it easier to get along with everyone around you and nothing more. I've said it elsewhere but I will say it again. The Devil has made a rather ingenious play. "Fill those Pews People!" is the mandate of the modern preacher/priest/rabbi/whatever your preferred flavor of faith terms the guy/gal leading the ceremonies in the Church/Temple on that most relevant day said ceremonies are to be held for you.

    He tells them that they best not offend anyone, most especially those who hate them. "Appeal to Everyone" he says in the most literal sense of the term. Of course, if you appeal to literally "everyone" you in effect appeal to no one.

    As for the whole "even distribution" thing? I could lay out several lines of research I've gone down that'd explain that one. Short version: America used to be an actual, serious nation/country. Anyone who still thinks it is or thinks we can return to those days is the exact same kind of "conservative" that has universally failed to conserve the girl's restroom or anything else of import. If you feel disdain and disgust towards the "average" conservative I'm right there with you. I too detest the existence of the boomer conservative and their manifest idiocy. Though I still pray they actually come to Jesus and start actually being effective.

    A thing that will only happen if they turn to Christ in mind, body, and soul. I wish I could be more optimistic on this front but hey, I'm an ILI and my Intuition tells me that's a bet I'd be better off not taking. I can control my own life if nothing else though, and as for me, I shall at least attempt to serve the one true and holy lord.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    The reason people are leaving religion (Christianity in particular) is because, by and large, it's becoming (hell, has in many cases has become) yet another "lifestyle brand" that one subscribes to. It's a thing you go to on whatever day because it makes you "cool" or "part of the crowd". A diet you follow because it's supposed to make you healthy. A philosophy you adhere to because it makes it easier to get along with everyone around you and nothing more..
    End, for once we agree on something. Religion has indeed been reduced to a brand that has to compete against other brands -- ones which offer bigger hits of dopamine.

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