In type descriptions, it is often mentioned that IEEs tend to dress in a unique way and/or with something always out of place. Does this hold true for the IEEs here or for IEEs you know irl?
In type descriptions, it is often mentioned that IEEs tend to dress in a unique way and/or with something always out of place. Does this hold true for the IEEs here or for IEEs you know irl?
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra
Their overall style tends to lack some element of coherency. I don't know how to put my finger on it, but there's usually something in a (female) IEE/EIE's style that tells me they're 1D Si. There's an impression that although the clothing exists on their bodies, they aren't wearing the clothing themselves.
On the other hand, some SEEs may have a similar unique, out-there style, but they manage to convince me that they're wearing the outfit themselves (doesn't just exist on them)..
Disclaimer: my sample size is of younger type representatives
This is interesting. Thanks!
@asd -- Thanks for the reply.
IDK. I am IEE but don't (think I) tend to dress in a whimsical way. Not at all, actually. I do like to wear scarves, but they are carefully chosen to complement whatever I am wearing and bring color to it since I tend to wear neutrals (primarily black, white, and especially navy).
Anyway... I would be interested to read others' takes on this, if others are up for sharing.
"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." - Yogi Berra
I agree that their overall style lacks controversy and some kind of spice.
I like when people wear unpredictable things and add something unusual to their looks. One of my friends once put on a beautiful black and red-colored shemagh for her graduation evening. This was crazy, and everyone was talking about her. And not only was this extravagant, but they also did look stylish in her black dress. She had a great taste indeed and enough boldness to make something like this and not be afraid of what someone will think about it.
I wanted to say that you have to consider as many options as you have available and go for something that no one expects to see.
Last edited by SpencerWhite; 05-02-2022 at 08:47 PM.
a male IEE I know dressed in like ugly christmas grandma sweaters. It looked pretty bad. another iEE female I know dressed in middle class therapist woman clothes that looked 'pleasant' but also a bit narcissistic. ((lol i'm so judgemental... I mean I got along pretty well with this IEE really despite being from opposing quadras)) my IEE female cousin dresses in neutral colors too that don't draw too much attention and are delta conservative-like. but she has a good figure and is objectively attractive despite the lack of style. it almost seems like they prefer unassuming attire that matches how they are two-faced and on the fence about everything and naturally are diplomats that take both sides etc. but idk that feels stereotypical- but stereotypes are based on truth? lol I'm sure there are IEEs that pull of the punk rocker look quite well. I just don't know of any.
Thank you. I guess as an ethical type I'm always unsure of how right I am and I'm more focused on how I'm feeling lol.
something happened today when I learned the mechanics of the situation and came out ahead because I was able to master it. I mean I don't want to go into specifics but basically I got exactly what I wanted and it felt good because I mastered the mechanics and didn't drown in my feelings. I admit it gave me confidence cuz with the 1D Se I usually feel awkward with things like that and I usually ask my ST uncle for help. But he's getting rather old and he isn't in the mood to do it for me any more even if it's his natural strength.
"Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power." Yeah I suppose I felt that a bit today and it was kinda nice. but I mean I don't want to get Delta Life coaches hope up- idk what tomorrow brings and I'll probably go back to victim mode again lolol. I don't feel like it was all me that did it anyway like how they would pervert it in their TEd Talk Meetings, I felt the tug of SEEs cheering me on because I think people naturally have a kind of aw shucks affection for their semi-dual - at least that's been the case with me and SEEs.
It's like if an SEE isn't there to do it for me in 'the real world', they will cast a buff spell so I can do it myself even if they are in Jupiter.