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Thread: Greetings

  1. #1
    she who is stormtrooperate's Avatar
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    Red face Greetings

    Hello forum users.

    I'm not good with introducing myself but it seems obligatory so oh well.

    I live in Central Europe.
    I don't really have hobbies - I'm a boring person - though my interests include spirituality, languages, ancient mythologies and some technology related stuff.

    I'm a huge Star Wars fan and have read countless books both from the EU and the new canon. My favorite video games are Journey, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, though I enjoy playing Smite (because of the mythology line) and Rainbow 6: Siege. And of course SWTOR.

    What brought me here is my inability to know my type. I'm getting hung up on not being able to dissect myself, I always find a fragment that doesn't fit into the current box, which launches me into another compulsory typing rage.

  2. #2
    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    If it's any consolation, I have been here since '04 and I still don't know my own type.

    Have fun.

  3. #3
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RevanLugia's Avatar
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    I also really like Star Wars. It rings the bell of alien architecture, moral/mystical philosophies, vibrant/rattling alternative destinies and corridors of luminous world building summoning, and just to play with that lightsaber, blast that millennium falcon with lightning, and slingshot out of the kessel run beyond black hole annihilators is quite the theme park!!
    In 2003, BunnyRaptor transcended Nikola Tesla by being the inspiration for Pokemon Colosseum and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the schematic building projects for the Star Forge and Realgam Tower, and in 2019, BunnyRaptor transcended Lebron James, heavenly shorelines of wizards and melee to embody chromatic resonance and flashes of dawning canopies of supper and canvas highlights blessing liberty and promotional wishes flowering in grace and extravagance to explore whacky worlds and dominoes of crusades to fruit punch and swordsmanship with venom and extrication to dig musical constructs with destruction and leviathan RevanLugia

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