Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
I preferred literature and history even though I was mediocre in grammar. High school teachers thought I would be an artist or writer. Sciences were absolutely no challenge whatsoever and I usually went through the entire mathematics texts within the first two months of the school year but I can't say that I identified with these subjects even though engineering became my profession. My parents said that I was more worried about my friends being able to pass the exams.

I would have preferred to have been a journalist or even an architect but I saw that in those fields, the competition would be rather fierce and success would depend on the perception of others - similar to a dance competition. In my first year of university, my English professor gave me low marks for my essays while my lazy room-mate copied them verbatim and got high marks from his professor. I came to the realization that marks weren't necessarily an indication of knowledge, know-how or intelligence. I also disliked the seeming clique-structure of university societies so academics were definitely out.

a.k.a. I/O
Quote Originally Posted by myresearch View Post
I wasn't into every aspect of literature. However, I wrote poems since I was a child till I was 20. Hence, I considered studying literature or philosophy as well since I was very into it, I still am but not that much. However, I didn't take these considerations very seriously because as you said the success on these subjects are very depend on perception of others. Hence I also studied engineering.
Always figured LII as decent writers, good grammar, not robotic. Journalists communicate, sometimes informally. I get fundamentals are part of the deal but college is is too sure of itself at times.

I'm not alpha quadra but college English sucked. Lady asked me to write a persuasive essay. I brought facts she told me to f*ck off. Subjective nonsense. Point is, she wouldn't have been persuaded unless she "liked" it

I figure college is best when a person really dig the subjects.