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Thread: I think I am going insane

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    MidnightWilderness's Avatar
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    Unhappy I think I am going insane

    Quick PSA: Some people whether intentionally or unintentionally are using socionics for gaslighting others.

    Here are some reasons as to why I think I am going insane:

    1. I forget to even take the minimal amount of care to myself, I got sick yesterday because I gave myself chronic dehydration.
    2. I am constantly getting headaches and I am starting to have trouble relaxing or sleeping.
    3. I am having mood swings all the time from feeling ok to feeling like my mind is going to implode and shut down.
    4. My self esteem is getting so low that I am starting to feel worthless and useless, that I will never be able to change anything and I have so many complexes now.
    5. I can't even pretend to be happy and bubbly anymore.
    6. I feel so alone and I feel like no one ever listens to me, I feel like I am constantly being under attack. (Paranoia?)
    7. I feel detached from everyone and I have trouble being present in a conversation.
    8. I am afraid of expressing my feelings or thoughts in speech, my speech feels stunted and I feel like a child that is mute. (Again might be paranoia)
    9. I get defensive, again I feel like everyone is attacking me or wants me to change...
    10. I get bitchy moods all the time where I only want to complain and have another person just listen to me and not try to cheer me up (Jeez I'm selfish)
    11. I have done heartless things to people and ignored or forgot their feelings.
    12. Not answering messages straight away, wanting to be left alone, pushing away people who try to help me...
    13. Taking people for granted...
    14. Did I mention that I have been moody and felt low self esteem for my whole life?
    15. An extreme amount of cognitive dissonance...
    16. And here is the biggest one, I have felt unable to really connect with someone on a spiritual level ever since I was little...

    I think I have a disorder... That would be one of my worst nightmares come true if so... Then I don't think I will ever be able to connect with someone, I will have to stay far away from everyone else and just self isolate... I feel lonely and pathetic and desperate for writing this but I need a little catharsis...

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    No it started before, far before this and has nothing to do with socionics communities. Like 0 percent.

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    I have not been subject to any online bullying in my life.

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    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

    *Sigh* If only I could get rid of socionics so that every feeling and argument could be understood naturally...

    Other than my relationship it doesn't affect me so much... I was always kind of sad and moody but I guess this just added extra confusion... Though it would be easy to get rid of socionics if my boyfriend wasn't so obsessed... Socionics doesn't really have much value for me and I don't really need it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I think I have a disorder... That would be one of my worst nightmares come true if so... Then I don't think I will ever be able to connect with someone, I will have to stay far away from everyone else and just self isolate... I feel lonely and pathetic and desperate for writing this but I need a little catharsis...
    I don't think it's helpful to consider any aspect of your personality a "disorder." You feel like you feel, and you should respond to your feelings authentically. Thinking of them as disorders promotes a tendency to suppress or ignore them, which I don't think is good for you in the long term.

    As far as what else you said, it seems like you're lonely and have difficulty getting your thoughts and priorities in order. It might help to block off some time for yourself to think alone for a while. And since you mentioned you have a boyfriend, I don't know what your relationship is like with him, but it may also help to try to talk to him about these thoughts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Quick PSA: Some people whether intentionally or unintentionally are using socionics for gaslighting others.

    Here are some reasons as to why I think I am going insane:

    1. I forget to even take the minimal amount of care to myself, I got sick yesterday because I gave myself chronic dehydration.
    2. I am constantly getting headaches and I am starting to have trouble relaxing or sleeping.
    3. I am having mood swings all the time from feeling ok to feeling like my mind is going to implode and shut down.
    4. My self esteem is getting so low that I am starting to feel worthless and useless, that I will never be able to change anything and I have so many complexes now.
    5. I can't even pretend to be happy and bubbly anymore.
    6. I feel so alone and I feel like no one ever listens to me, I feel like I am constantly being under attack. (Paranoia?)
    7. I feel detached from everyone and I have trouble being present in a conversation.
    8. I am afraid of expressing my feelings or thoughts in speech, my speech feels stunted and I feel like a child that is mute. (Again might be paranoia)
    9. I get defensive, again I feel like everyone is attacking me or wants me to change...
    10. I get bitchy moods all the time where I only want to complain and have another person just listen to me and not try to cheer me up (Jeez I'm selfish)
    11. I have done heartless things to people and ignored or forgot their feelings.
    12. Not answering messages straight away, wanting to be left alone, pushing away people who try to help me...
    13. Taking people for granted...
    14. Did I mention that I have been moody and felt low self esteem for my whole life?
    15. An extreme amount of cognitive dissonance...
    16. And here is the biggest one, I have felt unable to really connect with someone on a spiritual level ever since I was little...

    I think I have a disorder... That would be one of my worst nightmares come true if so... Then I don't think I will ever be able to connect with someone, I will have to stay far away from everyone else and just self isolate... I feel lonely and pathetic and desperate for writing this but I need a little catharsis...
    Take care of your health and stop worrying about the other shit and you'll be fine

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

    *Sigh* If only I could get rid of socionics so that every feeling and argument could be understood naturally...

    Other than my relationship it doesn't affect me so much... I was always kind of sad and moody but I guess this just added extra confusion... Though it would be easy to get rid of socionics if my boyfriend wasn't so obsessed... Socionics doesn't really have much value for me and I don't really need it.
    If you can't stand up for yourself and get him to back off from assuming things about you based on socionics, you'll be in for a rough and unpleasant time. Instead of seeing you, he's seeing a type and type relationships between you. That has a tendency to make relationships much harder than they need to be, setting unrealistic expectations and making everyone unhappy. Of course you're going to feel like shit in that situation. I doubt you have a disorder, you're probably just miserable.

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    I block off all my free time to think about my thoughts, though I have trouble speaking about them because I always feel weird talking about them.

    Our relationship is mostly fine, but again he will come up with "Oh well it will just be better in real life because we are duals" or I don't know some bad explanation of things. I guess only I can help myself in this situation and it is something I must do for myself by myself.

    Well I just feel abnormal for some reason...

    I know my main problem is that I have trouble making short term goals and I have no help in that area... So if I focus a little more on making my to do list for the week I will feel slightly better. The main objective is to at least be able to move toward my main goals and try not to get distracted with excess thoughts...

    Ah yes I am lonely, but it is my fault and I haven't really done much to fix that myself. I just feel like I don't get any help with things, but I realize that I shouldn't rely on anyone but myself to help myself.

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    Well this problem isn't 100% socionics related and actually it started before socionics.

    I just have to clear my head and relax somehow...

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.
    Can I add this to my signature?
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    sure go ahead

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Our relationship is mostly fine, but again he will come up with "Oh well it will just be better in real life because we are duals" or I don't know some bad explanation of things.
    You have met with him in real life and spend time in real life, right? If not, why is he using a phrase like that?

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    No we haven't met in real life.
    He is using the phrase because we are duals, so obviously our "problem" is that we are supposed to be the most sensory couple and that is missing.

    Sometimes I just... If we can't talk normally now I am really suspicious of "real life"...

    I don't really think that duality is the only factor in a relationship...

    He is just overly optimistic and thinks that even if we aren't really duals everything will be fine and dandy because???

    He really loves me blindly to the point where he can't analyze his own feelings correctly and maybe that's also my problem.

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    Always team up with a Ti ego for maximum results

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    Well the only problem with Ti is that it jumps to conclusions too quickly sometimes...

    A dangerous combination is Ti and psychology

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    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    Oh boy never mind we broke up... I guess I refused physical things one too many times due to not being in the mood for it... Darn why do I always have to be dramatic and moody and spoil everything... Does anyone know if there are ILEs out there that can actually cook and clean for themselves sometimes and also not always changing their plans and not expect me to be affectionate 100% of the time? Or should I quit socionics and become a crazed maniac that lives by myself so that I don't feel the need to always question every single interaction between me and someone else in the terms of socionics? Because I don't feel like wasting time trying to find the perfect ILE out there... Better to just keep in mind what you want and let things happen naturally...
    I don't understand how you are able to refuse physical things if you haven't met in real life. Or why is it important for ILE's to cook and clean themselves if you don't spend time in real life? that is currently not your problem.

    I thought you were trolling but I guess there is one more option..

    Do you both break up or argue over hypothetical scenarios?? Why haven't you both able to meet in real life?

    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    No we haven't met in real life.
    He is using the phrase because we are duals, so obviously our "problem" is that we are supposed to be the most sensory couple and that is missing.

    Sometimes I just... If we can't talk normally now I am really suspicious of "real life"...

    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    I don't really think that duality is the only factor in a relationship...

    He is just overly optimistic and thinks that even if we aren't really duals everything will be fine and dandy because???

    He really loves me blindly to the point where he can't analyze his own feelings correctly and maybe that's also my problem.
    Just because someone is a dual, it doesn't necessarily make them better since as you mentioned there are other factors. Besides same type of people can behave differently. Some people think it is the main factor and idealize it. He probably suffers from this kind of idealization due to his obssession.

    If you are going to continue to this relationship, I suggest you to tell him to observe and make his unique observations and theories. That way, he could stop trying to fit you in a certain description and get to know you more. Hence, you would get rid of socionics

    By the way, if he is into socionics, he might be here

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    Do you both break up or argue over hypothetical scenarios??
    Yes we can argue over hypothetical scenarios but also again my mood and certain disagreements. All we seem to talk about is hypothetical scenarios for some reason.

    Or why is it important for ILE's to cook and clean themselves if you don't spend time in real life?
    Well because I am completely inefficient in cooking and I can take too long to make something. If I follow the recipe it isn't bad. My rule is if you work less than your partner you have to cook. I guess that means I cook. I just complain because I just want to make a whole bunch of leftovers and eat that all week, but honestly I should quit whining about that. Ehh and I forget to clean most of the time... I just hope it can turn out ok. I can force myself to cook and clean if I really want to so it isn't a problem now that I think about it.

    Why haven't you both able to meet in real life?
    He is in Russia, and I am in the USA. We are both broke 17 year olds.

    I thought you were trolling
    I guess it sounds like I am trolling, but I just had poor judgement due to a headache and little sleep and so I impulsively wrote some really over the top stuff and then I quickly realized that yeah... It does sound kind of weird when I write my thoughts down because they are quite scattered usually...

    Poetic impulses

    By the way, if he is into socionics, he might be here
    I think he only lurks on Russian forums, but if he comes across this I don't think I have said anything too bad against him. I have feelings for him despite all the awkwardness and I also still think there might be a chance it will work out all right. That is why I am not gone from him, if I didn't see any chance it would work I would just have to go. Everything can be so different in real life and if I can sit down and have an honest conversation with him then we can see where it will go from there.

    And now that I think about it 17 is very young and that explains the cringe and immaturity... Sometimes I forget that I am actually not even quite an adult because of all the discussions of the future...

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    I agree focus on your health and eating right. It sounds simple and basic bitch-y but it's a big part of feeling better- I always feel better when I eat right. Look for subtle improvements, that are real. I doubt everything will change or get better in one grand gesture at once but u can start with the areas you can control. Remind yourself to drink 8 oz water at least every 3-4 hours or so- I do this and it helps.

    If thinking about socionics or typology is giving you stress- don't think about socionics or typology. Life is short and you're going to die anyway- it's kind of silly how we all tend to waste it so much thinking of negative thoughts and get in a spiral of depression- but this is human and relateable. Don't try to be 'happy' as happiness is naturally fleeting anyway. You feel gay and happy for brief periods of time then it tends to just go away and be over. It's not so much a pretty ribbon like that- just focus on ur health so you're not so miserable.

    Baby steps with the self-esteem stuff. You won't be able to take care of anybody or have compassion for anybody else unless u first give yourself it. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep at night. No more and no less. My "normal" sleep cycle is usually sleep about 5 hours str8 thru the night and then I take a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon but I do feel better if I can sleep more 7-8 hours straight thru.

    And try to do exercise at least 45 mins a day if u can. Doesn't matter what you do, just move your body. It sounds kinda dorky but I am looking forward to summer as when I cut the grass- just moving around the yard makes me feel better.

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    Ah physical things like affection...

    I can seem distracted from a conversation because I don't really like to hear about his plans and things, he is always changing his mind and discussing this gets us absolutely nowhere...

    (He already knows this but chalks it up to my poor intuition, that I don't need to hear about his plans but just experience them and he thinks not mentioning them will fix everything.)

    So because I am a sensor I should not have any say in my future and that I am incapable of understanding future plans?

    I already know what I want to do for a job, and I have a backup plan too, I am not totally incapable of these things... Yes I don't have much intuition or logic but come on...

    Anyways this relationship is not my real problem, again the problem is in plain sight.

    *Sigh* I need to trust myself, grow a spine and stop with all the self-doubt...

    I can realize my goals as long as I start working towards them, and as long as I can set short term goals and track my progress. I should stop theorizing about possibly failing because if I fail I will just start my backup plan. I will never know for certain if I will fail if I don't try. I should start trying to relax a little and not obsess over thoughts for hours. After I straighten my mind I can approach this relationship with fresh eyes and with much less crazy rambling and constipated thoughts. After I get this straight, I should really try to not be afraid of people so that I can at least attempt to make friends... Who knows maybe I really can find where I belong one day and where I can be myself...

    Feelings can be fleeting, but dreams are forever...

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    @BandD I was actually going to set a timer to drink water... I can forget to take care of myself sometimes because I can get wrapped up with my thoughts, I should really be kinder on myself.

    As I wrote, feelings are fleeting but dreams are forever..

    And yeah I do running... and no it's totally not dorky at all BandD because it makes you release endorphins which make you feel better. Also it's good to stretch your body because you can get stiff too easily.

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    I do but I forget to drink it... It sounds stupid but I do need a timer...

    I can't really feel when I am thirsty if I am thinking or working unfortunately...

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    But I don't think there is any shame in needing special reminders, as long as you end up long term healthy, that's what matters.

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    I was actually going to set a timer to drink water... I can forget to take care of myself sometimes because I can get wrapped up with my thoughts, I should really be kinder on myself.
    Just a few weeks ago I was too addicted to being online/sitting on my ass and playing video games and I forgot to move my body for a long time. Whenever I do that, I have a tendency to get these horrible muscle/back/neck spasms that are so bad I feel like I am going to die. The pain is indescrible- it's like I am giving birth to new dimensions. They pass over in a few hours but my doctor told me before they can be prevented if I get regular massages and I exercise more. I did good today, I ate a healthy dinner & I exercised and I am not going to play my video game for more than an hour lol.

    If there was no real physical health consequences to it yes being introverted and IP I would just sorta sit in one space and completely Ni out like Buddha or something- but you have a physical body that needs taking care of and it's all part of it. I even hate how spiritual/self-help books always refer to the human body/sexuality stuff as the 'lowest' point which is stupid & short-sighted to me. It's kinda dumb that humans tend to have that mentality - as to me it's all connected and all important. ( cuz I value Se maybe?) I don't view the crown chakra as the 'highest' or whatever because often times it's just some evil ghost in ur head getting u to dislike your self or have noxious half-truths with their lies mixed in.

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    Well there are two types of sensory experiences, short term and long term ones.

    Yes having a bunch of short term flings if that isn't what you are really looking for will make you unhappy over time...
    Yes eating unhealthy tasty food will make you fat...

    But having fulfilling sensory interactions with someone and eating healthy food will make you feel better.

    People think of sensory things as being shallow and short term for some reason that I cannot ascertain... I guess because some people think of it as a chore and would rather waste years trying to figure out what's wrong with their mind even though their life isn't that bad...

    It is all about the choices you make, and making sure you made the right ones for your health.

    If you feel better from the outside, you will start to think clearer even if you can't "see" the connection between the two.

    Humans aren't floating orbs of pure mind energy that can achieve perfection... We are imperfect creatures and none of us will reach a state of perfection as long as we exist on Earth. We can only spend each day trying to approach perfection.

    The body affects the mind, and the mind affects the body because science.

    P.S. “It seems to me that we all look at Nature too much, and live with her too little. I discern great sanity in the Greek attitude. They never chattered about sunsets, or discussed whether the shadows on the grass were really mauve or not. But they saw that the sea was for the swimmer, and the sand for the feet of the runner. They loved the trees for the shadow that they cast, and the forest for its silence at noon.” ― Oscar Wilde, De Profundis

    I think humans get a little too disconnected from the natural world sometimes because we think we are super intelligent and we are beyond that...

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    Sounds like depression which I have. Meds have really helped. But I relate to a lot of what you said. Unfortunately, depression makes it very difficult to be proactive with health matters and people matters and can lead to a downward spiral of shame, guilt, disconnection, and poor physical health. I recommend talking to your doctor who can also help determine if there is an underlying physical issue that is affecting your mental health such as a thyroid issue.

    I had a friend who could tell I was deep in depression and asked me to take citalopram which she had on hand because her gf stopped taking them. I did and they helped. I then asked my general physicial for a script which he gave me.

    Later on, I stopped taking them and was mostly fine up til a year ago when I went to the loony bin and was prescribed meds from my psychiatrist but I had a really bad reaction to them and asked if I could go back on citalopram which she agreed to and I am pretty normal.

    But depression and other mood disorders really should be treated because they can hurt one's health beyond just mental health.

    Anyway, good luck.

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    I have trouble talking to most therapists so I can't really do much about talking pills... but I generally get the ones that keep talking about all this spirituality and so on which I don't need...

    And now I just realized that the simplest advice is the sanest and best advice I can get because I have the tendency to overthink things... All I need is to refresh and debug myself every once in awhile to be able to reflect on myself and work with fresh eyes.

    I keep thinking that I am fine in the end, but maybe I am just too inclined to think that it has to be super overwhelming despair all the time... Maybe just feeling like everything is monochrome and having trouble feeling emotional connections counts enough...

    Well good luck to you too

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    fwiw, therapists don't prescribe pills, at least in most states in the U.S. I suppose it depends on the country. I honestly got my original script from my primary care physician. I told him what was going on, that I wanted to try these meds. He did some blood work just to see if there was anything wrong with my thyroid and gave me the script anyway.

    I don't like talking to therapists, either. I have had bad experiences and they are too damn expensive and talking really doesn't help me. It's like, you are supposed to trust them but if you say the wrong thing, at least where I live, and they can call the cops who will show up at your place and take you on the paddy wagon to a psychward for up to 3 days (potentially longer if you are uncooperative while under observation and it can result in a court order to be hospitalized. I got to know people who had been there for months).

    I'm just saying what I am because it can spiral out of control to where one ends up hospitalized and that is really not fun and some of the meds they put patients on may be helpful in the short term, but can f*ck one up even more in the long term. And then it's so cold in those places and they give you a meager gown.

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    Right but this is not done in a comfortable way... This is not relaxing at all... My mother went there as a child to the psych ward and I imagine when you are depressed with trust issues being stuffed into a cop car randomly and being given meds that make you feel bad afterwards and making people feel cold is not how it should be done.

    Yes we should prevent those situations but we could be handling it in a better way not this kind of terrible treatment which will only create more paranoia and fear...

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    Come up with better medication if people are too out of control, give the building heat, bring people who know how to deal with these situations in a humane way... Of course I think this is more of a funding issue so better yet is to ask how we would fund all that.

    There is too much stigma surrounding mental health as well...

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    People use socionics for funny things. Use it to understand how people think about information not how they relate (this is not good for it, really). Then again I must say that lots of people can not separate their own thoughts from other influeces.

    Overall, sounds bit like a dissociative state. I can not really comment if it is bad or good for you.
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    Hmm I don't think using socionics even for trying to understand others information processes is good... I think the only good thing I understood at the end is that intelligence is not just logic but that there are many different kinds of areas of intelligence.

    Well I don't know where this person lives so I guess it might depend on your state. My mother wound up there twice and the first time was because her mother decided to make her go there and the second time because she was suicidal while pregnant with me. From what I can tell it is not a very pleasant experience.

    I do not think I would ever wind up there myself as my mental state is never bad enough, I think only once or twice I thought about dying.

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    I just think we ought to really rethink the system and get more funding for mental health institutions...
    Maybe it's my bias because my mother has many disorders and I also knew a person who was suicidal...

    I just don't want to accept defeat that there is nothing that can be done for these people beyond what is currently available. Surely we can always keep evolving and improving the system, I mean 100 years ago we had even worse understanding of the human psyche and look at where we have ended up with our knowledge.

    We have not learned everything yet and I believe we can learn more.

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    globohomo aixelsyd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    Tbh I have never heard of someone being randomly stuffed in a cop car and carried to a hospital and randomly given medication. You talk to your psychiatrists about your symptoms and they collaborate with you on what would be best for you. Honestly you could fake good if you want to get out. And I understand wanting to get out - but it’s...I am entirely sure the problem you specified actually happens today?

    also involuntary hospitalization from what I know has been done after the fact of suicide attempt, rarely, if at all, before. I think they may recommend but not force it.
    It happened to me. However, the second time I was at the psychward, they did not force any medication on me but threatened to if I continued to speak up about the perceived poor treatment of the patients.

    The first time, I willingly took the antipsychotic meds but other patients had the medicine forced on them.

    And if they make you take certain meds and you don't comply, they can hold you indefinitely and have you appear before a judge who may decide to commit you to a mental institution against your will. This was what the nurse told me on my second visit to a psych ward (not the same one as the first one).

    fwiwi, I live in Florida which has the Baker Act that not all states have. So your experiences might be specific to where you live. I'm just going by my own experiences. I spoke to a therapist and told her what happened with my previous therapist and she pretty much said if you express to your therapist anything about suicide, they have to have you Baker Acted. Again, this is Florida. It's a weird ass state.

    Regarding psych wards being so cold, it's because it is a hospital and it prevents bacterial growth and prevents sickness. They make you wear a gown because they want to make sure you don't strangle yourself. Typically after you've been there for a day or two and the staff sees you are not an immediate threat to yourself, they will give you your clothes. So it's always a good idea to wear something warm if the cops ever come for you.

    Anyway, that's all I've got to say on that.

    I heard St. John's Wort helps with mood stuff. However, if you use nicotine, it can cause a bad reaction. Not sure why but that's why I haven't used it.
    Last edited by aixelsyd; 04-01-2021 at 05:26 AM.

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    It talks about involuntary placement if:

    4. All available less restrictive treatment alternatives whichwould offer an opportunity for improvement of his or
    her condition have been judged to be inappropriate.

    A drug used as a restraint is a medication
    used to control the person’s behavior or to
    restrict his or her freedom of movement and
    is not part of the standard treatment regimen
    of a person with a diagnosed mental illness
    who is a client of the department. Physically
    holding a person during a procedure to
    forcibly administer psychotropic medication
    is a physical restraint.

    So basically they force drugs on someone if they deem all other methods to be bad.
    This could be someone with extreme delusion or someone who is not compliant...

    I don't really know what to make of this rule.

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    From the government:

    Antipsychotic medicines are primarily used to manage psychosis. The word “psychosis” is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, and in which there has been some loss of contact with reality, often including delusions (false, fixed beliefs) or hallucinations (hearing or seeing things that are not really there). It can be a symptom of a physical condition such as drug abuse or a mental disorder such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or very severe depression (also known as “psychotic depression”).

    Antipsychotic medications are often used in combination with other medications to treat delirium, dementia, and mental health conditions, including:

    Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    Severe Depression
    Eating Disorders
    Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
    Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    Antipsychotic medicines do not cure these conditions. They are used to help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life.

    Some people may have a relapse—meaning their symptoms come back or get worse. Usually relapses happen when people stop taking their medication, or when they only take it sometimes. Some people stop taking the medication because they feel better or they may feel that they don't need it anymore, but no one should stop taking an antipsychotic medication without talking to his or her doctor. When a doctor says it is okay to stop taking a medication, it should be gradually tapered off— never stopped suddenly. Many people must stay on an antipsychotic continuously for months or years in order to stay well; treatment should be personalized for each individual.

    The FDA lists the following side effects of antipsychotic medicines:

    Weight gain (the risk is higher with some atypical antipsychotic medicines)
    Dry mouth
    Blurred vision
    Low blood pressure
    Uncontrollable movements, such as tics and tremors (the risk is higher with typical antipsychotic medicines)
    A low number of white blood cells, which fight infections

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    LOL this is funny. Yes you're right that Socionics is bullshit, it doesn't work and it obviously doesn't solve any problems. I mean what do you expect when you hear things like "You are so and so because you're a sensor" and so on. That doesn't really mean anything. The "gaslighting" part is people insisting that Socionics works when it obviously doesn't. Or they don't acknowledge that it has any problems and make up some excuses for it.

    I also wouldn't bother so much with the "personality disorders", which are in the same vein as any other typologies like Socionics. They're not going to be helping you very much.

    I definitely don't "type" people and don't even think about Socionics anymore, not really because I have "gotten rid of" Socionics or forgotten about it, but because I know that it's wrong and I can easily refute it. All it took was to analyze why it was wrong. This allows me to wade through all the bullshit because I know what is sensible and what is nonsense.

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    I was prescribed a generic version of Abilify which has a black box warning. My first therapist said it is called a "dirty drug" in their industry.

    The main side effect I noticed from it was that it made me feel like a zombie. My motor abilities were way off and my mental sharpness became duller than a butter knife. Everyone told me not to quit the medication cold turkey because of the side effects or whatever. Well, I knew I could not keep taking it because it severely impeded my work performance and my ability to function in general. So I just stopped taking it. There was one occasion where I was in the state between dreaming and being awake where I heard children giggling and thought it was amusing that a medication that treats psychotic disorders was giving me auditory hallucinations. But other than that, I was totally fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    It happened to me. However, the second time I was at the psychward, they did not force any medication on me but threatened to if I continued to speak up about the perceived poor treatment of the patients.

    The first time, I willingly took the antipsychotic meds but other patients had the medicine forced on them.

    And if they make you take certain meds and you don't comply, they can hold you indefinitely and have you appear before a judge who may decide to commit you to a mental institution against your will. This was what the nurse told me on my second visit to a psych ward (not the same one as the first one).

    fwiwi, I live in Florida which has the Baker Act that not all states have. So your experiences might be specific to where you live. I'm just going by my own experiences. I spoke to a therapist and told her what happened with my previous therapist and she pretty much said if you express to your therapist anything about suicide, they have to have you Baker Acted. Again, this is Florida. It's a weird ass state.

    Regarding psych wards being so cold, it's because it is a hospital and it prevents bacterial growth and prevents sickness. They make you wear a gown because they want to make sure you don't strangle yourself. Typically after you've been there for a day or two and the staff sees you are not an immediate threat to yourself, they will give you your clothes. So it's always a good idea to wear something warm if the cops ever come for you.

    Anyway, that's all I've got to say on that.

    I heard St. John's Wort helps with mood stuff. However, if you use nicotine, it can cause a bad reaction. Not sure why but that's why I haven't used it.
    In combination with cutting out all forms of refined sugar, SAM-e works for me within a few days of starting with hardly any side effects. The only thing is that it can't be taken for those with BPD.

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    Quote Originally Posted by asd View Post
    Tbh I have never heard of someone being randomly stuffed in a cop car and carried to a hospital and randomly given medication. You talk to your psychiatrists about your symptoms and they collaborate with you on what would be best for you. Honestly you could fake good if you want to get out. And I understand wanting to get out - but it’s...I am entirely sure the problem you specified actually happens today?

    also involuntary hospitalization from what I know has been done after the fact of suicide attempt, rarely, if at all, before. I think they may recommend but not force it.
    See my response below. I am not making this up.

    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    It happened to me. However, the second time I was at the psychward, they did not force any medication on me but threatened to if I continued to speak up about the perceived poor treatment of the patients.

    The first time, I willingly took the antipsychotic meds but other patients had the medicine forced on them.

    And if they make you take certain meds and you don't comply, they can hold you indefinitely and have you appear before a judge who may decide to commit you to a mental institution against your will. This was what the nurse told me on my second visit to a psych ward (not the same one as the first one).

    fwiwi, I live in Florida which has the Baker Act that not all states have. So your experiences might be specific to where you live. I'm just going by my own experiences. I spoke to a therapist and told her what happened with my previous therapist and she pretty much said if you express to your therapist anything about suicide, they have to have you Baker Acted. Again, this is Florida. It's a weird ass state.

    Regarding psych wards being so cold, it's because it is a hospital and it prevents bacterial growth and prevents sickness. They make you wear a gown because they want to make sure you don't strangle yourself. Typically after you've been there for a day or two and the staff sees you are not an immediate threat to yourself, they will give you your clothes. So it's always a good idea to wear something warm if the cops ever come for you.

    Anyway, that's all I've got to say on that.

    I heard St. John's Wort helps with mood stuff. However, if you use nicotine, it can cause a bad reaction. Not sure why but that's why I haven't used it. shit happened to me when I was a Florida..."Baker Act". The psychiatrist assumed I was severely mentally ill and wouldn't let me leave. I had to go to court and they diagnosed me as "Major Depression" when I wasn't even suicidal or homicidal or all that depressed (I was distraught about having my rights violated though...), but let me leave. I had issues, but I wasn't really mentally ill. What I did, I wrote a violent "fictional" story where the main character kills people and himself. So my teacher, without even talking to me, got a court order over the weekend to come and get me and my dad was gone on a business trip and I was living with him at the time (divorced). And like 6 cops stormed my apartment and dragged me away. Later I had to get all the documents the "doctor" wrote up on me to get my gun rights back and this fucker had me listed as
    All based on a fictional story I wrote...he never even asked me about it, just looked at me like I was crazy when I told him I wasn't suicidal.

    You might find the following either really sad or humorous...

    Baker Act's are used to control people's behaviors when it was originally supposed to be used to help people that are "actually" mentally ill. It's fucked up, but I don't know what can be done about it. Most people aren't going to advocate for mentally ill people and if a doctor can just say you are delusional or out of you mind, they can justify any conclusions they reach about you...
    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Just rename this place Beta Central lmao
    Quote Originally Posted by MidnightWilderness View Post
    The only problem socionics has given me is a propensity to analyze every relationship from the lens of socionics and I also see that it is worse in my boyfriend. Nothing makes any sense that way and it does not really solve any problems.

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    Diet, sleep, exercise. And no recreational drugs. This is what my psychiatrist has me doing, along with taking antipsychotics.

    I have a severe mental illness. From what you described, you are probably not going insane. Take care of yourself.

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