Is Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor a good example of an ENTp?
Is Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor a good example of an ENTp?
ugh I freakin hate that guy
I always thought he was ESTp but ENTp seems like it could work too.
IEI subtype
ESFP with a manly shell ego.
He is NOT a Serious type. He has to be Alpha or Beta.Originally Posted by Austy
Every single episode of Tool Time featured a new invention, many of which were modifications of things that already existed. He often injured himself with them... he seems rather "infantile" to me. The ones which he did not injure anyone or ruin anything with were geared toward comfort, such as the "man's bathroom" or whatever. He values Si but does not have strong Se. I also think the whole "manly" thing is his 6th function pretending to be strong (wants to fit the societal norm for men) in combination with his role function ("man's" meant high power).
But since I am not close to any ENTps, I don't know if he's a good example of one or not.
Jill, however, seems to be a Serious type. Haven't really thought about her type though. I haven't seen the show in many many years.
What mean you, "Serious type?" Gamma?Originally Posted by Joy
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Originally Posted by Logos
Retired from posting and drawing Social Security. E-mail or PM to contact.
I pity your souls
It's a reference to the Merry vs. Serious dichotomy. Alpha and Beta value Fe and are Merry types. Gamma and Delta value Fi and are Serious types.
Always saw him as a good ol' ISTp mechanic. Not to say that all ISTp's become mechanic, just like not all INTj's become computer programmers. But there's a predisposition in each case.
Mr. Crumbles
anyone who has ever had a discussion with a delta ENFp can't divide people into Serious and Merry without even taking time to think about it.
<3 MeatBurger.
Same with ISTj - how often do you find yourself thinking, "damn merry types" when you see an ISTj in action. First, I think Merry vs Serious is bullshit, second, I don't think Joy can spot Merry or Serious, third, I don't think any one dichotomy (no matter how obviously clear) can be used to say anything sure about anyone's type.
That being said, I think Tim Taylor can be any EP type. IMO, most probably ENFp or ENTp.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
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why?Originally Posted by aurora_faerie
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
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Originally Posted by Kristiina
feels right...he's too goofy
So, did I understand you correctly that you are somewhat inclined to lean towards ENFp for Tim Taylor, right?Originally Posted by science as magic
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog:
New blog:
I have no idea about his type.
I think "Merry" and "Serious" are not good names, but I agree that precisely the ENFp and the ISTj, in terms of obvious visible behavior, strain the dichotomy, which is not to say that I disagree with it.Originally Posted by Kristiina
I think one has to be careful when using them, yes.Originally Posted by Kristiina
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Merry is NOT about being perky or friendly.
No, "Merry" and "Serious" are not good names for the dichotomy. Most of the time, however, a whether a person values Fe or not is often pretty apparent to me. This is quite true of ISTjs. It's not as obvious with ENFps, but I think it's pretty apparent that they're Fi > Fe (even if they have a bubbly personality).
actually no, i lean more towards enfpOriginally Posted by Kristiina
Could you explain why pedro? I'm really curious as to what you're seeing that suggests ENFp over ENTp. I'm just having a really hard time seeing Te Si Ne Fi as his quadra values (but like I said, it's been many years since I've seen the show).
Most importantly though, do you have any suggestions for a good example of famous character who is ENTp?
Look at his interaction with his logical wife on the show.Originally Posted by Joy
possibly kramerOriginally Posted by Joy
I don't think they're duals. I also think that she's the sensor in the relationship (I think a sensor is generally the one that's better for grounding a relationship than a logical type). I don't know what type she is though.
And Kramer's too... out there. I need a better example of an ENTp, if you can think of one.
Kramer <3
we have this friend drew who always shows up at our house and busts in just like kramer. i always chuckle.
Who said anything about that?Originally Posted by Joy
Perhaps Fox Mulder.Originally Posted by Joy
oh, and dick solomon
And how are kramer and Fox Mulder similar? Fox is so somber and quiet.
And Tim Taylor is a lot sillier than any of the ENFps I've known.
Originally Posted by Joy
from 3rd rock from the sun
as for the other part i don't really think they're that similar.
lol this isn't working