Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
okay, quotes that I will share right now:

first off <3 yes ok

Kassie has a rebellious nature. In relationships, she acts like a romantic rather than a
pragmatist. Her self-esteem would probably be greatly enhanced if men fought for her
attention. I get the impression that without the occasional negative emotions around her,
it's not interesting to live.

second, here's the puzzle piece

Logic is more than ethics
This trait is the hardest to define. At first glance, Kassie appears to be ethical. But in her
video, the logical signs of "body language" - the characteristic eye movements as well
as facial expressions of doubt and reflection - are well represented.
The nature of Kassie's work as a compliance analyst also requires the manifestation of
the structural logic function (+L). This is a job that involves controlling. She says it suits
her, even if it is a bit boring. In addition, we learn from the interview with Kassie that she
is quite good at categorizing information.3
So why does she have strong emotions? This excitement is primarily due to her anxious
nature. States of uncertainty are very exhausting to her psyche. In order to clarify the
situation, she aggravates the course of events, does not withdraw, but rather plunges
into stress. This relieves the pressure on her weak function - the intuition of
opportunities (I).

third, bonus!

What can we say about her subtype? - The most probable subtype in DCNH system is
the second, i.e. creative (C). 4
This is proved, first, by her contactness and riskiness (she dives headlong into a
situation of uncertainty) and, second, by her less everyday orderliness with a greater
interest in change rather than routine, as well as by her ability to drop uninteresting
affairs without bringing them to the end (initiality).
Contactness combined with initiality gives a creative subtype. But it is clear from the
interview that Kassie's character has changed considerably over time. This began in
her adolescence, when she experienced school rebellion and then suffered a brain
injury. Before that, Kassie was less spontaneous and emotional and more obedient and
organized (probably the norming subtype)
Here is the puzzle piece.
