Bump. I plan on further developing this theory, adding possible compatibility schematics. Primary version:

- On each level of auto-image, the compatibility is between opposite genders, and same age gap.
- Between different age gaps, various "inter-types" would follow. For example, a boy with an old man in the external, would play out very similarly to how it is inferred . There are several levels of interaction, the surface interaction between the first levels, and the deep interaction between the third levels. The second level doesn't seem to affect much in interaction, it is only a self-referential thing. The interaction between the third levels is more a soul thing, and is very interesting for true compatibility (seems to be determinant). For example, a Man-x-Girl, would invariably fall in love with x-x-Boy (prob Woman-x-Boy), unless "gay". Other interactions are possible.
-Ideally it should always be opposite. Eg. Boy-Boy-Girl, with Girl-Girl-Boy. Old man-Old man-Old man with Old woman-Old woman-Old woman. There could be a man that fancies old womans, and an an old woman that fancies lads, so it is also possible to have these combinations.