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Thread: DeliMeat and the Questionnaire Extraordinaire

  1. #1
    Handler of Choronzon
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    Default DeliMeat and the Questionnaire Extraordinaire

    The Extended Questionnaire v3.0

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am currently spending my life living, working on personal projects, and helping those close to me if I can. I currently have a slowly dwindling money supply and get by by mooching. I don't intend on being a financial parasite hopping from host to host forever, though lol. Life has come to this due to difficulties in acquiring and maintaining a job, and because this works for me right now anyways. I have no issue with any of this and I am comfortable with my future however short it may turn out to be.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I go on walks, sit, ride on swings, listen to music, play chess or other games, and other simple stuff. The thing I really get into doing though is musing about, understanding, and solving anything I can get my grubby little brain on. Well, at least within certain niches like the more arcane subjects out there.

    What are your values, and why?
    I don't really value anything. I am neither inclined to seek nor ascribe value to anything and sort of take things as they come and go. However, that is not written in the questionnaire spirit, dammit! I guess I could say I like physical and emotional thrills and having people or things to reciprocate those thrills and amplify them. I also value people who are intelligent and wise or people who appreciate receiving the fruits thereof. OH, AND I APPRECIATE CUTE SOCKS! I do truly value cute socks hehe.
    Describe your relationships with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    My relations with family members is like treading on thin ice. They have always been very practical and myopic people whereas I have always been somewhat of a black sheep by contrast. However, I appreciate their differing characteristics when they do not dogmatically impose their personalities upon me. I have tried for years to cultivate some understanding between me and my family, and the process has been slow if not progressively yielding. As for friends, I have only two that I could invest here. One is a sort of supernerd who is always learning or honing skills for something. We became very close friends after connecting cerebrally, but have grown a bit apart since I have not been able to keep up with him as he powers towards his goals. We have both also noticed some disparity in communications with each other despite having that cerebral connection. Oftentimes, he has proven to be something of a "logical safety net" for me and helps me stay logically grounded, but he just as often seems to miss my points and be critical of things which have no core relevance to my conveyances. My other friend is someone with whom I share a much more casual relationship with and we mostly do recreational activities together or just chatter. Lol, this friend sometimes makes me retch (jokingly ofc) by not carrying emotional atmospheres unless it is relevant to them, being super ooey-gooey sentimental about shit like cats and politics, and talking about weird and random shit. yucky

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends, I value diversity and tend not to be too picky. Romance is different, though. In romance I would likely settle for no less than someone who is energetic, driven, and can put me to use in their endeavors. I also could not consider someone a romantic companion unless they appreciate my idiosyncratic musings and insights. A plump coochie or potent cock would be a nice bonus for either *ahem* just a "friend", or a companion.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I usually get into trouble with people for being too reserved, protracted, insensitive, aloof, or "robotic"/weird. I generally do a good job of avoiding conflict and only encounter it when someone's desires clash with my inclinations. I either distance myself from these people, emotionally tamper with them so they will want to avoid me, or attempt to use reason or diplomacy to avoid the conflict. I certainly don't like to submit to such busybodies, though.

    What are your strengths? What do people like about you? What do you like about yourself?
    I have never had a friend who has not remarked about me being highly intelligent. And what do I like about myself? Well, I uh... can wiggle my ears without touching them, and... uh... I can run faster than one may presume.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I don't dislike anything about myself. Sorry for being a total badass. For weaknesses and criticisms just look at my answer about conflicts.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I don't do a very good job of turning potential energy into kinetic energy, ya know? I am also pretty bad at staying on top of life's quotidian humdrum affairs and very well may die or get arrested if I must be expected to perform all financial and upkeep responsibilities by myself. I am good at living if I don't have to be pragmatic :/

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I dislike doing mundane work for rewards I don't want. I will either die or fall into someone's stout and sexy arms before I become a fully actualized brainless cog. And what do I like more than others? This questionnaire is feeling pretty circuitous...

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future, and why?
    I have no goals for I have everything I could possibly want, and will always have everything I could possibly want. However, I would gladly join someone on their odyssey. Oh, but I do aspire to get some plump coochie and potent cock. Edit: forgot to add in the acquisition of cute socks.

    If you won the lottery and didn't have to work anymore, what would you do?
    Live a mostly simple life with bouts of luxury and excitement here and there. Any excess money would be used to fund the lives and odysseys of those close to me, and those whom I whimsically decide giving it to.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I seem to like aggression and rowdiness more than most. I am not fond of behavior which foists work work work, facts facts facts, dumb dumb dumb, and blah blah blah upon me. FIGHT ME DAMN YOU

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)?
    I don't have means to beautify my environment and nor do I usually get around to when I do have means. I would prefer fable-like, artistic, and highly eccentric environments if I could. I usually just stick with blank walls, a dark room, and my imagination to fill the gaps.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Offputtingly aloof and reticent to the point of creeping people out sometimes. I usually observe people and size them up so I can ascertain how to act around them for maximum reciprocity and compatibility. Which is ironic because I always mostly act like the dumb autist I am. If too many varied people are present so that I cannot tailor my behavior to all of them at once I will either withdraw or "pick a side".

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    Well, for petty and puerile offenses I like to play the other person's little Karen or dumbass game with them and see if I can beat them. I resort to snide manipulations or try to establish dominance in some way. All conflicts are approached with situational tact.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I used to, but that shit is such a joke and a drag. Not for me. However, I may help with something like marketing, or whatever I am supposed to do if somebody close to me wants me to help them (with exceptions).

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I would answer in a similar way to how I answered the question about beautifying my environment. I typically forget personal upkeep and only mobilize for it when necessary.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    Yes! Kids are great, but they can be scary and they wear me out. I love talking to them and entertaining them! It's also fun to see the kinds of potential they have and to see if I can exert influence over their development while they are still growing! Children are also better communicators than adults in many ways.

    In what situations or times in your life did you feel most fulfilled, and why?
    In the apotheosis of eternity, I zoom.
    Last edited by Djinn; 02-26-2021 at 12:22 AM. Reason: cute fuckin socks

  2. #2
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    You sound a lot like me. Only possibilities I see are Fe creative and LII.

    I think you have a similar problem I have with the question about values. I used to think it meant stuff like "moral principles." Now I'm just thinking it means what your likes are, your interests.

  3. #3
    Handler of Choronzon
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    It would also be much appreciated if someone could provide subtypes and explanations. I don’t know if this enough information to discern subtype but I could always add more info.
    Thank youuu

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