Getting some IEI/SEI vibes from your post. Ti HA seems likely at first glance.
"My value is striving for truth and understanding": Literally the definition of Ti-HA lol (but more broadly it's just Ti-valued). So a Ti lead might have 'striving for truth' as one of their core values in life. The 'understanding' part though gives me Ti mobilizing vibes for the whole phrase.
"opinions shouldn't be decorations, they should withstand the pressure of an argument, and the person should be able to support their opinion without resorting to threats and psychological pressure": Ti-valued, and then Se-devalued (?)
"i also don't like sudden orders "DO THIS NOW", it irritates me. I am all relaxed on the couch and then I am ordered to do something.": Huh this might be Si-valued. IEI along with Se-valuers are easy to mobilize and hard to relax.
"this is why i ate all the rest of his macarons, it is in exchange for all the food of mine he's hoovered in the past": lol
The whole thing about getting along well with your family and friends reminds me of SEI/IEI in general. ILE with its Fi-POLR can probably be discarded
"someone who I find physically attractive": I mean everybody wants to date someone hot but Si-valuers go by appearance more than Se-valuers according to Gulenko's romance styles.
"and is grounded and calm": Well maybe Ti > Te but T seeking for sure
"A big one is laziness and being a slob. I am very oblivious. A lot of details slip by me and i get in trouble": IEI in a nutshell
"Areas I like help in are chores,": IEE and IEI just as likely there. SEI generally enjoy doing their chores (ime)
"i enjoy spending money like no tomorrow ": That's Te-POLR > Te-mobilizing
"somewhere submerged in nature": Si-valued over Ni-valued
"one common misconception (that is currently being turned over its head by the paleo crowd) is that margarine is better than butter. it is not. the type of fat in margarine is full of fragile double bonds that are extremely suseptible to heat and oxygen and go rancid quick (PUFA/polyunsaturated fat/omega 6). Saturated fat in butter is stable and keeps well for longer and degrades slower exposed to heat, coconut oil even more. This is important because our heart preferentially burns fat for energy, and you do not want your heart to be burning rancid fat that is in vegetable oil and margarine. Heart disease being the number 1 killer starts to make sense when you notice that pretty much everything in the middle aisles of the grocery store contains seed oil.": Interesting lol. Now here's something even more interesting: I have met more Ni-leads into dieting/nutrition/etc than Si-leads so I guess this would be a point in favor of Ni lead. Probs because of 2D Si. OTOH never met any IEE that cared about it.

You can safely discard ILE and IEE imo.
Now sorry to be unhelpful but I think IEI and SEI are just as likely. Fe subtype for sure. Met a few IEI-Fe before and they gave me strange SEI vibes but upon closer inspection they're not. Haven't met any SEI-Fe personally to confirm this phenomenon. Creative and Harmonizing subtypes tend to be amorphous like this. Maybe you could read the descriptions for IEI and SEI and figure out which one fits better. Descriptions of Ni and Si will help too.