I can see the IEE thing a lot more now cuz you sound kind of like a happy & sweet IEE therapist with 4D demonstrative Fe at times but ... not liking details I think can be a strong indicator of Te polr. But could also be a Ti polr so I'm kinda confused now but if you are IEI then you are definitely Fe subtype and not Ni subtype. You sound really positive and happy go lucky tho and I'm used to IEIs being a bit more bitter/depressed/negative. I try to be positive but even when I feel good I think I come across kinda like a bitter and emo goth bitch...perhaps I'm just not used to being around Fe subtype IEIs.

You don't like unhealthy conformity though which I think is definitely a Beta value over a Delta one- but then again IEEs are also the Delta type most likely to say something like that.

Although this is stereotypical and not based on any logic or rationality - you do have a Final Fantasy avatar and that to me is just a lot more IEI like then IEE like. lol. <3

A IEE male once said to me that I should stop playing all video games and 'grow up' and it seemed very Delta old people nag-like or something. He wasn't interested in teaching moderation, he just wanted me to completely stop doing it & go fishing in the real world with Delta ST males or something... lol