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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    @shotgunfingers, here is that thread you wanted. @ me when you are done, I guess.
    14 ethical intuitive introvert eii
    The Humanist

    Kind, tolerant, scrupulous, while vulnerable

    General Description

    Two of Ell’s main distinguishing qualities are an interest in human
    values and a developed capacity for compassion. Eli tries to maintain
    stable, well-wishing, and friendly relations with others. She listens to
    people, alleviates their emotional stress, and reconciles arguments while
    remaining objective. She readily helps those who turn to her for support.
    She prefers not to focus attention on her offenders and ill-wishers and
    accumulate ill memories.
    Although Eli is usually tolerant and accommodating, she won’t forgive
    betrayal and injustice. She views any sort of coercion negatively and
    counters it with stubbornness and patience. She’s good at seeing and
    bringing up omissions in new undertakings. She notices and uncovers
    human vices, but formulates her findings as general tactful statements.

    She prefers a quiet, stable, measured rhythm of life and dislikes crowds
    and loud declarations. In performing her work, Eli is conscientious and
    meticulous, though she may be slow in operation. She demonstrates
    diligence, endurance, and discipline. She is able to make herself do more
    than what others expect of her. She often needs detailed instructions on
    how to do a particular job or implement an idea.
    Eli is emotionally aware and impressionable; she disapproves of
    insensitivity and harshness. She is unable to coerce and pressure others to
    do things, and doesn’t like showing this kind of assertiveness; however, if
    she is pressured herself, she can deliver a sharp rebuke. At times, she is
    unsure of herself and loses initiative. Her strongest form of punishment is
    the complete disregard for another person. Others can take advantage of
    her because she finds it difficult to turn them down.


    The most reliable reference point, which makes it possible to identify
    this sociotype in appearance, is an impassive face. The classic features of
    her appearance resemble the faces of saints or martyrs from icons: a
    straight elongated nose that does not retreat far from the face plane. The
    face itself is usually of an oval shape. It seems like a trace of suffering is
    on her face. She never shows violently positive emotions and can only
    smile simply. From a distance, on the face of Eli is written a silent
    reproach to the sinners around. The same is heard in the intonation of her
    speech. Eli with a strong ethic has, as a rule, a thin, ascetic figure. In
    movements, she is sharp and quite mobile. If intuition is strengthened, her
    figure is full and blurred with clumsy movements. The facial features in
    this case also deviate from the canonical pattern. The gait of Eli is marked
    by the following feature: the feet do not come off the ground very high and
    move parallel to the floor. Because of her shallow step, Ell’s gait turns out
    to be slightly immobile. In the style of Eli, extremes are observed. On the
    one hand, she does not strive to stand out and prefers modest but tasteful
    clothing (especially in the ethical subtype); on the other hand, she can
    dress up very brightly, like a parrot, according to fashion. The latter is
    characteristic of men of an intuitive subtype.

    Detailed Description

    Eli keenly discerns what kind of relationships exist between other
    people. She knows who does and doesn’t get along with whom; however,
    she is not as adept at correctly discerning the attitudes directed towards
    herself i.e. in what regard others hold her. Because of this, she may suffer
    by being too gullible. Eli values honesty and a basic sense of decency in
    human relationships. She does not forgive treachery and betrayals and will
    break off all relations with those who have seriously let her down. She
    may, however, forgive her offenders if they sincerely repent and ask for
    her forgiveness. In general, she tries to maintain stable and friendly
    relations with everyone. When she is interacting with others at a distance,
    she is distinguished by gentleness and precaution in communication. She
    is endowed with the gift of generosity. She shows her goodwill with
    supportive deeds rather than by lofty words and loud declarations.
    Eli feels most comfortable in a small group with familiar company. She
    shows concern for the feelings and moods of people around her and readily
    sympathizes. If necessary, she cheers them up and comforts them. She
    knows how to listen to a person, how to sympathize with them, and how to
    alleviate their emotional pain and stress. She only shares her own
    experiences with those who are close to her. Internally, she is emotionally
    strained and nervous. Although she is able to control her own emotions,
    she occasionally needs to have an emotional release. In such instances, she
    loses control and may lash out in anger and indignation at her friends and
    relatives, accusing them of selfish motives, lies and indifference.
    Eli has an eye for all that is novel and unusual. She strives to discover
    various implicit relationships between concepts, people,
    objects, doctrines and theories, usually of a general and humanistic
    nature. She understands the impact of ideas on people’s lives like no other.
    She loves learning and educating herself and appreciates friendly
    exchanges of opinions and news, which creates an atmosphere of trust and
    respect for the position of another person. She supports mutual
    understanding in groups.

    She is perceptive of people’s potential and is able to uncover and
    develop their talents and abilities. She often has an innate talent for
    teaching and educating. Eli treats children as adults, encouraging them to
    be independent and to acquire skills necessary for adult life. She is able to
    adapt even in life’s most difficult situations. People turn to her for advice
    to confirm that there exists a possibility of what they wish for or what they

    Impressionable and emotionally responsive, Eli dislikes insensitivity in
    communication. Unable to force anyone to do anything against their will,
    she ironically may respond sharply to any attempts to influence her by
    coercion and brute force. In such situations Eli flares up and explicitly and
    poignantly expresses her negative attitude. She becomes veiy irritated and
    disturbed when she has to deal with those who oppose her. Although she
    feels very nervous in extreme situations, she pulls herself together and
    acts decisively, especially if the situation touches near her people. A wave
    of emotion rolls over her when the situation is over.
    Eli anticipates the ripening of conflicts more adeptly than others. She
    draws attention to negative emotions in others and expresses her
    disapproval, but is unable to discharge the atmosphere and prevent these
    conflicts from happening. She greatly experiences any dramatic or
    negative events in the lives of other people, even if they aren’t related and
    don’t directly involve her.
    She assesses her appearance critically; she does not like it when
    someone imposes on her what to wear or how to look, although she
    appreciates approval and advice regarding her appearance. She avoids
    bright clothing that makes her stand out. Her mood is
    highly dependent on her state of physical well-being. When she is
    surrounded by inconveniences and an unpleasant environment, or if she is
    sick or uncomfortable, her spirits fall and she gives in to pessimism. If
    people who are close to her become sick, she will take care of them, but
    needs for this to be acknowledged and understood. Otherwise she may feel
    offended even though she won’t say anything.

    She knows how to make herself be disciplined and operative, and is
    conscientious even though she can be slow in carrying out her work.
    Meticulous, she demonstrates attention to details. Eli adheres to her
    commitments. She works calmly, without noise. She tries to objectively
    understand situations, analyzing facts without emotion. However, she
    finds it difficult to express her understanding in analytic language. In a
    formal setting, she is usually somewhat reserved and does not like to show
    her emotions or real personality among unfamiliar people. She is able to
    resolve difficult problems due to her ability to be patient.

    Eli cannot sit still and be idle when others are doing something. She
    doesn’t need to be motivated to action — the best way to inspire her to do
    some work is by personal example. She experiences real pleasure from
    partaking in well-organized projects. When she chooses a partner, it’s one
    who inspires her to useful activity and not one who would shield her from
    dangers and take away responsibilities. She likes it when someone else
    helps her to rationally arrange her activities, her household and office,
    thus eliminating any useless expenditures of effort. She appreciates advice
    regarding the use of various household items. There is no need to give her
    long instructions for what she is doing; she will easily find the needed
    information herself. The main thing is that she has all the supplies already
    at hand. She has a tendency to overwork herself and work extra hours. She
    is grateful to those who take care of her, who can alleviate her stress and
    tensions, and who are attentive to her rest and health.

    She lives her life and works at a measured pace. She doesn’t like
    prolonged delays or rushing too much ahead. Eli finds it difficult
    to adapt to a new working rhythm. Intolerant of wasting time, she will
    not wait for someone who is irresponsible. She herself is usually punctual
    and strives to complete her assigned work by the prescribed deadline. She
    easily gives her time to productive work and evaluates how much effort
    has been invested by the quantity of time that has elapsed. She knows how
    to estimate how much time should be spent on a task or on a given person.
    She draws a line between professional activities and leisure time. Eli does
    not like talkative people who devote too much time to discussing trifling
    issues. She tries not to distract others from their activities with empty or
    minor inquiries.

    Manner of Communication

    Eli likes to watch people, assessing emerging relationships, and later
    joining the conversation. She is not inclined to initiate a conversation or
    relationship herself. A certain sharpness, touchiness, and resentment is
    inherent to Eli, especially of the ethical subtype, making her
    uncomfortable in communication. Her didactic or moralizing tone and
    monotone voice quench any playful or happy mood, and cause people to
    give more serious considerations, as if forcing them to think about all the
    bad things that happen in this world. The most characteristic feature of
    this sociotype’s communication is her “confessionality.” People often turn
    to her for advice and consolation in difficult periods of their lives, pouring
    out their souls. Eli doesn’t push such people away, but is ready to listen to
    them for as long as is needed, offering words of consolation. She doesn’t
    worry about her personal time while she is engaged in this. She tries to
    sort and understand everything objectively and impartially by putting
    emotions aside. After this, she logically leads a person to the necessary
    conclusion. Due to her inflexible opinions, she is sometimes perceived as
    naive and incapable of living like everyone else. Eli indeed has difficulties
    with adapting her views to match others, or playing the needed role per the

    Features of Behavior

    One feature that helps to identify Eli is a readiness to be of help to
    people close to her, with her care shown not only by words but also by
    deeds. This is especially true of people who have gotten into difficult
    situations. Eli often tries to mediate between people. She puts herself
    between warring parties and attempts to keep good relations with everyone
    involved, by which she often draws fire to herself from both sides. She
    cannot pressure people, shout at them, or goad them to activity by means
    of aggression. Her punishment is completely ignoring a person. The
    person will be ignored until they admit their guilt and ask for forgiveness.
    Another feature of Ell’s behavior is conscientiousness in performing a
    particular task. Eli does everything thoroughly, with high quality. She can
    sit still and study or work for a long time. Sensitive towards organization
    and order, she cleans her home, carefully folding things, etc. She likes to
    live her life at a leisurely, measured pace. She tries to prepare and do her
    research in advance. She can generally be relied upon but does not like to
    stand out. When others work, she also works side-by-side. If others are
    resting and sitting about, she also rests. She cannot spend a long time in an
    isolated, confined space.

    1. Command Function +R — Relations Ethics

    Eli is good at distinguishing the relationships that develop between
    people. She knows who gets along with whom or who does not get along;
    however, others’ attitudes toward herself sometimes go undetected, and
    she may be excessively trustful. Honesty and decency in human
    relationships mean a lot to her; therefore, she doesn’t easily forgive
    treason and betrayal. She will break off relationships with people who
    have significantly let her down; however, she is able to forgive even her
    enemies if they sincerely repent. She is characterized by caution and
    softness in communication with those who are not close to her. Her
    humanism manifests itself in deeds as she avoids declarations and
    beautifulwords. Eli is endowed with the gift of generosity. With everybody she
    supports an even, friendly relationship.

    2. Realization Function -T — Temporal Intuition

    Eli lives and works calmly and measuredly. She does not like backlogs
    or running ahead. It is difficult for her to change to a new working rhythm.
    She doesn’t tolerate useless wastes of time and won’t wait long for
    someone who won’t commit. She herself is punctual and finishes her
    assigned work precisely by the appointed time. She wastes no time for
    work, estimating her labor by the amount of time spent on it. Labor
    activity is always separated from entertainment. She can calculate how
    much time should be spent on a project. She does not like talkative people
    who devote energy to discussing irrelevant problems, and she won’t take
    people away from work with empty questions.

    3. Role Function +L — Structural Logic

    Eli is able to force herself to be disciplined and executive. She is
    conscientious, although slow in the performance of a particular job. She
    shows thoroughness in detail and strictly adheres to commitments. She
    works modestly, without noise or praise. Eli strives to understand the
    situation objectively, analyzing the facts without emotions; however, it is
    difficult for her to express her understanding of a problem in analytical
    language. In the official atmosphere, she looks reserved and dry, as she
    does not like to show emotion in public. Difficult tasks are solved due to
    the large amount of patience that she was given by nature.
    4. Triggering Function -S — Comfort Sensation
    Her mood depends heavily on her physical condition. When surrounded
    by inconvenience or when sick, she immerses herself in pessimism and a
    bad mood. She has an internal drive to look after the weak and sick.
    However, it is necessary that they understand this; otherwise, she takes
    offense even though she won’t say anything. Eli feels comfortable in small
    but warm groups. She cares about the mood of people in her own circle
    and will cheer them up or comfort them if necessary.
    Appearance is critical: she does not like to be
    imposed on as to what to wear or how to look, although she needs approval
    and advice on the appearance and use of various household items. She
    avoids bright, eye-catching clothing.

    5. Demonstrative Function +1 — Opportunity Intuition

    She has a talent as a teacher because she understands how to reveal the abilities of
    people. She treats children as adults, encouraging independence and other
    qualities necessary for growth. Eli very much appreciates the friendly
    exchange of views, which creates an atmosphere of trust and respect for
    the position of another person. She supports mutual understanding among
    the team which she is a part of. She can adjust to even the most difficult
    life situations. People turn to her for advice, and to confirm the possibility
    of what they seek or fear. New and unusual things attract her. She loves
    self-education and tries to find the relationship between different
    teachings and theories, typically in spiritual or humanitarian fields.
    Nobody else understands the impact of religion on people’s lives as much
    as her.

    6. Dual Function -P — Business Logic

    Eli can’t sit idly by while others are working. She doesn’t need an
    invitation to join a project. The best way to include her and motivate her in
    work is by setting a personal example. Eli derives true pleasure from
    comfortable, well-organized work. She likes to have help in getting rid of
    useless expenditures of energy and efficiently arranging the workplace. It
    is not necessary to give her detailed instructions or to introduce something
    for a long time; instead, she will find the necessary information herself.
    The main thing is that what is required to complete the work is at hand.
    She has a tendency to overwork and to stay up late working. Eli is grateful
    to those people who take care of her rest and health.

    7. Braking Function +F — Force Sensation

    She is impressive and vulnerable; it is hard for her to abide rudeness.
    She cannot put pressure on people or make them do anything other
    than their will. Although very nervous in extreme situations, she
    controls her emotions and acts decisively if people close to her are hurt; a
    wave of feelings rolls over her after the danger is already over. She
    chooses partners who push her to active work and mobilize her, rather than
    those who protect her from unrest and relieve her of responsibility. Eli
    responds sharply to attempts to influence her by coercion or brute force. In
    such situations, she is capable of flaring up and openly expressing her
    negative attitude. She is irritable in communicating with ill-wishers.

    8.Controlling Function -E — Emotional Ethics

    Eli anticipates the maturation of conflicts better than others. She draws attention to the
    negative emotions of people and condemns them, but she cannot prevent
    them in herself. She is able to listen to a person, to sympathize and remove
    emotional stress from them. Her own experience, however, she can only
    reveal to people who are very close to her. She experiences negative,
    dramatic events in the lives of others deeply, even if they do not directly
    touch her. Internally, she is a very emotionally tense and nervous person.
    Although she can control her own emotions, she periodically seeks
    emotional discharge. She loses grip in communication with loved ones if
    she convicts them of lies, selfishness, or indifference.

    Recommendations for Self-Improvement

    Your strength lies in a deep understanding of people’s values and
    relationships. You are interested in the motives of actions, and in the
    personal and soulful qualities of others and their relations; you can spend a
    lot of time watching and analyzing them. After prolonged study and
    observation, you come closer to defining a person’s character: who she
    really is and not how she presents herself.
    You aim to create warm and friendly relations with others. Your
    advocacy against cruelty and abusive behavior reflects your humanistic
    orientation. For this quality, you are valued and respected by others. Your
    knowledge and experience with people and relationships will
    always help you to find your place on any team. Another advantage that
    earns you the favor of others is emotional sensitivity: kindness, sympathy,
    and care for other people encourage you to show your attitude in deeds,
    not just words. Not sparing time and effort, you are ready to help anyone
    who needs it.

    The ultimate goal of your words and actions is to create a positive,
    harmonious atmosphere in which others can develop their talents. You are
    good at comforting and mediating. You prefer not to focus on the negative
    actions, faults, flaws and wrongdoings of others; instead, you try to make
    them think about the moral foundation of their actions and the moral
    values of their lives, exerting influence on their conscience.
    The main problem that worries you is your lack of resolution and
    assertiveness: an inability to make demands of others in a direct and
    willful form. There is a measure of caution and timidity that is inherent to
    your approach to some extent. You are emotionally sensitive to others and
    don’t want to seem obtrusive.

    You are prudent, undemanding, modest and cooperative. When you have
    been challenged, you don’t always respond right away, but prefer to
    conceal your grievances. You can protect those who are close to you, but
    don’t readily engage in this. You think that your offender needs to realize
    their mistakes and repent. If she does not, you avoid having contact with

    A recommendation for you is to develop your ability to defend yourself:
    directly express your grievances, do not show mercy towards those who
    take advantage of you, and don’t allow yourself to be used for anyone’s
    personal gain. Learn to say “no.” Empathize less with strangers and pay
    more attention to the people who are close to you.
    Another one of your problems is a careful and overly meticulous
    analysis of any issue, topic, or task down to the last detail, which slows
    you down and decreases your efficacy. You may get bogged down by
    minor details in life and work; then you hardly find time for
    rest and recreational activities in the company of your friends, which
    can negatively affect your health. You thoroughly and deeply analyze
    everything about a topic or issue that concerns you. The results of such an
    analysis are not always satisfactory, and this can leave you feeling sad and
    unmotivated. You feel depressed by anything that goes beyond the scope
    of harmonious personal values and good human relations.
    Don’t be misled by your pity, so as not to later feel ashamed of your
    actions and words and reprimand yourself in retrospect. Remember that
    true justice does not allow for compromises with conscience.
    Accelerate the pace of your productive activities by focusing your
    attention so that minor details slip by and you stop only on the important
    and essential details. Try to teach yourself speed reading. It will help you
    learn to see the overall picture of the phenomenon or event.
    When analyzing a subject or particular field, don’t strive to untangle
    and clarify everything. Strive to see the general picture. Knowledge of
    general norms and rules will relieve you from an unnecessary waste of
    nerves and efforts on aspects that are of little consequence or interest to

    Dominant Subtype
    Humanist — Consistent

    Prototype: Volunteer for a charitable organization

    Dominant Eli persistently achieves assigned goals that are usually
    socially beneficial in character and without links to personal enrichment.
    She is never deterred by the inherent difficulties on the long road. Her
    strength is in the motivation that her actions are not for herself but for
    other people. She respects intelligent and highly- motivated individuals
    who are willing to support her initiatives,
    helping with advice and actions. She can become a faithful steward for
    her affairs.

    She is quite appreciative of personal initiative in learning, and attends
    various courses and classes which expand her horizon. Dominant Eli is
    committed to personal growth, not just in knowledge, but also within
    herself. She tries to convey to others the meaning of her actions. She
    enjoys talking about her hobbies, valuing an intellectual atmosphere in

    This subtype encounters numerous misunderstandings in life with
    regards to her choice of goals and dedications, which are devoted to
    unpragmatic pursuits and hobbies. She occasionally meets conflicts in this
    regard. Sometimes she has trouble developing mutual relationships, given
    that she is regarded as eccentric or detached from reality. She may even
    decide to stop trying to lift people from dull and boring lives into
    something more sublime; then again, she may make a U-turn on it.
    She fears infirmities and illnesses that could put her at the mercy of
    others; therefore, she tries to follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid bad
    habits. Dominant Eli circulates her beliefs amongst those surrounding her,
    reinforcing her word by personal example.

    Distinguished by enterprise, she is unafraid of taking risks for the sake
    of noble ideas or a better future. She attempts to bring happiness to other
    people’s lives, but instead is often faced with the opposite effect — people
    become more aware of their own unhappiness.
    She can succeed in a specific profession where there is an actual human
    response, or where she is organizing people for training or charity. She is
    well suited to being a staunch supporter or follower of any doctrine or
    humanitarian practice. Despite her modesty, she has plenty of contacts.
    She doesn’t handle loneliness well and needs the attention of loved ones.
    Eli is trusting and sincere more than regretful, even when she is not
    believed or her kindness is abused. She loves pleasing others with gifts
    and services and doesn’t require gratitude to be reciprocated.

    Creative Subtype
    Humanist — Nurturer

    Prototype: Someone who find the means to realize herself in spite of the

    Creative Eli is inquisitive and interested in moral and philosophical
    issues such as the fate of humanity in a hostile society. She tries to
    understand the essence of various things, envisioning her own picture of
    the world. She is well-versed in prospects of collective affairs and the
    capabilities of its members. She often chooses flexible, creative
    professions, preferring activities that allow her to communicate with a
    small group. Although able to allocate her time, she lacks the perseverance
    and willpower to complete all of her activities by a designated time;
    unpleasant things or uninteresting responsibilities might be postponed.
    Her unfettered imagination leads to spontaneous actions, which often
    surprise her friends. Thus she opens people’s abilities, inspiring
    confidence and motivating them to do better. Sometimes she just wants to
    prove that she is capable of daring deeds solely on the principle of
    satisfying curiosity.

    She dislikes everyday hurry and bustle: it distracts her from the
    reflection she needs in order to think through the lot of ideas and insights
    that spring to her mind every now and then. In extreme situations, she gets
    excited and quickly responds to work, focusing her attention on the
    essentials. She tries to switch between different tasks, but this is difficult
    for her.

    Characterized by intractability when making impositions, she respects
    and allows freedom of expression; she does not want to limit her own or
    others’ rights. Dominant Eli demonstrates her principles and tacit
    stubbornness when defending her interests. She endures the winds of fate.
    Life’s turmoil and frustrations harden her. She allows others to clearly
    realize their purpose.

    Compliments in the presence of outsiders are perceived with confusion
    and disbelief: she does not need verbal confirmation of
    feelings and abilities. She has pedagogical inclinations that allow her to
    teach classes with great interest. She encourages being educated, both in
    discussions and by bold deeds. Her experience shows that only in
    collective affairs are interests formed productively and sustainably. She is
    able to make friends and cooperate with her students on equal terms,
    which she very much appreciates.

    Normalizing Subtype
    Humanist — Conscientious

    Prototypes: Tolerant and obedient parishioner, the fairytale character

    Normalizing Eli delves into the relationships between people. She has
    difficulty tolerating interpersonal conflicts and misunderstandings, and
    attempts to objectively understand a situation and explain to each of the
    disputing parties what they’ve done wrong. She is quite unwavering in her
    loyalties. She truly loves those with whom she shares a close bond and is
    willing to make serious sacrifices for them. Responsive and attentive to
    people, Eli tries to give them real help. She only shows active
    participation and genuinely enjoys herself.

    Normalizing Eli is impressionable and vulnerable. Due to her sense of
    justice, sometimes she reprimands the guilty with severity but cannot
    maintain this for a long time. She loves little children, but in educational
    matters is capable of demonstrating strictness and integrity. For those she
    deems worthy, she will sacrifice her time and interests.
    Selfless and responsive, she tries to please others by making them gifts
    and providing a variety of services. Since she is inclined to take
    everything to heart and may worry even for minor reasons, she needs an
    optimistic and energetic partner who can appreciate what she does,
    protecting her from unnecessary affairs and inspiring confidence.
    Distinguished by her modesty, normalizing Eli does not want to burden
    others. She studies and works well, without fanfare or
    publicity, as she dislikes attention being drawn to her. On one hand, she
    gets tired of people, but at the same time, they are the problem of interest.
    She tries to comfort others, offering explanations or good advice. If this
    does not work, she is able to wait patiently until she can calm the person.
    When bringing people together, she prefers situations or events to be
    prepared in advance. If she has promised something, she will not waste
    effort or time fulfilling her promise. She takes painstaking care in her
    work, but tends to get bogged down by the details and often overworks
    herself. She is a conscientious worker. Punctual and good at keeping time,
    she knows when to leave so as not to be late. Normalizing Eli gets
    depressed if she fails to complete the work she has been entrusted with.
    She works tirelessly to create comfort and order around her, even
    though the outcome is rarely impressive. She can never rest when people
    around her are busy. She often underestimates the quantity and quality of
    her work and downplays her achievements because she suffers from low
    self-esteem. She worries about the well-being of her group. This Eli
    belongs to the type of people who are almost impossible to bribe.

    Harmonizing Subtype
    Humanist — Empath

    Prototype: Psychotherapist working with children’s trauma and other

    Harmonizing Eli appreciates mutual understanding and tolerance, owing
    to her ability to compromise for the sake of keeping peace and harmony.
    She accepts people as they are, forgiving their weaknesses and not trying
    to change them. She rarely voices disapproval and instead waits for people
    to become aware of their guilt.
    She is able to sense the underlying nature of the human soul, often
    noticing changes in people’s thoughts and emotions long before
    the person sees this themselves. Thanks to this, she is well-versed in
    understanding complicated situations. She readily assists others, since she
    understands the degree to which change must be made in order to maintain
    stable relationships. She helps a person in making difficult choices as
    unobtrusively as possible.

    Harmonizing Eli knows how to interpret dreams, understanding the
    meaning of children’s fears and feelings. She is gifted with a good
    memory about past events. Moonlighting — or taking too many jobs at
    once — is not good for her, as things will not be presented and done
    neatly. She ensures that exterior and interior aesthetics are taken into
    account. Fearful of domestic discomfort, she listens to the advice of
    competent and experienced people in these regards.
    It is quite difficult to gain entry into harmonizing Ell’s spiritual world:
    she will not share her secrets if there is the even slightest doubt of one’s
    integrity. She often finds herself critical of capricious people who cannot
    appreciate what they have now — their health, loved ones, an established
    way of life, etc.

    Characterized by indecision and self-doubt, Eli is overwhelmed by
    doubt and anxiety about the consequences of actions. She has little
    initiative behaviorally, including within personal relationships.
    She dresses modestly so as not to stand out. This Eli dreams of being in
    harmony with a partner, sharing tastes, attitudes, and hobbies; however, at
    heart she is aware that this is hardly feasible. She is critical of her own
    appearance and volitional qualities. Remarks by strangers on this subject
    can be very hurtful to her due to her inferiority complex.
    Harmonizing Eli cherishes inner peace, although she performs her
    natural mission of empathizing with other people’s suffering and adjusting
    the psychological atmosphere. She is strained by the conflicts between
    members of a team she might be on, which may lead her to lie in order to
    distance herself — saying, for example, that she was ill with a stomach
    ulcer or vision problems, etc. Addressing contradictions between her
    desires and the needs of the outer world lead Eli to ever-greater
    introspection and aversion from the world.

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    @shotgunfingers I can relate to some of this, but I think I'm a lot more cynical, worn-down, and lazy. I'll attend to my health and rest even at the expense of work, and there was a decently long stretch of time I withdrew completely from the world under the motto "Eat well and enjoy the sensory pleasures of life, for soon we will all die and nobody will listen to me anyway."

    It could be my ADHD, but I struggle to even force myself to get down to work. I delegate as much as I can since even if I do get to work, I'm usually too slow for people and stand out because of that.

    All in all, I relate to about 80% of this description, especially the Dominant subtype.

    I'm nowhere near as idealistic as I once was, and only started doing socialist activism out of necessity to curb the gross excesses of capitalism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    @shotgunfingers I can relate to some of this, but I think I'm a lot more cynical, worn-down, and lazy. I'll attend to my health and rest even at the expense of work, and there was a decently long stretch of time I withdrew completely from the world under the motto "Eat well and enjoy the sensory pleasures of life, for soon we will all die and nobody will listen to me anyway."

    It could be my ADHD, but I struggle to even force myself to get down to work. I delegate as much as I can since even if I do get to work, I'm usually too slow for people and stand out because of that.

    All in all, I relate to about 80% of this description, especially the Dominant subtype.

    I'm nowhere near as idealistic as I once was, and only started doing socialist activism out of necessity to curb the gross excesses of capitalism.
    it does sound like you value Si a lot.. kinda more than any intuitive would. You are probably self preservation first in the enneagram as well.. sp/so?

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    it does sound like you value Si a lot.. kinda more than any intuitive would. You are probably self preservation first in the enneagram as well.. sp/so?
    So/Sp is more likely, but Sp/So is possible. I definitely did the whole "sold my soul for security" thing. I'm way too oblivious of my surroundings and slow moving and slow working to be anything other than Se PolR, I think, though. I wouldn't have been fired from so many dozens of jobs for being slow and oblivious to my surroundings if I was good at that. Also, while I value Si, I'm bad at doing that kind of stuff for myself. I'd want somebody else to provide that for me.

    No, what I'm good at is academics, especially when studying topics that are interesting or expand my worldview in some way. I'm honestly only bad at focusing on uninteresting things. If I'm interested intrinsically (and I'm not just doing something because I have to) I can proceed surely but slowly. If something is necessary but not enjoyable, no amount of willpower in the world can make me do it, and I have to trade favors with somebody. The only reason I had a perfect 4.0 in high school and undergrad was I found learning the material enjoyable, and I remember anything interesting.

    Also, I had a pretty intricate value system until a few years ago when one of the primary building blocks of my value system got discredited, and also NEARLY everybody I was close to is dead. I've gotten really into the radical labor movement this past year, though.

    As for Si, I follow my addictions and do what feels good, even though I know its bad for me. I find convenient fast food and nice soft sedatives too nice to ignore.

    Luckily, I teach special needs children, now, and this seems to be my niche. Here, my slowness is interpreted as "patience" and thus a positive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Internationale View Post
    So/Sp is more likely, but Sp/So is possible. I definitely did the whole "sold my soul for security" thing. I'm way too oblivious of my surroundings and slow moving and slow working to be anything other than Se PolR, I think, though. I wouldn't have been fired from so many dozens of jobs for being slow and oblivious to my surroundings if I was good at that. Also, while I value Si, I'm bad at doing that kind of stuff for myself. I'd want somebody else to provide that for me.
    This could also just be general IP temperament tbh IEI, ILI, SEI, SLI

    No, what I'm good at is academics, especially when studying topics that are interesting or expand my worldview in some way. I'm honestly only bad at focusing on uninteresting things. If I'm interested intrinsically (and I'm not just doing something because I have to) I can proceed surely but slowly. If something is necessary but not enjoyable, no amount of willpower in the world can make me do it, and I have to trade favors with somebody. The only reason I had a perfect 4.0 in high school and undergrad was I found learning the material enjoyable, and I remember anything interesting.
    I'm LSI and its the same for me, so I doubt this is type related.
    Also, I had a pretty intricate value system until a few years ago when one of the primary building blocks of my value system got discredited, and also NEARLY everybody I was close to is dead. I've gotten really into the radical labor movement this past year, though.
    Yeah, this does sound like a social six. We latch onto external systems.

    As for Si, I follow my addictions and do what feels good, even though I know its bad for me. I find convenient fast food and nice soft sedatives too nice to ignore.
    more Si imo.

    Luckily, I teach special needs children, now, and this seems to be my niche. Here, my slowness is interpreted as "patience" and thus a positive.

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    Wow!!! I've been obsessively searching for that exact description from Gulenko for days now, except for SLI. Is there anyway @The Internationale, you could share where you found it? Did you translate it from the russian site? Or found it from Gulenko's book? Is there a site I could find that information?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myrtille View Post
    Wow!!! I've been obsessively searching for that exact description from Gulenko for days now, except for SLI. Is there anyway @The Internationale, you could share where you found it? Did you translate it from the russian site? Or found it from Gulenko's book? Is there a site I could find that information?
    I found it online, but I've since gotten a new computer because the old one crashed. I'll see if I can find it again.

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    We already have this article in our article forum
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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