Quote Originally Posted by The Banana King View Post
And about the LII and ESE pair, I have seen many of them. Somehow it feels like a very natural pair. The ESE of course is the one initiating. I haven't met an LII woman ESE man pair. Mostly because ESE guys are all gay lol (the few ones I met at least, don't mean to offend haha).
LOL ESE guys aren't really "gay" or gay looking per se but they're a bit too perky and excitable and loud. The thing with ESE is that they're bossy and pushy, and bulldozing. Not only are they linear assertive, they get ultra enthusiastic and get really loud about it. G is an LII and I'm willing to bet he knew what his dual is like and avoided them, which was why he married his semi-dual. For a logical, it's easier for them to get with their semi-dual over dual for some reason. I think ESE wants LII but they're so pushy that irl LII wouldn't want that. I can see ESE working much better with LSI and having a more natural relationship.