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Thread: what do people even say in an introduction post tbh

  1. #1

    Default what do people even say in an introduction post tbh

    (the title makes me realize I've barely met any new people and that's kinda concerning...)

    Anyway, I'm here because of the careless idea that posting my type-me posts here will increase the chance of people seeing it in comparison to other forums. Now that I realize just because the site has "a forum about socionics" in its introduction doesn't necessarily mean people will see it (doesn't r/socionics also has "socionics" it its title...) Yeah please notice me and my posts?

    I've been studying personality type systems for a while now, and I'd say I'm pretty devoted...? They live rent-free in my head and play a pretty important role in my worldview. They give me both invaluable insights and headaches. [I really feel like I should say some more things to end this paragraph but I can't come up with anything...]

    Other stuff about me... INTP. 5w4 or 6w5 or 9w1 (somehow I'm very sure I'm not 5w6; not that detached). 17M, he/him. Has a Fantano taste in music. Also like anime and movies and films, would try out those things more if I had more time and energy. But I somehow have the energy to play chess and do meaningless online quizzes in a morbid amount of time in the past week so... If anyone ever want to play chess with me hit me up ig?

  2. #2
    Handler of Choronzon
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Te goblin
    35 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)



    I noticed you and your post! I also noticed that pfp, and I must say Cosmogramma is indeed a great album.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by DeliMeat View Post

    I noticed you and your post! I also noticed that pfp, and I must say Cosmogramma is indeed a great album.
    It's literally the only 10/10 that I'm having for now

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