Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
What if like the OP suggests, the link to my longer post in the JK thread, and what ooo suggests above is really the larger issue? What if a sex wasn't expected to be any certain way? Then being how they are, dressing however they want, acting like themselves wouldn't necessarily be a disconnect, right? Because right now, it's only accentuating stereotypes. You have people teaching kids that if they like "boy things" they're a boy, and if they like "girl things" they're a girl. I remember when I was a kid people would freak out if a boy played with dolls or something. Oh no, he's gay! It's still not ok apparently, but now it goes even farther, now he's not even a boy anymore. That's how far this is being pushed, and that's really harmful imo. Just let them be who they are, you know?

Regarding body dysmorphia, maybe that would be lessened, or maybe they'd still have it, but people have dysmorphia in ways that aren't associated with sex also.
Btw I agree with you almost entirely.