Quote Originally Posted by flowers and sugar View Post
I get VLEF, ya know, the arguing one.
It's the best fit I guess, that's what I thought when reading descriptions but I don't think it's very good.
I really hate arguing with people because what's the point? It's all written somewhere already anyway, if one just bothers to google it: the pros, the cons, the part that can go both sides, the part that says the argument is a waste of perfectly good time and energy, the points we are missing with the argument itself...

I do argue with myself on a daily basis tho.
Maybe try switching the places of V and L? I originally got VLEF also, but I'm not so pushy or debate-y as the 1V and 2L describe. I'd rather lecture than debate, and while I like discussion, discussion isn't debate. I don't need the back-and-forth of a debate and just look things up on my own. Sounds like you might be similar.