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Thread: Attitudinal Psyche type system

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  1. #11
    Haikus SGF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Hmm, given what I know of the system so far it strikes me as very much 3L, especially the bolded. You seem to need to process L--engage back and forth with others--which would indicate 2nd or 3rd.

    The key point for 3L to me is speaking about distrust of your own logical process as well as doubting what others say. The third function mistrusts and devalues both the self and others, can swing to overconfidence/arrogance at times and then back down again. 1L people usually think they're right which can drive 3L people insane.

    Also the hesitancy to contribute to advancement and research until you have fully mastered something or have a fully formed opinion. I think 2L is more confident putting forth half-formed ideas or even misinformation because they don't personalize Logic so much. They're not so attached to their opinions and don't experience much doubt or anxiety in this area. (<--I'm less sure about this last part, would need a 2L person to confirm their perspective)
    Yeah.. I thought it sounded 3L when I read it as well.
    1L always sounds stupid to me, kinda like "I'm always right! " ..disregarding external input is a critical mistake imo. I'm too skeptical to be 2L. I do think that 4L may be viable however as I did defer to Gulenko's expertise regarding my type, which means I'm accepting of external input. As a social 6 I also latch onto systems of thought outside of me

    from reading the new attitudinal psyche descriptions however 2L seems to fit the most.. I mean I do just post or say my thoughts even if I may consider myself to be potentially wrong and i do accpet external information no problem.. prefer the dynamic of exchange and love to argue philosophy.

    at any rate I sent in my answers to his 8 questions. We'll see what he comes up with.
    Last edited by SGF; 02-24-2021 at 10:55 AM.

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